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Everything posted by RushAndAPush

  1. I'm not involved in the beta or want to read beta opinions just yet, but I would like to read the opinions in the future when i'm playing the full game. Will this be possible?
  2. One of my favorite parts of the Baldur's Gate games is traveling to different planes. I've been following development of PoE but haven't heard any information about this subject.
  3. That's...actually a really good idea that I've never even though of before. Having the option to name your group if you please while a simple touch would only add that much more to immersion and role playing. Having the option of being the "Hearth Alliance" a group of civilized pacifist Orlans dedicated to bringing knowledge and acceptance of their kind to the world would be much more engaging than being "a group of 6 people" (just a random on the spot example) Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. It would add more depth to the lore while adding more role-playing options.
  4. I think it would be really cool if you could give your party a name. I also think it would be cool if Obsidian gave party names to rival parties in the world and integrate them into the lore.
  5. Why am I hearing that everybody wants Sawyer to edit his XP mechanics? If you guys want to play Baldur's Gate why not just play Baldurs Gate?
  6. This new update will announce that Project eternity will be the spiritual successor to Dragon Age 2.
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