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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Check your Privilege mode: the game plays itself while you watch.
  2. That's just dumb. Video games will continue as long as there are people willing and able to make them. Some whiny journalists not being paid attention to doesn't mean **** in the grand scheme of things. FACT.
  3. This. All of this. Based Biscuit is right on the money.
  4. One day I'll bring you a cup of good Cuban coffee. Cuban coffee is pretty nasty.
  5. I'm going to give it a chance, but it does feel weird. Perhaps reducing skill points gained per level and assigning a bonus based on talent selection would be a better middle ground?
  6. It has been posted and it has been disputed. Essentially it makes the claim that because up to ~15% of tweets sent to Sarkessian or Wu are negative, gamergate is about harassment.
  7. Doxxing wasn't enough for this fellow, so he is now encouraging people to call the cops on someone because they don't like them? Between this and the Gawker people who think bullying is fine to joke about, I wonder if these people have a low they can reach. You can only cry wolf so many times before the cops stop ignoring you or charge you with obstruction of justice. I certainly hope this fellow gets charged with harassment. If anything, the irony of someone "fighting" harassment by doxxing and encouraging the spamming of police reports will tickle my cold black heart.
  8. Doxxing wasn't enough for this fellow, so he is now encouraging people to call the cops on someone because they don't like them? Between this and the Gawker people who think bullying is fine to joke about, I wonder if these people have a low they can reach.
  9. I find it funny that the loudest in attacking white males are white males.
  10. Might not be a shooting with guns, but in 2009 there was a girl with 10 molotow cokctails in Bonn: http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/vereitelter-amoklauf-von-schuelerin-frauen-koennen-auch-aggressiv-sein-a-624246.html She got stopped by another girl who accidentally ran into her in the ladies restroom. The surprised girl then attacked her with a knife and cut off a thumb while doing so (doc was able to reattach it, luckily). But wait, this probably was a boy who pretended to be a girl. Can't be anything else, no? Or it doesn't count because the worst was prevented? Anita Sarkeesian is a horrible person. Also this one: http://yle.fi/uutiset/prosecutor_pair_planned_to_kill_50_at_university_with_guns_and_gas/7262776 Clearly it was the man's idea.Actually, it was the other way around, but I CBA to find a link for it in English.I was making a joke. I know. Oh. Anyways https://medium.com/@cainejw/an-actual-statistical-analysis-of-gamergate-dfd809858f68 Statistical analysis FAIL.
  11. For those who care to look, that article made some pretty wild assumptions with the data presented.
  12. Might not be a shooting with guns, but in 2009 there was a girl with 10 molotow cokctails in Bonn: http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/vereitelter-amoklauf-von-schuelerin-frauen-koennen-auch-aggressiv-sein-a-624246.html She got stopped by another girl who accidentally ran into her in the ladies restroom. The surprised girl then attacked her with a knife and cut off a thumb while doing so (doc was able to reattach it, luckily). But wait, this probably was a boy who pretended to be a girl. Can't be anything else, no? Or it doesn't count because the worst was prevented? Anita Sarkeesian is a horrible person. Also this one: http://yle.fi/uutiset/prosecutor_pair_planned_to_kill_50_at_university_with_guns_and_gas/7262776 Clearly it was the man's idea. Actually, it was the other way around, but I CBA to find a link for it in English. I was making a joke.
  13. Might not be a shooting with guns, but in 2009 there was a girl with 10 molotow cokctails in Bonn: http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/vereitelter-amoklauf-von-schuelerin-frauen-koennen-auch-aggressiv-sein-a-624246.html She got stopped by another girl who accidentally ran into her in the ladies restroom. The surprised girl then attacked her with a knife and cut off a thumb while doing so (doc was able to reattach it, luckily). But wait, this probably was a boy who pretended to be a girl. Can't be anything else, no? Or it doesn't count because the worst was prevented? Anita Sarkeesian is a horrible person. Also this one: http://yle.fi/uutiset/prosecutor_pair_planned_to_kill_50_at_university_with_guns_and_gas/7262776 Clearly it was the man's idea.
  14. That would be a cool costume - hmm - what to do as a bald guy though. Also slightly freaked out. It's 20 min past midnight and I live next door to a nursery/kindergarden (yes do they evacuate the kids from the ajoirning room from time to time, I do try to behave though... really!) ... aaaanyway, there's a soft melody coming from in there. Childish like, on a xylophone - kling klang kling klang -pause- kling klang kling. I'm sure it's haunted, how do I exorcise kid demons? Drug fueled orgy with hot women.
  15. Doors slowly creaking open tend to put me on edge.
  16. Wat? Shouldn't you wait a little while for more facts to come out before making assumptions? If only to not seem to be taking advantage of a tragedy.
  17. 4/10Does that mean my post is better or worse than the Phantom Menace? Better, cuz 4 is greater than 2.
  18. I think Leigh's statements are more confusing than the chart.
  19. I must not be very smart, because I can't make head or tail of this flow chart one bit...where does it start, why isn't everything connected, what's going onFor a flow chart, it certainly doesn't seem to flow. That chart, the wage gap and the 1 in 5 women will be raped, makes me believe that feminism and statistical analysis don't mix well. Of course they don't, women can't grasp statistics, correlation or causation. Interestingly, one of the sexiest women I know is an economist/statistician. :D Have you checked if she is a woman? She must be trans.
  20. I must not be very smart, because I can't make head or tail of this flow chart one bit...where does it start, why isn't everything connected, what's going onFor a flow chart, it certainly doesn't seem to flow. That chart, the wage gap and the 1 in 5 women will be raped, makes me believe that feminism and statistical analysis don't mix well. Statistical analysis is inherently misogynistic.
  21. I must not be very smart, because I can't make head or tail of this flow chart one bit...where does it start, why isn't everything connected, what's going on For a flow chart, it certainly doesn't seem to flow.
  22. I refuse to feel sympathy for a Pisces.
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