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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. http://techraptor.net/content/origins-seedscape-interview-jennifer-dawe Interview with the woman the pro-corruption people tried to drive out of the industry.
  2. I think I'm going to put it aside for a while till it gets patched. It's not a bad game for what it is, but it's frustrating as hell to get a talent that works well(in theory) with a build only to have it do nothing or actively screw it up(fortifying blast). And for those who have played a lot, what is the highest tier for schematics and is crafting gear mid to end game worth it? Can any weapon or armor be made masterwork after you recruit the arcanist to help with rune crafting and stuff?
  3. Wow, Politics are so ****ed up a mild-mannered ex-governor ragequits.
  4. Today I'm looking at a lot of studying for finals a week from Monday.
  5. But there aren't any ethical problems on games journalism! Kotaku said so!
  6. You are a: Socialist Libertarian Isolationist Humanist Libertine Collectivism score: 67% Authoritarianism score: -67% Internationalism score: -50% Tribalism score: -67% Liberalism score: 100% I have more labels than a SJW.
  7. Played it quite a bit today. Fights with my Knight-Enchanter are generally pretty easy, assuming there aren't any animation or AI screwups that cause him to spin in a circle instead of use Spirit Blade. IMO changing SB to a sustained that uses mana for each basic attack would be better and easier to manage as it is pretty tedious to press 1 over and over. Cassandra as a 2-Hander with that warcry ability works well as a tank, it's a bit harder to farm guard but with the super barrier from my KE it isn't something I have to worry about as much. Lots of CtDs have happened, not as often as NV without certain tools, but enough to be annoying. Ran into a strange visual bug where my KE was in an empty signups that was nothing but white.
  8. Had an easy time killing that Dragon in the Hinterlands with my Knight-Enchanter. Ran into some roadblocks(kept spinning to reach a targets limb) but with more upgrades I should be able to kill more without much trouble. Thinking of respecing Cassandra to a 2-Hander, those any good? Some cool abilities are currently bugged, any word on the next patch?
  9. It's fairly standard save the world stuff without straying too far from fantasy conventions. Nothing particularly game changing, but aside from Sera and romances nothing particularly cringe worthy. Although it does seem to shift lore around, similarly to how ME changed from guns having unlimited ammo to guns using heatsinks as ammo. It just seems weird that blood magic(the supah controversial stuff from the first 2 games) is skimmed over most of the time, garnering a mention at best. Also the Qunari now use toxic warpaint instead of helmets, something never mentioned in previous games. Just feels a bit strange.
  10. Under BG2, DAO, ME, NWN(+expansions and modules)and BG1 Above DA2, ME2, ME3, and vanilla NWN Ultimately, it should be good for what it is after a few patches, but if you're looking for something like a modernized BG2 look elsewhere.
  11. Played a large chunk last night. I wish the Knight-Enchanter's Spirit Blade was a sustained that changed basic attacks, it's a bit tedious to constantly select it. Modify weapons and armor should give you access to companion's equipped stuff.
  12. Yes. Because guess what? They weren't, they were just products of their age, and most importantly: they were people like you and me. They had a reason why they thought the way they did. People think of them as irredeemable because of the holocaust, but they don't say the same **** of the communists who committed even worse atrocities (holodomor, Gulags) since Stalin was with the Allies. Hypocrisy at its finest. I say same **** about commies... Doesn't everyone say the same about the Commies?
  13. So pro-corruption drives a women off twitter and Longknife's grandpa was a spineless Nazi who many here in the forum know better than Longknife. This never slows down does it?
  14. As an aside, does anyone else find it funny their Vivian is the Nazi's Aryan ideal?
  15. And a bigger ability bar, 8 is just too damn tiny.
  16. Guildmaster? Also, third FTC update. Anyways:https://archive.today/UGjPE Nintendo is dying because their games are very successful and they don't release on IPad.
  17. The main story quests have recommended level ranges, and for the side areas, you can just go in and check the enemy levels. Storm Coast and Forbidden Oasis are about the same level as Hinterlands, the somethingsomething Mire is higher. Actually, the Oasis has level 12 enemies that will rolfstomp you if you're at a lower level.
  18. Lucky the kid didn't have a gun when they drove up, he could have shot them dead, heh. But you don't know what it's like!
  19. I'm eating ham, mashed potatoes, some vegetable, yeast rolls, chocolate cake, and pecan pie. going to drink rum with it I suppose. Thank you for explaining the joke. EDIT: Also wtf how is it some dutch can't understand German worth a damned? Your language is literally the result of German and english having sex! That explains why it's so confusing, the English are rather sloppy.
  20. Level 7 or 8.
  21. LOL. Ironic indeed. For being champions of women, they sure seem to want them to keep out of the industry.
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