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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Yes I know a social democrat isn't going to usher in a revolution and at best he'd slap a band aid on a cancer patient, but at this point a band-aid would be better than nothing. If you've got a solution for my situation that isn't "blame the joos" or "try entrepreneurship dude weed lmao" I'd be interested in hearing it.
  2. Bones thrown out so the population didn't revolt. I don't have student debt, I pay out of pocket with no loans or financial aid at all. Under the current system, I'm already having to pay taxes throughout the rest of my life and seeing nothing of value for it. Under Bernie's proposed system I wouldn't have to shell out about 2 months worth of pay(after taxes) from my ****ty job just to get what is essentially High School Diploma 2.0 so I can compete with 50 similarly educated people for a slightly less ****ty job. Do I have to explain the concept of self-interest to you or are you able to figure out why I would prefer the latter without any help?
  3. It's collective control over production and distribution. You can argue what ownership is till your face turns blue, but if you think "anything the state does" is socialism you're illiterate. I don't think he thinks socialism is "anything the state does". His definition is probably "anything the state does that I don't like". You two do realize that i'm from a Socialist country, right? Cuba or America? You seem to think both are socialist and my Obsidianstalking.txt isn't very big. M8 I'm an anarchist, I don't trust the state to work in anyone's interests except those of the ruling hierarchy. But a collective ain't necessarily a state.
  4. It's collective control over production and distribution. You can argue what ownership is till your face turns blue, but if you think "anything the state does" is socialism you're illiterate.
  5. This is the most attention Nebraska has gotten in years.
  6. Update: The smell of cat poo will never leave my house again. Even at three litterboxes cleaned every day, the amount of poop is staggering. More evidence TN is full of ****.
  7. This election is going very well, I expect whoever is elected to inspire a radicalization of a large amount of people.
  8. By forcing you to pay higher taxes afterwards and completely neglecting to mention the fact that there are Federal programs to help you forgive or lower your premium on Federal student loans. We have enough socialism already, we should be looking for less of it; particularly less of it for corporations and multinationals. We have collective ownership of production? Huh, seems I didn't get the memo.
  9. Drinking whiskey and shelling out a 4k payment for classes. Bernie could have prevented this.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJCKwqyR7KY
  11. There's some libertarian spam everyone can enjoy.
  12. Did he ever finish his e-book? I have to know what Obama and his cronies are doing to Equestria!!! I hope so, because HE IS THE MAN.
  13. Patriotpony1986 is the voice of objectivism.
  14. The librul persecution of teh wyatt mann amounts to a collection of reprobates shrieking and throwing feces, just like the muh culture morons persecuting muh whatevers. All idpol is idiocy practiced by flabby failures clinging to the accomplishments of distantly related giants to avoid accepting that their failure. Ideally they'd end up killing each other off but it seems they can't do that from the warzones of OpinionsTube and twitter.
  15. Yes. Those are Socialist Alternative(a political party) protesters, not Democrats.
  16. http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/07/26/nina-turner-prominent-sanders-delegate-ejected-dnc?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=socialnetwork How is the city not burning right now?
  17. Relieve your frustration by starting a hardcore band with me and beating up hipsters. We'll be Black Flag 2.0.
  18. OD on something. It can be done more reliably than hanging, shooting, or cutting and if it's a serious depressant you'll likely go in your sleep.
  19. The **** it won't. It's clearly an ISIS inspired attack and Japan should remove kebab.
  20. Hillary ain't that hot and Trump isn't quiet enough. Hillary is that grandma whose got the gay grandson and thronedigger granddaughter and Trump is dany's brother who liked gold.
  21. “When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical is madness. To surrender dreams this may be madness. Too much sanity may be madness, and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!” "I once got so drunk I woke up in a bathtub next to a girl I had Microeconomics with. She looked so beautiful with her smeared makeup and the smell of vodka and pineapple was pleasant. I have never felt such love for anyone since." -KP I don't like quotes because the ones I usually post are obscene. Yes, in the sense that it's even more blatant about how corrupt they are. At least try to not look like a piece of **** and all that.
  22. Reporting for jury duty. Looks like a cute girl on Tinder is here, might go to lunch or bump into her in the bathroom.
  23. Well the Green Party convention is in Houston in a week, maybe I'll go to that and report here so GD won't be the only guy here running at windmills. Assuming I don't get distracted by a switch who is into spanking. The evidence is pretty much how they feel, facts are always secondary to that. The qualifications for "expert" in US media aren't particularly high and Russia is an easy target because of leftover cold war paranoia.
  24. Cops need to start being butthurt and requesting special snowflake attention. #AllJobsMatter
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