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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Oh come on, if you can sit through Discovery you can deal with this. Do you really want to miss out the cgi army of headless nude female bodies Gendo unleashes to
  2. But you'll miss the part where Shinji gets shot in the head and patched up by a country doctor!
  3. If I was hiding someone from the feds, I would simply not publicly declare it to a major media outlet.
  4. Huh. He directed Shin Godzilla and the sets we saw in the anti-universe did look like that so maybe.
  5. Well the rebuild series was meant to be a revision of Evangelion so I think that's the point. While it could have been anyone who got Gendo involved with Yui and the....whatever the hell the weird ass techno-religious babble stuff was, it was Mari. Given that the idea of her was to destroy Evangelion, I think they were angling to have another character who had been there at the beginning and had some understanding of the techno-religious babble instead of another traumatized child soldier pilot. Just as likely, they could have been flying by the seat of their pants and just made it up as they went along. I guess beyond that though Mari is there to show Shinji how getting a gf will mean he doesn't need to worry about giant robots, monsters, and can live with depression without going catatonic. Which makes the theory that Mari was an insert of Anno's wife seem more plausible. In which case bold move to make your actual wife waifu bait.
  6. Imagine your power being to turn people into little kids and getting your ass beat by a little kid. Lmao.
  7. Oh so you've gotten around to Alessi? Has he encountered Jotaro yet?
  8. Yeah, like Pen Pen starting a family, Kaworu and Shinji playing piano together, and Aoba rejecting humanity and killing Makota with his space ripper stingy eyes.
  9. Yeah, she shows up in the photograph in 3.33 and in the Gendo memories in 3.0 + 1.01. What makes Mari very different than the other pilots is that she actually wanted to pilot the Evas out of free will, while the others were forced into it or built for it. I think they tried to show this early on with the singing, beast mode, and boob fixation as both more knowledgeable about Evas and more carefree about fighting monsters but all of that can be read as fanservice for mecha pilot waifu.
  10. It's not exactly that, it's that she was the one who introduced Gendo and Yui. So she's been piloting EVAs before the other pilots were born or vat grown.
  11. I can't imagine not posting this if Alex Jones and anime are mentioned together. Anyways I think Rebuild is some good ideas, some awful ones, a few great ones, and some hideous cgi slapped together. Overall I think it is the most satisfying ending Evangelion is going to get, which may not be saying much but I liked it all the same. Like usual, I think cgi does make most things worse, and while it may have destroyed the budget hand drawn animation would have looker much better. And I was completely serious about Mari, the anti-universe sketches show how she basically started the events of Evangelion. Without her there might not have been a Second Impact and there definitely wouldn't have been a NERV.
  12. Wait until they find out what I mean.
  13. The thing about Mari is that she is actually the entire reason for the plot of Evangelion. Without her Shinji would have never gotten in the Eva because
  14. Worf has much to teach you about women. I think the butt is more incidental to the plug suit. Like if you want fanservice the character @majestic does not want to talk about is right there with bouncing boobies in several shots. This scene with Asuka felt different, more like the shots of her were trying to avoid having her face be framed with Shinji's face instead of trying to show off her booty. And 3.33 is probably the worst of Rebuild in terms of quality.
  15. I agree with Sarex, I see that particular scene less about sexualizing Asuka and more about showing her looking down on Shinji with contempt. Now Mami's.... bouncing on the other hand is a different matter altogether. Iggy and Polnareff in DIO's mansion.
  16. So you're saying that you like Pegasus?
  17. The internet experience gets much better when you replace effort with just laughing at the absurdity of it all.
  18. Yes. High tolerance for nonsense through years of b-movies and playing videogames.
  19. I've seen some parents use stuff to adjust the straps on masks so they function for kids, but toddlers are a lot smaller than those I've seen so it sounds like a it could be quite a pickle. Meanwhile the Texas governor just got the rona. I'm guessing that despite a shortage of hospital beds and a crumbling medical system, he will get top notch treatment while doing everything in his power to make it worse for everyone else trying to survive this stupid ass plague.
  20. I don't have another pic of evil laugh Bezos, but I imagine he is laughing at all of us right now.
  21. That's ****ed, because at least for 3.0+1.01 the first thing Amazon Video declares is that it is avaliable in 29 languages, including Japanese and English audio and subtitles. That's half of us that have been Bezo'd
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