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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I can't remember The Animatrix enough to have an opinion, I'm using it to prove that more than one Matrix was made. Now the sequel that's rumored to drop in theaters the end of this year is another story.
  2. It's an anthology film, ergo it is another Matrix movie. Don't make me get out Mari or the JoJo tongue gifs.
  3. Komi Can't Communicate And Neither Can Her Father. So we start off going to the pool, which really looks like a waterpark. Maybe this is a cultural thing, but whatever. Tadano, Komi, Najimi, and the dog girl (who has big tiddies, as the show drives home relentlessly) get crashed by Stalker Girl and the gang of Komi-stans. There are changing room scenes, the fellas sans Tadano reveal that they're very horny, and general waterpark/pool stuff. Of course it gets topped off with some minor drama and a sweet resolution that makes it clear Tadanao x Komi is going to happen. Because it already wasn't obvious enough I guess. We then learn that Komi's dad also doesn't talk. Well I guess he's also Komi but I can't remember their names so eh. He takes her to get shaved ice and they bond over brain freeze. Then Komi goes to the library and makes friends with a baby, before going to the park. Tadano is watching her both times. Like the other episodes this is just a very light show with low stakes. I'm not terribly invested in it so that helps with not getting annoyed by some stuff, but the pattern of not caring about most of the supporting characters holds up.
  4. That's my issue and it's a huge one. For all of it's flaws Lynch's Dune was a complete story, while Villeneuve's is such sequel bait that in retrospect the movie feels like a 2.5 hour trailer and info dump. Maybe It will be better when Dune Part 2 drops in two or three years, but right now I'm not too fond of it.
  5. Stone Ocean 3-12. Ok, this is really damn good. It's hilariously JoJo and beautifully over the top.
  6. I think it's just me, most people here seem to have liked Dune. Also I have not read Wheel of Time and think the series looks bad. Guess I'm just a weird guy. Speaking of weird, after digesting it over the week I have to say the Beta Test is my favorite movie of 2021. Which may seem like a backhanded compliment, but it is a genuinely great movie.
  7. Don't make me get out the bamboo sword.
  8. I'll have to finish part 1 but if it tracks with the manga it isn't even a third yet. I gave up on JoJo being believable when Jack the Ripper jumped out of a horse. I loved Golden Wind because the art+color were great and because the stands were interesting, I didn't hate any of the characters but I do think the Passione gang was less fun than the Morioh gang. Though a crossover with Josuke and Giorno would be really fun.
  9. The Angel slipped it in your watch list. Josuke and the Morioh gang or Giorno and Passione I can see but Jotaro? He is a big character in both Diamond is Unbreakable and Stone Ocean. Eh, I wouldn't go that far. But I rank Golden Wind and Diamond is Unbreakable as tied for top spot. It may get slightly edged out by Battle Tendency for the third spot on my lost. There's some stuff in this where they took shortcuts like the grey silhouettes in the background, but yeah the characters look great. I think sometime in Part 4 Araki's style just got real damn good and the use of color in the anime post-Stardust Crusaders is fantastic. I wish that when they started the series they would have tried to use his more current art style instead of the gym gods, but it still looks better than most anime/manga.
  10. Stone Ocean 1 and 2. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH This show is awesome. Well...
  11. Nu-Covid-19 sounds like something in a bad scifi movie that ends up being too optimistic about the rona. Bring on the covidsploitation.
  12. All I do is look at the pictures. The only thing I know about CCS is that there the main character's name is Sakura, there is a girl with an old school video camera, and there is a girl who looks like a nightmare.
  13. Even assuming the same information, I think it's a bit presumptuous to take anything we consider to be reality (ie math or periodic elements) and assume that they would be universal. Even if things exist in common, such as oxygen or distance, the perception of them on a social or biological level could differ enough with alien species to result in completely different interpretations that render their universality moot. It could be something like the aliens in Arrival, it could be like the Tamarians from Star Trek, or it could be something even more alien. I haven't read the short story, but I thought Arrival was good when I saw it way back in 4 BC19. I feel like the big dumb here, but I also just realized that all of Villeneuve's recent films have been adaptations.
  14. I need to (re?)play this. With some whiskey or some beer, I'll see what I have before starting it up.
  15. Aoba is DIO by the way. And Toji is also Daru and some dude named Touya from Cardcaptor Sakura. Doing a dive on vas is always a trip. I'm pretty sure any fan theory someone would come up with would be more normal than anything JoJo would actually do.
  16. So they just revealed the voice actor for the main villain in JoJo part 6 and it's the guy who did Daru. Lmao. JoJo Stardust Crusaders 23-24 Middler's High Priestess. PORANAREFFU teaches the gang sign language.
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