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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. You still have some time before the expansion for X4.
  2. Can't yet as I can't click on evolution until I reach lvl 45.
  3. Next update for Troubleshooter apparently coming out in two weeks. At least that is what I think this means: "Accordingly, the development team wants to update the next update schedule on March 12th."
  4. He needs 2 more levels and I have been killing destrons instead (I use White Cloud on rough missions).
  5. I can see where people could say Obsidian would be a good fit. With FONV they have proven they can work within the constraints of another developer's buggy mess. Of course they also showed that none of that mess will be cleared up, simply worked with.
  6. Yet for our sins, they made Majesty 2.
  7. Active as most Obsidian devs are here in this forum, wouldn't we have suspected something if they were working on Vampire?
  8. They added multiple floors to the secret lair but took out the mid-campaign island change. They say it wasn't fun to have to abandon your base and build a new one from scrap. They aren't wrong. Though the island change did allow for a fresh start knowing what one had done wrong with the first base. They also mentioned a sandbox mode, without story progression. A lot of changes sound good though. More importantly, unlike those terrible Dungeons 1-3 and the Startopia knock off, the Evil Genius 2 devs seem to know the original game and be making an actual sequel, not just nick the name to get customers, then get offended when the interested players ask how similar the game will be to the namesake.
  9. @Oner has hatched! We'll have to work on his build, but this should let him breath lightening on the odd villain
  10. That's a shame, because it is a good game. But everyone is allowed to play whatever they want. Just because some of us are playing a lot of Troubleshooter does not mean you have to as well. But if you change your mind, we'll be here to cheer you on!
  11. It may have been misunderstood. Similar to how the German interior ministry said that people misunderstood the Polizei 2020 plan (to modernize police). 2020 was not when it was supposed to be realized, but the planning horizon. So an Anthem 10 year plan could have meant that latest after 10 years, they would have a plan. They came up with a plan much faster: binning the project.
  12. Advantage of a Lightening Draki: it is purple - also it unlocks Lightening Sac Mastery which I do not have (though do not intend to use). Advantage of Rock Draki: it unlocks Natural Recovery which Anne could use to auto-heal herself (though if she takes that much damage she usually just dies). Advantage of Venom Draki: it uses Water magic which I don't have. Advantage of Dark Draki: it causes Fear, which could lead opponents to run and trigger reaction attacks and traps. Also it unlocks Great Morale Mastery which I don't have (though probably wouldn't use). Disadvantage of all of them: I have gotten a couple of legendary beasts and White Cloud is nearing max level and so far has been super effective. So do I really need a dragon or four? (Obviously I'll get four. I have a second egg already).
  13. I am mostly thinking Dark, as I don't have much access to those effects from my team. Lightening, Fire, Air (Storm) and Ice, and a bit of Earth, I get from my humans.
  14. My other guess was "Obsidian Forum - A Tale of Moderation", which may just be a bit too verbose.
  15. Back to games people actually care about: Evil Genius 2 will have Brian Blessed as the voice actor for Red Ivan. According to Rebellion, this means the game is also an official sequel to Flash Gordon.
  16. Back to the important things in gaming - and dear moderators, if I am posting in the wrong thread and this needs to be in Video Game News, I apologise, feel free to move it - my first draki egg is ready to hatch! I will now have a dragon hatchling to help hunt villains! Problem is, I need to decide what kind it will grow into: Rock Flame Frost Lightning Venom Storm Dark
  17. Since they are shutting down the servers for Defiance and the Defiance 2050 reboot (that fixed nothing and broke the things that weren't broke), I dug up an old screenshot
  18. It is the natural evolution of the paradox model though: Now even dev studios come as dlcs.
  19. Going to show off a character build as well!
  20. I'll wait for the moment when you meet a tank and a diplomacy screen pops up because you met Ghandi, who'll be happy to become friends with you as long as you declare war on Katherina the Great and Teddy Roosevelt, then start spying on you and threaten to nuke you because he built his new shelter too close to your shelter. Sid Meier's Valheim
  21. When companies stop taking people's money, you know it is bad.
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