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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I, for one, welcome our new rat overlords

  2. After restarting Jagged Alliance Flashback I've gotten back to approximately the same spot I was at before I restarted, but I'm sitting in a better position now. This time, before leaving the little starter island, I made sure to train a nice strong militia force in Badilla, the town on that little island. Badilla serves as a choke point, you have to pass through it to get to the rest of the island, thus it serves as a shield to the farm on the other side of the island, which makes me a good bit of money and allows me to keep mercs employed and to buy supplies. I trained a couple of militia at the farm too, but they're mostly unnecessary as long as the militia in Badilla doesn't break. The militia in Badilla is strong enough that I can mostly leave it to fend for itself while I take care of matters elsewhere. I just captured the mine, which is another good source of income. It is imperative that I keep control of the mine, since it will boost my income enough to field a second squad, but it is exposed from every side and there are enemy militia outposts nearby. I managed to take the mine without so much as taking a single bullet, so I don't have to rest to get my health back, which is great. I have to make a choice now: Do I camp out at the mine and train militia for a few days, hoping the sector doesn't get invaded before I can train a decent force (unlikely) or do I stay on the offensive and push to take the enemy outposts nearby while leaving the mine undefended? I'm tempted to stay on the offensive and attack an enemy outpost right away since all my mercs are at full health (if they were hurt the choice would be made for me since I would need to stay put for a while to heal up anyway). If I take down the enemy outposts to the south and east of the mine, I will effectively create a buffer protecting the mine, plus I can likely head off any enemy squads trying to sneak past me to attack the mine while I go for the outposts. Hunkering down at the mine would be the safer play, though. Hmm.
  3. I'll likely back at the $35 level to get the digital toolbox.
  4. Games Workshop's whoring out of the Warhammer license continues. This time they can finally deliver the bug-filled, utterly broken experience their fans have been craving by partnering with Creative Assembly!
  5. I'm sure Peyton Manning would be completely open to being a backup. In Cowboys news, head coach Jason Garrett, Princeton Red, as I like to call him, signed a 5 year deal and defensive coordinator Rod Marinelli got a 3 year deal. I wasn't too keen on Princeton Red before this year, but I have to admit he did a good job this year. What Marinelli did was nearly miraculous, bringing back essentially the exact same unit as the previous year's historically bad defense, minus DeMarcus Ware, and turning it into a halfway decent defense, despite several injuries (I'm convinced I'll never actually get to see Sean Lee play ever again in the regular season). Staying the course is almost certainly the right call here. They do need help on defense and they need a young QB to start developing. The Cowboys can't continue to rely on playing Russian Roulette with Romo and continuing to not get shot. Absolute best case scenario is you get 3 more years of Romo where he MIRACULOUSLY stays healthy. The other side of the coin is he could be finished 1 game into next season. Dude is a couple hard hits away from retirement.
  6. Ironically, Mr. Warbutts is correct. If you do stay silent on #Gamergate and do not denounce antiGG (specifically the SJW extremists at the rotten core of antiGG), who very much operate through fear and intimidation, which is pretty much the definition of terrorism, albeit less violent (so far at least) than what is normally associated with that term, then you are turning a blind eye and enabling them.
  7. And it's fully funded already! See you in Honk Kong, chummers.
  8. I just sent IGN a tip about this (they're more than likely well aware). IGN doesn't usually cover Kickstarters, except in rare cases. They might for this, though, since its predecessor was so successful and well regarded. A story on IGN would help get more eyeballs to their crowdfunding campaign. Also, without having played a single second of the game, I'm proclaiming Gobbet, the Rat Shaman to be the greatest video game character ever created An ork rat shaman? it's like Harebrained Schemes designed a character specifically tailored to me.
  9. In a hour they're 1/3 of the way there already!
  10. Yeah, sorry about the confusion, I was slightly confused a bit myself. That's what I get sneaking in reading posts and making them while at work. But yeah, it's applicable in either case.
  11. You will never solve the problem of annoying fanboys shouting about stuff. They'll just shout about something different than numbers. Anyway, I'm all for trying to make a positive change. I very much have my doubts about this succeeding, but I'll do my part to try to help it do so. If I flushed $25 down the toilet then so be it, it's not the end of the world. Potentially getting Metacritic surgically removed from gaming's arse is worth a $25 risk to me (plus the time I'm going to put in on the site). I'm assuming they'll have user reviews too, I hope. I plan to write a bunch up with as much detail and as little bias as I can muster up. If they do, I hope the place doesn't get flooded with the stupid "This game set my cat on fire. 10/10 would set cat on fire again" joke reviews. Those don't help anyone. Hopefully they'll have a forum too, if so you'll see me on there likely (I already got my username reserved, same as this one).
  12. They're only asking for 100k? If there is any goodness left in the world they will meet that goal in a matter of hours. Then they can open up PayPal support and I can toss them some moneyz.
  13. Never heard of this, but it looks like it could be amusing.
  14. Still. Waiting. For. Linux. Version. Of. D:OS. Anyway, I still haven't played the Directors Cut version, but Dragonfall was awesome, I'm super excited for the incoming (today?) new Kickstarter for Hong Kong. Might & Magic X was a surprisingly good and faithful (maybe a little too faithful) throwback to old skool M&M games, I enjoyed it thoroughly. No comment on Neo Scavenger, haven't played it. I would personally put Wasteland 2 above all those games, but that's my own personal preference. I was a darn good year for RPGs.
  15. Niche Gamer second interview with Christian Allen
  16. Dang. Most of Something Awful is harmless with people just poking fun and such, but there are dark corners of that place where folks don't just joke about stuff, they're into that stuff for real. Some real sick people in those dark corners. If /b/ is much worse than that, then I shudder to think about that.
  17. It's users from old /b/ who enjoy doxing and stuff. Best to avoid. Is it something like the seedier crevices of Something Awful?
  18. Can someone explain this "Baphomet" business to me? I don't frequent 8chan, 4chan, or any other chan, so I have no clue what anyone is talking about.
  19. Holy ****, that's a pretty awesome twitter rant by Based Biscuit. My favorite part was: The Cynical Brit at his most gloriously cynical.
  20. I'm looking forward to the prestigious first annual Gorgon Awards. Any special guests planned? Who can you get on short notice?
  21. I remember this. At the beginning it looked like it had little chance to make its goal, but it's going to be close. Hopefully the goal is met.
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