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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Imma post some Joshi entrance themes, because I feel like it and because I can: Meiko Satomura Theme(Current World Wonder Ring STARDOM Champion): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5pB92eVafs Io Shirai Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHysa4sS-Mk Kairi Hohj Theme (Final Fantasy theme goodness): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69__mkeb5rM
  2. Here's one for the "Are You ****ing Serious?" department: Tale of Tales have announced a new Kickstarter. If you think the company name sounds familiar it's because it's the company that crowdfunded Sunset which sold like crap on account of being not much of a game (read: walking simulator), which in turn tipped off a series of SHOCKINGLY ABRASIVE tirades by the devs toward gamers (read: their audience). Here we are a month or two later and they are asking for money for a new crowdfunding project (unclear whether it's a game or not). I guess somebody's electric bill just arrived. That's some seriously avant-garde ****. Opinion: Anyone who gives them money at this point, any amount, has brain damage. I don't mean that in any figurative or exaggerated sense, I mean any said person contributing to this crowdfunding is mentally deficient and/or has suffered brain trauma.
  3. I finished Shadow of Mordor. The game bears a striking resemblance to Dying Light: Really good game marred slightly by a really crappy QTE final boss fight (for ****s sake, devs, stop with the QTE boss fights, just stop, I beg you). The DLCs remain, though I've heard they're not worth playing. I'll still probably give them a try sometime in the future.
  4. Afterlife Empire delayed for bugfixing. For those who are not familiar with the game, Afterlife Empire is an upcoming isometric strategy game that was supposed to release very soon and was crowdfunded by The Fine Young Capitalists with much support form evil, cis-scum, basement dwelling, purely white male hate group GamerGate after heroic, valiant, shining beacon of light Zoe Quinn whipped up the gallant guardians of justice internet moral outrage brigade to shame their initial crowdfunding initiative to help women make a video game into oblivion. There is no date currently given as to when the game is expected to release.
  5. Don't get me wrong, it's a cool idea, it's just that building a city is a ridiculously massive and complicated undertaking with a whole bunch of factors, any one of which could entirely sink the project; money being only one of said factors. Even if they somehow got the money, the probability of this failing spectacularly would be quite high, IMHO.
  6. There's basically zero chance this will reach the goal, which is good. The worst thing that could possibly happen is the funding goal being met somehow. This would be a DashCon type disaster on a much much larger scale.
  7. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/realise-minas-tirith#/story What could possibly go wrong?
  8. You were already thinking about scoring some tail at 6 -8? Damn, you were advanced. I also have to mention that "save the girl" is the plot to 90% of the games from the 80s and early 90s, so that doesn't really narrow things down. Techno Cop is the only other game I can think of that even remotely fits the bill, but I'm pretty sure that's not it since you would likely have mentioned the driving parts.
  9. Hmm, I'm drawing a blank then. Beyond the already mentioned games I can only think of things like Commander Keen and Flashback, neither of which have a Rambo-like protagonist. Sorry. Edit: Duke Nukem maybe?
  10. Dunno about train station, but Rush'n Attack maybe?
  11. It's perfect. Thanks, Internet, I knew I could count on you.
  12. Someone did some pretty spiffy artwork for the 6 Million Dollar Wombo-Combo Now all that's left to do is for someone to make a YOLO BLAZE 420 NO SCOPE video of it. Get on that ****, internet!
  13. I could go for running over zombies in a dune buggy.
  14. To the best of my knowledge, Nintendo has never released more than 1 Mario Kart game for any given system. There has been exactly 1 Mario Kart game for every single Nintendo home console starting with the Super Nintendo and every handheld starting with the GameBoy Advance. I can live with 1 Kart game per system, I'm a lot more bummed about the GLARING lack of F-Zero in forever.
  15. Freakin' Nintendo. For every 1 thing they do that fills my heart with joy, they do 3 things that make me want to strangle Iwata somebody. I swear, if their 1st party games weren't so insanely good, I would have completely abandoned the company years ago. You make such amazing games, Big N, why do you have to pull bullcrap like this? So this is basically going to play out like this: I buy the game, pop the disc into the Wii U, start up the game and let it sit there idling while I take a **** or make myself a sandwich or browse the web or something, then turn it off. Reapat that process the following day and for 7 days after that. On the 9th day I finally get to fully enjoy the game I paid for and start playing it with all the tools unlocked. The ****, Nintendo?
  16. I didn't realize Defiance was still a thing. I tried watching the show during the first season and just couldn't get into it. I'm pretty far in Shadow of Mordor, according to the game I'm about 65% done with the story. I finished everything in Gorgoroth, save for a couple of power struggle type missions, which I don't see the point in doing since I've already unlocked all the tiers of skills, I fail to see a need for more power, so I'm just doing Nurn now (which is a considerably cooler looking place). I pretty much have every skill save for a few that story unlock and a I think 2 I need to buy with skill points: the skill that lets you throw multiple knives at once (I never bother throwing knives so whatever) and the skill that lets you chain together multiple shadow strikes (which sounds really cool, even if I don't use shadow strikes that often). I have the majority of upgrades unlocked: max health, max rune slots on all the weapons, I just need 1 more level of focus and 2 more levels of elf-shot, plus the dagger and bow specials (I have the sword special already). I'm mainly doing the weapon legend missions at the moment, I'm mostly 7/10 on the weapons, so I'm getting close to finished with those. Besides that, now that I'm finished with Cradle and The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna, I'll be jumping back into X3: Albion Prelude to continue growing my galactic trading empire. If I remember correctly (it's been a couple of weeks), I had just gotten my 2nd station up and running and was heading toward Paranid space to begin bolstering my relations with them in preparation of purchasing war ships from them in the future.
  17. I finished The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna. My only real disappointment with it is that it never introduced any new mechanics. Beyond that, it was more The Talos Principle, and The Talos Principle was excellent, so that's not a bad thing.
  18. Ah, the midriff outrage, how could I forget? Good thing that got straightened out, nothing worse than warping the minds of our youth by exposing them to the evils of midriff.
  19. Victor Vran is getting a Motörhead Expansion, because why wouldn't it? My reaction:
  20. I will definitely NOT back this as I still haven't been able to play the copy of D:OS promised to me during the Kickstarter and likely won't until about a year and a ****ing half after the game released on Windows and Mac, or who knows, maybe the Linux version will get pushed back yet again even further and won't even release until after the console versions which weren't even part of the Kickstarter because **** us. Yes, I am bitter, why do you ask? That said, I hope the game is successful and it's comes out good. I may buy it after it releases, assuming it's good and assuming they do a Linux version, but only after the game is physically available on Linux. They'll never get my money in advance ever again, not for any project.
  21. ^ Best of luck to them, but they sure as **** won't be getting my money. As a Linux user, I STILL haven't gotten to play the first game I helped fund for them, now over a year after it released.
  22. Meh, technicalities. As long as the areas are fairly spacious and don't include a bunch of invisible walls within them to corral you down paths, effectively rendering the openness of the areas nothing more than illusion, that's open enough for me, I don't particularly care if it's one gigantic open area or 5 big open areas. While a discussion on the matter of this technicality may be of interest to some, to me it matters as much as the discussion on whether Steam itself (not Steamworks) qualifies as DRM, which is to say, not at all. /shrugs
  23. So, there are pieces of a Leprechaun statue to collect and reassemble in one of the hub worlds. It took me a little while to find all the pieces, but I got them all eventually: The effect of reassembling the statue isn't immediately apparent, but there is an effect and it is so worth it.
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