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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Actually you get the link to the countdown page from the 8-bit bayonetta achievements. It's all connected. Yes, but the countdown is still going, pointing at April 11th, while the 8-bit Bayonetta is already out, so while connected, I don't think the countdown is referring to the release of a joke 8-bit Bayonetta game on PC. Poor wording on my part. Everything seems to point at something Bayonetta related on PC, whether that's a release of one or both of the existing games on PC, a Bayonetta 3, or a spinoff of some kind...
  2. I disagree. Again, were I playing a different kind of character it might be fine, but as a Fatebinder I am literally deciding the fate of people's lives and interpreting the laws of the land, how am I supposed to do that competently without an intimate knowledge of the land? As for conversation options later in the game where your character gets to ask about things they damn well should know about like they're oblivious to it, THAT I didn't like and it struck me as odd. It was like, I'm a pretty ****ty Fatebinder if I don't already know this. I assume it was there for the people that clicked quickly through a bunch of conquest mode and skipped most of the narrative dump at the beginning so as to get to gameplay quicker. But if you're the type of player that skips dialogue and lore to get to gameplay, what the hell are you doing playing an Obsidian RPG? The slow drip of information makes perfect sense in most RPGs because you most often play either some random adventurer drawn from far away to this place in search of glory, money, and fame, a young person who had mostly just lived at home until your family is brutally murdered, or a pupil sequestered away in some remote location until, oops, I forgot to tell you you're the offspring of a super evil god, and not the only one either. Sorry to break this to you so suddently, but your "brother" is out to kill you now, kthxbye. In all these cases it can be assumed that you mostly spent your life in one small region, or somewhere else far away, and you're just now discovering the larger world, or this particular region. The slow drip fits that scenario perfectly.
  3. Personally, I liked the "info dump" at the beginning of Tyranny, plus I thought it was necessary. In Tyranny you're not just playing some random schmuck who, via the magic of deus ex machina, becomes The Chosen Oneā„¢ (though you do still get your deus ex machina moment), you're playing a Fatebinder, a dispenser of justice and a high ranking official in the government/military that rules the world. I think it's necessary to be intimately familiar with the world right from the beginning for a couple of reasons. One, as a Fatebinder you would likely know these things, as it impacts your duties. Two, your character was personally involved in the conquest of the Tiers, your character should be intimately familiar with the Tiers and its conquest because you were there. You helped conquer the Tiers. Why wouldn't you know these things? I get that getting barraged with a whole bunch of info right off the bat can be a bit overwhelming, but your character would know all this because of who he/she is and therefore you, the player, should also know all these things right at the beginning, and I don't see any other way to achieve that than info dump.
  4. I upgraded Larry! (I refuse to accept that this is a new, higher tier ox. Larry just got a nicer looking saddle and saddle bags crates. Larry and I are pals for life, I'll never replace him)
  5. The 8-bit Bayonetta is clearly an April Fool's joke (although playable). I think... I hope, it's separate from this countdown page.
  6. My pipe dream is Bayonetta 3 on PC, and not only Windows, but also Linux, running on Vulkan, because Uncle GabeN threw a bunch of money at Platinum and SEGA... It won't happen, but a man can dream.
  7. Beta Protocol or DoW IV? I mean, that's clearly Bayonetta, I just hope it's not an April Fool's joke. Edit: Ninja'd
  8. Looks kind of fun. After searching through let's play videos with the goofiest sounding people on the planet doing commentary, found a no commentary one to get a sense of it. I'll probably pick it up later on. For what it's worth, here's my let's play of the game. I don't try to be goofy, I don't do weird voices or a shtick or anything like that, I just say my stream of consciousness out loud, unfiltered.
  9. Thimbleweed Park is so *bleeping* good! I've been trying to quantify which LucasArts game it most reminds me of and I think I've nailed it down. Thimbleweed Park is the body of Maniac Mansion as inhabited by the spirit of Monkey Island. I feel like a kid again playing this game, I just have this goofy grin plastered on my face the whole time and I'm eager to talk to everyone and pixel hunt for everything and interact with every possible object in every possible way because Ron Gilbert you beautiful bastard.
  10. Verse is winning against whoever you put her up against because homegirl is straight ruthless (which is why I liked her so much).
  11. Well, they are both federal agents. Beyond that, though, I haven't gotten Mulder & Scully vibes, but I'm just starting out.
  12. Sounds like every Piranha Bytes game ever, except in a new setting. Works for me, I'm a fan of their work.
  13. I've started with this one, too. It's great. Yeah, I'm about an hour into the game and I already love it. I spent several minutes just drinking from a water fountain, and I giggled the whole time. Ron Gilbert's brand of humor still delivers.
  14. Thimbleweed Park is downloading as I type this.
  15. Did most people here play Fallout 2 before Fallout? How did you reach that conclusion? I played Fallout first. As for Mass Effect, if you never intend to get the first game, go ahead and play ME2. Otherwise, I would very much recommend playing the first game first. Not only are the 3 games in the trilogy very connected, it also have by far the best story and is the best RPG (arguably, the only true RPG) of the trilogy. The downside, ME1's shooter mechanics are garbage.
  16. No doubt the Cavs are going to be the favorites in the east even if they don't get the 1 seed, it's just kind of crazy because it seemed to everyone that them getting the 1 seed was a foregone conclusion.
  17. So, the entire season the Cavs have been coasting, doing just barely enough to get the 1 seed... except they're no longer in 1st. Oops.
  18. The game I'm playing now, Albion Online, has a nice lowpoly aesthetic... it's not super lowpoly, maybe it's mediumpoly
  19. To be honest, I don't understand a lot of the hate that Beamdog has gotten. At worst I'd describe their changed in BGEE to be innocuous and their worst change in BG2EE (which I've not played a lot of) seems to be a somewhat ugly UI. As to not being able to buy the original editions, I'm sure we can all think of loads of 10-15 year-old games that no longer are available for purchase. Not to mention won't run on modern machines or will run but only after some work. I don't think anyone ever expected game titles to be evergreen - always purchasable, always playable and ever unchanged. You've misconstrued my apathy as hate.
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