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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Peak Duran Duran https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3W6yf6c-FA Also, peak John Taylor bass. As a (fairly poor) bass guitar player I can attest that 1981 (Girls on Film) through 1983 (Rio) were peak John Taylor years. After those years he would kind of sink into the background. Unfortunate because the man could clearly bring the funk. This bassline is still amazing over 30 years later. After listening to the song normally, listen to it again focusing on John Taylor's bassline. My delivers the funk.
  2. thanks dude, I really hopes so, if something breaks on that baby I am going to be broke xD I have the opposite problem. I am always broke because of the payments I have to make on my brand new Mazda 6, but if anything breaks I can bring it to the dealership and say "fix it for me".
  3. @Chilloutman - Sorry for late reply. Congratulations. I hope the SUV gives you many years of joy.
  4. Behold! The Taco Charlton Taco: I need to start a tradition where I have taco fixins always on hand when the Cowboys play and if Taco Charlton ever records a sack in a game (a full sack, none of that half sack crap) I make tacos for everyone at my place.
  5. Twisted Metal 2 was our jam back in the day. I usually played as either Sweet Tooth or Thumper. Good times. Edit: Interstate 76, still the best car combat game ever, though.
  6. In honor of the Dallas Cowboys first round pick, I'm making tacos! Any excuse to eat tacos is a good excuse, amirite?
  7. That's the kind of move a team should pull if they think the guy they're getting is the next Aaron Rodgers or Peyton Manning. Does anyone think Trubisky is a future hall of fame franchise QB? It's stupid to panic trade to make absolutely sure you get a guy who's not even necessarily the best QB in what is widely considered an underwhelming QB class. Good for the Niners for taking advantage of suckers. Honestly, I feel all 3 QBs taken were overpaid for, in a manner of speaking. The Houston trade was least egregious since that team is legitimately a QB away from being a real contender and the Cards would definitely have taken Watson.
  8. Exactly. I wasn't a fan of the Glennon acquisition to begin with, Mike Glennon is not worth the kind of money they gave him, but what it said to me was "Dear Lord, no more Cutler" which I can understand, and "we're stalling a year or two to get to a better QB class" which I can also understand, since I don't think there is a franchise level QB in this year's crop. Then they give up 2 picks to move up 1 position to get a guy who would 99% still been there at #3 and I feel is not a top 10 pick and the 3rd best QB prospect in the draft. It doesn't makes any sense to me. As for my boys, I'm fairly happy with the Taco Charlton pick. We desperately need help at DB and an edge rusher. I thought the Boys would got DB first, but a bunch of the top DBs got snagged before the draft rolled around to #28 and Taco was probably the highest level of talent we could get in a need position at #28. I do wonder if we would have taken Gareon Conley had he still been on the board?
  9. I haven't been this tempted to crowdfund something in a long time. I won't, because I'm done with crowdfunding, but I will almost certainly buy it once released.
  10. I had to do it. It's still the greatest live performance ever. EVER. What Queen did at Live Aid is LEGENDARY. 100 years from now people will still be talking about it. It was THAT amazing.
  11. I'm not trying to spam, it's been years, but this needs to be posted once in a while. What Queen ( and U2 to a lesser degree) did at this show needs not be forgotten. Epic stuff.
  12. I'm sure I've posted this video before, I'm positive, but it needs to be posted again once in a while. In 1984 a massive rock concert was formed in large part to Boontown Rats musician Bob Geldof. A plethora of popular acts of the time participated across multiple stages that were cast across the world for free. This was the time for bands to rise to the occassion and make a name for themselves. Queen was already one of the biggest bands in the world at this time, when they took the stage. What would follow is arguably the single greatest live performance of all time. If nothing else, it's the greatest performance of Radio Gaga ever.
  13. I tried to listen to them the last time you posted them (even though I don't really like metal), but it's just not for me, no matter how forward thinking or advanced they may have been for the time. Not everyone can appreciate Sepultura, or any other death metal bad, it's not for everybody. Not everyone can appreciate the merging of melody and hard core death metal.
  14. Jeff Loomis shreds the **** out of Jato Unit
  15. Still my favorite Brazilian death metal/thrash band. 1:53-3:30 shows off Sepultura's instrumental prowess, flexing their progressive death metal skills many years before progressive death metal really became a thing. A band well ahead of their time.
  16. Not too many women that can really death metal growl, less still that can death metal growl like that. It doesn't hurt that Alissa White-Gluz is attractive either. Also, it doesn't hurt that they have Jeff Loomis, one of the best progressive metal guitarists out there.
  17. I'm going cheapskate lunch for the next week, so I threw half a bag of (previously) frozen Italian meatballs (cut in half, because that's how I roll) in a pot along with a jar of spaghetti sauce and boiled up some angel hair spaghetti. $7 = delicious lunch for the next week. Hard to beat that.
  18. There are game types I tend to gravitate away from, but never say never, hence the answer is "nothing".
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