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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Yooka-Laylee runs like a champ. At 1440p with max settings I was getting well over 90 fps pretty much always before I turned V-Sync on (my monitor only does 60 Hz, I'm a pleb like that ). Granted that's with a i7-4790k and Titan X (Maxwell), but still, it's respectable, especially given it's on Linux, where OpenGL performance tends to lag behind DX, unless the dev really knows their OpenGL (I'm pretty sure this doesn't run on Vulkan).
  2. Preferably a female Asian school girl.
  3. Yooka-Laylee released today. So far, so good. The game looks great, just like a N64 game but with much better graphics. It sound and feels like a N64 game too. That's exactly what I was hoping for. Only time will tell if the gameplay and level design hold up over the course of the game.
  4. You mean outside of the series having the best damn spectacle fighter gameplay ever and the goofy tongue in cheek narrative? Edit: @majek - Vanquish on PC would be awesome.
  5. Io Shirai Moonsault Fetush

  6. It is over, BioWare, Zoraptor has the high ground.
  7. Shroud of the Avatar had a free trial weekend so I tried a bit of that. It's better than I feared and worse than I hoped. I can get past 2006-level graphics and general jank of the game, especially since it's still technically "pre-alpha". What kills me is the awkward controls and incredibly boring MMO-esque combat ( I REALLY hate hold down a mouse button to be able to turn your field of view type control schemes, I'd much rather have a toggle). To be honest, there are MMOs that have much better combat than this, like TERA. There are positives, though. I like the freedom in how to build your character, the lack of hand holding, and the ability to play offline, online single-player, or online multiplayer, or online just with friends. You can switch between online/offline modes whenever you like, though I'm not sure how the game would handle things like player housing in those instances. Anyway, the bit that I played didn't exactly inspire me, but it didn't make me write the game off completely either. Hopefully they do another free trial weekend closer to full release, assuming that ever happens.
  8. Maybe Bio should have outsourced the facial animations to Warhorse instead of whoever they outsourced to.
  9. So WB are basically just sitting on the IP, holding it hostage, doing nothing with it, not letting anyone negotiate a deal to use it, out of... spite? I mean, that does sound like something they would do.
  10. Yeah, I don't know the details, but I've heard rumblings that NOLF is stuck in some kind of IP trademark hell. It's a shame because it's a couple of amazing games that really should be made available for a new generation of players to enjoy.
  11. This, plus the second game. Also, Return to Castle Wolfenstein. That game was so good.
  12. I played the first couple levels on Normal... Then Hard... Just to get the feeling of the frantic strafing and running backwards while spraying back. Now it's time to get... Serious.
  13. Polish beer with a very strong honey taste. It's not just a hint of honey, they honey dominates the taste. Interestingly, while it's sweeter than most beers, it's not overly sweet. Not something I would drink regularly, as I generally prefer hoppy lagers, but it's got a really pleasant taste I will enjoy from time to time. Very easy drinking and with a strong flavor.
  14. No, it's the TwitterZone. The Twilight Zone was more like the real world. The Twitter Zone is a terrible terrible place. Stay away if you value your sanity.
  15. I scooped up Serious Sam HD First and Second Encounters, since Croteam recently updated them with the Fusion Engine with Linux support, Vulkan renderer, and 64-bit, plus they were 90% off so it was the price of a cup of coffee for both games (and not even a fancy schmancy latte or anything, just plain coffee) . The games run crazy fast with the Vulkan renderer, even if you enable ridiculous graphic options, plus Serious Sam still holds up today. The crazy overwhelming waves of enemy, frantic strafing and shooting gameplay, and cheesy as **** one-liners still hold up. Also, I still hate Kleer skeletons every bit as much today as over a decade ago.
  16. Part of me feels the same way, another part, however, says to give them that time to create something special. I loved parts of Falliut 4 but really hated other parts. What is supposedly a non-linear rpg felt like the most linear open world action game I've ever played.... I'm hoping they don't butcher Elder Scrolls, Berhesda has been somewhat questionable lately, Doom was phenomenal but Skyrim and Fallout 4 were just "meh." In my opinion. Of course I'm talking without mods though. Bethesda didn't develop Doom, they just published it. In my opinion, Bethesda hasn't developed anything special since 2007, when they released Shivering Isles (still the single best thing that company has ever put out, IMHO).
  17. I liked SR4 the best of the series. I liked that they went full silly. Also I thought that game had some really witty social commentary cleverly sugar coated in its ridiculousness. Also also, the ending to the Enter the Dominatrix DLC is the best video game ending I have ever seen. I cried genuine manly tears of joy.
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