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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I "solved" the murder in Thimbleweed Park and moved on to part 4 of the game. I feel like I'm not quite near the finish line but definitely more than halfway done with the game. The game just keeps getting more and more interesting.
  2. The Shadowrun series of games (Returns, Dragonfall, and Hong Kong) are far and away the best of the bunch, they're all fantastic, particularly Dragonfall and Hong Kong. Wasteland 2 I enjoyed quite a bit, I was quite happy with that game. I haven't finished TToN yet, but I'm enjoying what I have played so far. Pillars I grew to hate with a passion and D:OS I never finished on account of how utterly boring it is. Lords of Xulima is garbage-tier. Sunless Sea is a great game, but I'm not sure I'd label it a RPG. It's more a resource management game than anything else. Great writing, though.
  3. I finally moved on from Sagus Cliffs in TToN. It only took me 23 hours.
  4. Also free on Steam now, for a limited time.
  5. I posted about it in the Random Sales thread hours ago. Probably good to get the word out in this thread as well so no one misses out.
  6. I should have made a gif. The crazed look on her face as she saws the tree is amazing. I also love the fact that she pulls the saw out of her pocket and puts it back in her pocket afterward.
  7. I killed the world 2 boss in Yooka-Laylee. That makes 2 worlds I now have mostly completed (world 1 probably over 90% and world 2 at likely around 75%). The game only has 5 worlds, plus the overworld, but the worlds are pretty huge and have a ton of stuff to do and find in each of them. I have found and unlocked world 3, but I feel like I'm missing an ability to progress in it.
  8. Saints Row 2 is free on GOG for the next 48 hours.
  9. Yeah what the world needs is video games where portraying a member of a fascist regime is being one of the "good guys." Why is that a bad idea? I think it would make for a really interesting story. Presumably many, if not most, people working for the Empire truly believe they are in the right. They still view the Emperor as the Senator who took charge and stopped the war before it could spread further, bringing peace and stability to the galaxy. They've bought in to the propaganda. The game could reference famous moments in Star Wars lore, but show it from the Empire propaganda point of view. Any Star Wars fan would know that isn't the true perspective on it, and obviously anyone buying Battlefront II would be a Star Wars fan.
  10. I was specifically hoping for your input. Sorry if I made that confusing.
  11. I do really like that you'll be playing Empire in the Battlefront II single player, I just hope it's not one of those deals where you begin as Empire, than at some point have a change of heart and eventually help the rebellion. It would be really awesome if the entire single player campaign was from the perspective that the Empire are lawful peacekeepers and the rebellion are terrorist scum that must be wiped from the face of the galaxy. I doubt DICE and EA have the cojones to do an entire campaign and never waver from the Empire are the good guys view point, but it would amazing if they did. In other news, Man O War Corsair came out of early access today and I know at the very least Melky has played it, if anyone else has feel free to chime in. I have 3 questions: 1) Can you play as an orc. I mean as your main character, not just recruits. 2) I've seen comparisons to Mount & Blade and Sid Meier's Pirates! Is that fair? 3) Is it good?
  12. Jim Sterling is the Stephen A Smith of video games.
  13. I've grown quite tired of grimdark, to be honest. I meed a break from the eternal darkness for a while.
  14. Nothing weird about that, Titan Quest is a great game.
  15. SHUSH! I'm trying to build up an unrealistic expectation and set myself up for disappointment.
  16. The game has a bunch of these arcade mini-games. They're pretty fun.
  17. So it's a remake of Call of Pripyat? Nice. What I really want is a brand new S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game (is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 ever going to happen?), the Metro games were great, but much more linear and scripted experiences (not that that's a bad thing), whereas S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was more open with much more emergent gameplay (one of the best emergent gameplay experiences ever IMHO).
  18. My first elusive target success. Didn't get silent assassin, but at least I got the job done. That makes me 1/3 on elusive target missions.
  19. Yeah, it's always hard to make a case for a Spurs player because everyone on that team buys into Pop's plan and they all play team-first and don't care about individual glory, which is why they always get a top 3 seed and why Pop is arguably the greatest NBA coach ever. Still, Kawhi is freakin' amazing, I guess I just want the guy to get some individual attention. At least we're on the same page about Harden. What The Beard did this year has been remarkable.
  20. Homerism much? Are you freakin' kidding me? I don't have an issue with LeBron at 5, I'd put him there too since I refuse to give him serious MVP consideration for the simple fact of how piss poor the Cavs were down the stretch. A team with LeBron AND Kyrie should not end the season with only 51 wins. That's bonkers. I don't have an issue with Kawhi over Russ and can sorta see Kawhi over Harden. Kawhi excels on both ends of the floor, something you can't say about Russ, Harden, or Curry, and he led a team that won 61 games. I'd have Kawhi at #2. Steph is on a team that won 67 games and that's impressive, sure, but a good bit of that was with much help from KD, who was arguably the league MVP before he got hurt. I'd have Steph at #4. Russ just had one of the most impressive statistical seasons ever, maybe the most impressive. The thing is, Russ is a stat compiler the likes of which we have not seen since Wilt. Dude's obviously been ball hogging this year (his whole career, really) and padding his stats, his obscene usage numbers back that up. His team won 47 games, about what they were projected to. Russ is going to win the MVP, but I have him at #3. Harden should be the MVP. The utterly insane stats he put up this year are not that far off Russ' stats. The difference being that Harden makes his teammates better, whereas Russ just pads his stats. The proof is in the win total. Houston won 55 games, that's nearly 15 games over their projected win total. I don't buy the argument that Russ has a weaker supporting cast either. If anything, OKC has more talent around Russ, they just don't get to show it much as they stand around and watch Russ do his thing.
  21. You mean that giant 60's movie laser gun looking thing? Sure, what could possibly go wrong? Umm... Oh well, better make the best of this weird situation. Oh boy.
  22. I'm having a blast with Yooka Laylee. It really is the spiritual successor to Banjo Kazooie. It mirrors that game in so many ways and it comes with all the positives (the charm, pleasant cartoony graphics, fun powers, etc.) and negatives (sometimes INFURIATING camera, grunting voice overs which you will either find adorable or annoying, etc.) that entails. Basically, if you loved Banjo Kazooie and you think you would still like that kind of game some 15 years later, you will LOVE Yooka Laylee. Otherwise, some of the 15 year old trappings might wear on you. Luckily, this is exactly what I asked for and exactly what I received and I love it, 15 year old warts and all. So, if you were on the fence about this game, know that this is NOT a new take, a new envisioning of the N64 platformer, modernized. This IS a N64 platformer, through and through, just with a much nicer coat of paint.
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