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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. Might also has an effect on your guns damage. Those standard bullets just somehow increase in powah with more Might.
  2. Which appears Josh is doing. Q. What about town battles, where a rest spot is always close by? In those battles, the party is always at full power. Josh: In those cases, combat will likely be tuned for a "full-bore" party. The question is a bad question because you may not be at full power.
  3. There was varying difficulty of battles in the city of BG1. There were easy, medium and really hard encounters but they made sense in the context of the game world and it wasn't because players had access to an inn. I'm all for varying degrees of difficulty, but it needs to make sense. Having access to an inn to rest is really bizarre.
  4. Your daily powers will become encounter powers because you'll be rest spamming after each fight. And taking the view that people will rest spam and then increasing the difficulty for these rest spammers, this is the sort of thing that encourages rest spamming even more. And with daily powers becoming encounter powers for each fight then maybe this is what Josh has in mind and will adjust the encounters to this. This means that if someone wants to roleplay and not rest spam, they are at a disadvantage if they've already used a daily or a few on a previous fight.
  5. Well we both know harder city fights are not inspired by BG2 and you know that. It's inspired by ease of access to inns. eg. resting. Such inspiration. There's an inn over there so we'll make this fight hard.
  6. We're comparing PoE which would be more comparable to BG1 in terms of levels (heroic tier) to BG2 which was more paragon tier now? I noticed on the Codex Infinitron you take issue comparing PoE with BG2 (eg. Thieves and Rogues) but do want to compare PoE with BG2 with city fights.
  7. LOL. This just takes the cake.
  8. No. If the systems and gameplay improve I'll be the first one to congratulate it. I've even congratulated parts of the game and agree with some of those design choices like the reputation system over the alignment system in D&D. But keep peddling that doomsayer tag on me. It's cute.
  9. AHAHAHA. Health system is based on 4th ed. Yeah as much as being put in a blender, swallowed and shat out the backside into the game. I guess if you're a fan of that sort of system in PoE, I can see you liking it.
  10. Yeah and I responded to that post. Weak argument is weak to keep posting the same stuff.
  11. Nope and saying it is isn't going to change the fact that a lot of it is not inspired by it. Still waiting on those pages numbers in my players handbook where this is inspired from.
  12. Oh Uomoz. Bye bye. Don't use rituals. check. Too gamey. check. Ritual talent banned. check.
  13. No, I never said it was never inspired. I said a lot does not come from 4th ed. And that's a fallacy with your argument.
  14. Ah Uomoz. You are a laugh. And it wasn't just me who suggested distribution of health. Even PrimeJunta suggested it even though he didn't know you could do it in 4th ed via a ritual. But it's all too gamey for Uomoz. In fact ALL rituals in 4th ed are gamey. LMFAO.
  15. No. And it's why we have things like hit point bloat in PoE. Because you can't get down to 0 in PoE but you can get down to 10 in 4th ed. Understand? You can even go lower than 10 in 4th ed. How do you go lower than 0 in PoE? You can't. You can't even reach the baseline of 0.
  16. LMAO. Attributes that have a 3 in them and gives bonuses is just like 4th ed. Bwahaahahaha.
  17. Also looking for where a Con of 3 gives a bonus to health. In fact, that's not representative of any D&D system. So with it's attributes, you're trying to peddle that it's closer to 4th than 3rd? ROFLMAO.
  18. So when did enemies and your characters hit every time in 4th ed? Can't seem to find it in my players handbook. Can you give me the page number please?
  19. LOL. So anything that goes against the current design in PoE from 4th ed like rituals is now gamey. check.
  20. Nope, don't need a name change. Just need more from that wonderful 4th ed system that you love, like healing spells and healing potions that heal your health in this game. And 4th ed rituals.. oh wait that's too gamey for you. herp derp. Also, I wasn't aware that in 4th ed, every attack hits. Both you and enemies hit every time.
  21. Nope, not a direct port and nothing like 4th ed either with the exception of some cherry picked stuff like at will and encounter powers. I thought there were healing potions and healing spells in 4th ed that healed your health? You must be playing another 4th ed to me. Looks at players handbook, yep, there's healing potions and healing spells in there. Looks at PoE, nope none of that here.
  22. Nice deflection Uomoz. I'm not talking about encounter, at will or daily powers. I'm talking about healing and health. And I did say Josh has cherry picked stuff from 4th ed. Healing of health not being one of them, unless you count the extended rest which is not only for 4th ed.
  23. Nope. Nothing at all like 4th ed. You criticise people on this forum saying to them you haven't played it or too anchored in other systems. I come on who does play it and say it's nothing like it at all and then you go all doomsayer as if that's some retort. LMAO. And we're not talking talents either so nice deflection.
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