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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. Pfft. You wouldn't know qualtiy if it hit you in a face with a truck. Game was great. Story was predictable? So what. 99,99% of stories are. Leve design was great. I must have cleard just that harbor level alone in a dozen different ways. Sneaking in from the railway, infiltrating trough the sewers, swiming into the harbor, ramming a truck into the gas station as a diversion, etc, etc.. Better atmosphere (and AI) then any other FPS I can think of. Action was great. And suit was not OP (especially not on higher difficulties) Bad design? You want to talk bad design, look at Crysis 2. I mean seriously. I can just copy-paste your complaints to apply them to almost any game (including BG, ID, PT, etc), they are that generic.
  2. Cows are sapient. They just apprently don't give a damn. Except when they do. There have been some weird cow stories. Just saying that being intelligent and caring for the death of someone else - even if that someone is your species - are not one and the same. Hell, there are species where it's completely normal to kill eachoter, or to kil the young, or to devour your mate, etc...
  3. Wut you takin bout foo? I piddy da foo who doesn't like Crysis. It is a great game. Very open and rewarding.
  4. Can be jarring, but doesn't have to be. People are anything but consistent. You can talk to the same person on different occasions and he can seem like a different person.
  5. Capable, but sterile. But of course nothing is beyond Dark Gods' powers... In books there were slaaneshi traitor band called Violators under command of hedonistic Dradnought. I don't recall ever seeing that in any bit of fluff. There is nothing implying they are sterile...at all. Altough their offspring probably wouldn't have any gene-seed benefit.
  6. You speak as if quests are the only think that make the wrold feel alive/artificial or big/small. I have to disagree. Having a bajilion quests doesn't make the world feel alive. Quite the contrary, it makes it feel even more fake as every Tom, **** and Harry on the continent seems to wait just for you to get s*** done. Everyone else is incompetent.
  7. Yes I did. Either way is - the question was would dragons react? It's not a given that dragon are highly inteligent, and even then, it's not a given they would care.
  8. Contrary to what some think ,300 is not historicly accurate at all. You are actualy less likely to get back-stabbed in a 15000 vs 15000 fight then you are in a 5 vs 10 one. So no, you won't really worry less aboutarmor nad more about agility. You already jumped from a height of 2 feet...why not 10? Why not 100? At some point you have to stop shifting the goalpost. No? They might. Of course, the likelyhood of their survival is redicolously low, but there are Real World instances of people surviving multiple suicide missions. I have nothing agaisnt people being stupid. Wheat I do have against is people being stupid and not paying for their stupidity. If you might recall, marching slowly in single file while wearing bright, red uniforms ended up being a disastrous tactic that resulted in massive loss of life.
  9. And when we play games and are shooting/hacking to bits phisical representations of other human beings? I understand what you're getting at, but also understand how easy it is to see the wrongness in almost any human activity.
  10. I like choice, but I don't like the idea of taking on 10 quests and then just hoping from one to another. No sense of urgency. On another note, if a quest bores you, then the game is doing something wrong.
  11. BG1. The atmosphere of the realistic, medieval world was almost perfect there.
  12. The way magic is used (or what it's used for) opens up a can of worms. In essence, if magic is (ab) used without thought, just as a justification/handwave for something "cool", that opens up a can of worms. "Flying sharks with lazors on their heads? That's so cool. A wizzard did it!" And yet you don't get either. Except for a silly setting.
  13. I thought Space Marines were castrated either chemically or literally when they're turned into super men? They're also given powerful acid glands so no kissing either. Actually no. SM's are fully capable in that regard, they just don't have time or much interest... And they also control the acid glands, so the saliva is acidic only when they want it to be.
  14. Lets for argument sake say the doll was supposed to represent hte EX. So what? Every heard of people in therapy sometimes hiting eachother with nerf bats? This is basicly a more extreeme version.
  15. And if they are as smart as cows? Leatehr armor is fine but dragon scale is not? Because dragons are more inteligent (maybe, maybe not)? Kinda odd to say "If you're inteligence score is greater than 5, it's ok to skin you. Otherwise it's not"
  16. My point was that the very existence of such armor opens up a whole can of worms. You start with X, but the you realize.."hey, if X, why doesn't anyone use it for Y. I would" Also, there's a difference between willing to endure some uncomfort for going out clubbing, and straight-up risking your life by going into battle in a loincloth. Redicolous and impractical things were always an odditiy in battle - mostly because people wearing them got killed. There's an entire range of redicolous experimental weapons in RL that completely and totally failed.
  17. You mean the same fire-resistant skin that will save you from being cooked to a crisp? Yeah, I kinda have a hard time dumping "survival" under "evil monster". the other question is - how intelligent we are talking about with dragons? And would dragons even care?
  18. Really? We're going on a natzi comparison? Guilt? As if fans/readers should ever feel that stupid, fake, imposed guilt over that. Oh, how you make me laugh...
  19. MAGIC... also stacking rules. I can already imagine a warrior who fashions a full-body armor out of magical thongs, panties and chainmail bikini's. Helmet? Nah, I'll just wear several of this magical panties on my head. And I'll wrap myself up in other magical lingery like a mummy! +35680 armor save!!!!! Oh no, I reached a critical mass of magic armor... I'm falling into the event horizon of total invincibilty!
  20. One thing - wouldn't the size of the droplets depend from the distance to the camera? In other words, you can't see droplets in the distance, those close are big and so forth....
  21. If that was the case, we should also have males running around in chainmal speedos. Wait..why chainmail? It would chaif. Let's just enchant a silk thong or a big codepiece. Hm..come to think of it, if magical protective any-shape fields like that exist, why even bother with heavy swords? Let's have an enchanted ring that projects a magical sword-shaped field with steel durabiltiy and sharpness.. Wait, I got a better idea. If rings can be enchanted...if any obejct can be enchanted..why not simply enchant the body..or a tatoo? Let's have a mass of naked people running around in invisible armor fighting with invisible weapons. Very cheap on the art department to boot. Becase MAGIC is the solution to all problems.
  22. Wait..so I am "obstinant" and "trollish" because I don't want to accept what someone else peddles as "objective truth"? So tell me, is everyone that argues agaisnt you trollish? Is everoyne that doesn't agree wiht you "provoking" others? Exactly what makes you think that only I qualify for "provoking"? If you don't accept MY view, aren't you...ya know...provoking me? I know, it's a novel concept that there are two sides to any debate. What kind of logic is this?
  23. People have different prefferences where they want to "escape". And wanting ot be immersed in a story/setting doesn't mean it has to be far from reality or even that it has to be "fantastical" to begin with. Obviously differnet people have different tastes and find it harder or easier to escape. Some poeple can shut off their brain and enjoy everything provided. Others can't. Sometimes our vast knowledge can work against our enjoment. Examples are many. People who are into biology and anatomy might notice the dragon looks "wrong" (anatomicly broken/impossible) from a mile away. History buffs will notice how un-functional and redicolous some things are. Etc, etc... Some will be bothered by it, others wont. There are always ways to make things more or less believable. It has to do with common sense and knowledge of the underlaying working principles and goals. And you can only handwave so much before it starts smelling like S***. The idea of wanting "realism" in "fantasy" might seem redicolous to some, but it's actually very normal. Actually, a lot of the spells in high fantasy setting seem unrealistic. The "unintended consequences" clause.
  24. Becasue I can. See, you can now post that 2+2=5. What does that have to do with PE? Not much (unless you start aplying it to PE directly) Yet I'd still debate you till the end of forever over it.
  25. Bioware and 40K? No thanks. I don't think they're capable of doing the setting justice. They'll do to 40K what this DN does to this pony: http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/3/2055/25847fa92732457cae2623dea503aa9d.png
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