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Everything posted by LordCrash

  1. A dev told me "Never doubt Tim Cain; as the taste tester for every recipe in the cookbook, they are delicious!" So I'm assuming so. Delish Now lets wait and see Only if you backed for it. Look it up in the tiers description. @atn Very mature. And it adds so much to the discussion...
  2. That was never the intention. There is a different between "feeling disrespected" and "thinking that you are disrepected on purpose". I do think Obsidian does at least most of their stuff with the best intentions. That doesn't mean I agree with the thinking pattern, the effectiveness or the outcome. That's the point. I think that especially the communication with backers is poorly handled here, no matter the actual reasons. That's what I see and experience here and I give them my feedback. It just baffles me that apparently so many people here think that all negative feedback is forbidden and we should all just cheer. Some of us are disappointed and some of us actually want Obsidian to reconsider their bahaviour towards backers. That's about it. @Bryy And again that passive-aggressive behaviour. You should really improve on that...
  3. Well Bloodborne is a videogame and not a pc game and therefor not interesting to me. Sorry but i have been pc gaming since like 1990. For me it does not qualify as a RPG. For that matter the Witcher 3 does not too, Controller recommended in a rpg? A set main character i cannot create myself ? Sorry don't see any appeal in that. But yeah its much more rpg than an action game as Bloodborne, so it should not affect pillars as its released on a very limited and inferior platform only. I feel really sorry for you that you feel that way But that is the mentality that PC gamers are known for - it's not on PC, therefore it's not worth my time. We've gotta change that, or people will think we're all a bunch of elitist douches. So you're a douche now if you don't like controller gameplay? Wow... There is nothing wrong with only playing games on PC you know. That doesn't make you a douche and it doesn't make you elitist. And for what it's worth, most console gamers are even much worse than that. They'd never play an indie game or an exclusive PC game. Just go out on the PS4 forums and ask Bloodborne fans what they think about PoE. Either they don't even know it or they think it's "old crap", at least the vast majority. So who's the douche here?
  4. Is that an email your received? I "slacker-backed" immediately following the kickstarter, so I was never sent any of those kickstarter emails. I guess they might be doing the kickstarters first, then the "slacker-backers"? Nope, that's most likely an answer to a support ticket. I didn't get such an e-mail neither.
  5. It's not extra free stuff - I'm not asking for the 5,000 buck tier - just asking to be on the same page as the people that got review copies. Start making fun of me all you like and posting memes - it doesn't change the fact that some backers are upset by this. They will be more than happy to take it out on Obsidian again I have no beef with other backers who are happy to come second - some people don't mind that. But I am permitted to voice my objection and have been doing so without calling names, using all caps or generally making an arse of myself. It's tiring. Just stop posting then. Simple.
  6. You really think the difference between a two-weeks old build and the release build is THAT big? In that case Obsidian's time management or QE just sucked again... And obviously the streamers mostly liked the game although it's not the final build. So why trusting them and distrusting the backers? It's not like backers HAD to play the game before release. Everybody could wait for the day-one patch. But you'd have a choice... It's not a question of trust. I'm sure it looks that way to you, because you're determined that every decision Obsidian has taken must have had something to do with trust and respect. Why not just get rid of the 'release' then, by your logic? Backers should have a choice to play the gold master build, the 2 month build, the beta build, the alpha build, the pre-alpha build... Obsidian has the right to decide when the game is done, and to offer that finished game on the release day. Obsidian also has a right to offer media copies, like many many other games - both Kickstarted and publisher - have done. I don't find that disrespectful. But then, I have a feeling nothing will persuade you. I just find it disappointing. Of course Obsidian has every right to decide on their own behalf, that's not what this is all about. It's just that I disagree with some of their decisions from both a backer perspective and a marketing perspective. Maybe I'm just used to the "crowdfunding 2.0" mindset while Obsidian is still stuck in the "crowdfunding 1.0" mindset. While in the latter the backer is just seen as a substitute for a publisher and for funding in the former the backer is a trusted stakeholder who is integrated in the whole development process. It's hard to describe but it's a lot about communication and how you speak with backers. It depends on whether it's a clear top down approach in which you only tell backers so much and still having a lot of control and in secret or whether it's a more joint approach, "a joint adventure", with a almost fully transparent process in which the backers are always heard first and informed first. That's indeed the route Star Citizen (and some smaller kickstarter projects by the way) is taking and that's imo the future of crowdfunding. You know, a lot of people are disappointed if the "joint adventure" just lasted the 30 days of kickstarter and after that it's just a classical publisher-style model in which there is only few communication or conversation. It's not about them having a legal obligation, it's about different mindst and expectations. Some people not only saw kickstarter and crowdfunding as a mean to make games publishers refused to make they saw it as a model to completely revolutionize the development of games. Of course the emergence of early-access has a lot to do with it with more and more games not being transparently developed. And yes, this has indeed something to do with getting rid of builds, at least for those who buy in early. With digital distribution and constant patching "builds" aren't as important as 10 or even 5 years ago anyway. Of course people want a game to be finished at a certain time, so getting rid of a release makes little sense. But everything before that is changing...
  7. Jesus, I guess your pointless passive-aggressive posts will never stop, will they?
  8. You really think the difference between a two-weeks old build and the release build is THAT big? In that case Obsidian's time management or QE just sucked again... And obviously the streamers mostly liked the game although it's not the final build. So why trusting them and distrusting the backers? It's not like backers HAD to play the game before release. Everybody could wait for the day-one patch. But you'd have a choice...
  9. And again for you: you can't and shouldn't compare crowdfunded games and how to mange them to publisher financed games. Completely different playing ground. If you don't see that you're the one with the stupid opinion. The terms under which you crowdfunded it were clear and unequivocal from the start. Obsidian never promised you that you would get the game earlier than other customers, they never even hinted that you would get unspecified perks beyond those which you paid for, and they never said they would suspend marketing activities to appease your sense of justice. You are a customer, not a patron of the arts or a stakeholder. If you misunderstood what your backing meant, that's not Obisidian's fault. You missed the point completely. And you actualy also misunderstood kickstarter. I'm actually not a customer but indeed a patron of the art. Read the very basics of crowdfunding if you want to know more about that...
  10. Actually by not releasing it to its backers and fans first - it shows they have no confidence in the game. Because you know ... the people who bought the game would be playing it and streaming it themselves - then give the Media the same access. You would get way more vote of confidence by word of mouth - Already I am telling my friends who haven't bought it not to bother buying the game because they don't respect their fans. Exactly. It's NOT about gaming media or streamers gettting the game earlier. It's about backers no getting the game at the same time of streamers and gaming media. It's like Obsidian distrusts their own backers that they can't understand or stomach a version without a "day one" patch for a few days of so. If you ask me giving backers the game early would have been an even more massive marketing scheme than just giving it to streamers, just like you said. They seem to forget that WE, the backers, are probably their most loyal and enthusiast fans and we want to share our enthusiasm with others. But if we have no chance to play the game we just do something else in the meantime. So giving the game earlier to backers would have been a win situation for everybody. That's what Chris Robert has already understood. That's one of the reasons why Star Citizen is THAT popular tbh. Putting backers and the fanbase first. Treat them right and they give back, short term and long term..
  11. Why? Because he tells the truth? Go back to kindergarden if you can't stomach different opinions... @Tigranes Different people have different expectations and wishes.
  12. And again for you: you can't and shouldn't compare crowdfunded games and how to mange them to publisher financed games. Completely different playing ground. If you don't see that you're the one with the stupid opinion.
  13. He already said that it's about RESPECT and not about legal stuff or promises. It just doesn't feel like backers have a really high stand so shortly before release at Obsidian, no matter what they tell in the documentary. No warm words, no actual communication or conversation, no "sign of good will", no visible attempt to actually talk to the backers. Just business and "fulfilling duty", doing what is necessary. That's just disappointing imho. Call it lack of heart or lack of enthusiasm if you want. About Star Citizen: people here talk about community stand and involvement and NOT about the game itself. Two completely different things. Learn to separate this please.
  14. LOL, if there is something to limit or revoke, Brandon is there in an instant.
  15. We care about them. That's why we backed for T-shirts and paid them money. It's not the other way round...
  16. http://kotaku.com/were-really-digging-pillars-of-eternity-1693310820 The media is playing it - before you. Well, that's hardly a surprise. The lack of proper communication on Obsidian's behalf though, that is actually a suprise. It seems that they have somehow lost contact to their most loyal fans and backers by quite a margin...
  17. It's actually pretty funny to accuse the Dark Souls series of the "CoD loop" or "AC style milking" and watching the strong reactions from the fanboys since it's usually the self-proclaimed hardcore elite crowd who tells everyone the very same every time a new CoD or AC or whatever comes out... At least you can apparently bind more than two mouse buttons now. FOUR months after release. Epic achievement in game design... Funny how you're bashing DA:I's combat, but you have an avatar of The Witcher. Witcher 2 was basically mashing mouse buttons and pressing 1 2 every now and then for a sign spell. Don't get me wrong I love those games, as well as Dragon Age. Witcher 3 is a solo action RPG. DAI is a party RPG with a heritage of offering tactical party combat with pausing. Completely different thing. I also don't see how talking about the lack of bindable mouse buttions is "bashing DAI's combat"... And I don't play Witcher primarily for the combat anyway. It is extremely important to define one's identity based on the kind of media one consumes, and also to section off into mutually hostile tribes on the same grounds. Appreciating the merits or game design of entertainment that is not to your tastes is haram, and an offense to Allah. Welcome to the world of internet gaming communities... No need to be sad. In just two days you can play PoE for days and weeks. No other game needed anymore.
  18. Could we at least get our bonus material on the backer portal A BIT earlier than the rest of the world on Steam on Thursday?
  19. For me it's already tomorrow, dude... They failed the Tuesday promise here in ol' Europe... Time zones. How do they work. Humor. How does it work.
  20. It's actually pretty funny to accuse the Dark Souls series of the "CoD loop" or "AC style milking" and watching the strong reactions from the fanboys since it's usually the self-proclaimed hardcore elite crowd who tells everyone the very same every time a new CoD or AC or whatever comes out... At least you can apparently bind more than two mouse buttons now. FOUR months after release. Epic achievement in game design...
  21. For me it's already tomorrow, dude... They failed the Tuesday promise here in ol' Europe...
  22. Anybody knows if the game will benefit from being installed on an SSD (mostly loading times related)? Still thinking about the installation location. Important question for incoming preload.
  23. Yeah, I almost have KS vibes.
  24. 450? We were more than 70,000 backers once... tztztz...
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