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Posts posted by Elerond

  1. People that I would guess to be women actually talk about games here, but other conversations don't seem to interest said people that much. So maybe their shared interest are just those games and for other things they just go elsewhere. And said individuals also seem to disappear soon after they lose interest to particular game that brought them here in first place. Same is also true for most men that come here because of games. So I would say that we are just bad when it comes to integration of new people in our society :).








    In Arizona MVD maybe behind members from both parties losing their party membership. I must say that US political system is very interesting.

    I love the fact that a system error in the DMV is automatically attributed to "Somebody's rigging the system!"





    Why would party affiliation be stored in the same database as driver information? I ask as a Canadian where political parties have their own member database rather than the government holding it.


    Down here, the DMV is basically your one stop shop for any form of registration. Either there or the Post Office, as both are the primary ways the government knows where you live and your primary form of interaction with the Government. For the most part the DMV is where most people register to vote so they have to have that info on file.


    And yes, the parties do have their own lists of people behind them, but for the most part the federal election commission goes by the DMV selections people make, rather than by what the parties say.



    Ahh, leadership races here are a party thing not a government thing. The parties organize the leadership elections rather than Elections Canada. I guess if the government organizes the election it makes sense to register your party affiliation with the government.


    Basically yeah. In both Britian and Canada, and most places with a Prime Minister, that Minister is selected by who wins the lower races. So at the national level the political machine is firmly entrenched, but reliant on who wins the local senatorial election. In America, I could vote for Steve "Can't get pregnant via rape" King locally, but Obama on the national level.



    But most places that have some sort parliamentary system have different systems for local elections and national elections.


    Which is why I can for example vote in local elections different party than when I vote in parliamentary elections or presidential elections. 


    In other words: there are different representatives in local and national level and I directly give my vote for both of them

  3. Christian Easter is strange because it has never tied in calendar.




    Easter and the holidays that are related to it are moveable feasts which do not fall on a fixed date in the Gregorian or Julian calendars which follow only the cycle of the sun; rather, its date is determined on a lunisolar calendar similar to the Hebrew calendar. The First Council of Nicaea (325) established two rules, independence of the Jewish calendar and worldwide uniformity, which were the only rules for Easter explicitly laid down by the council. No details for the computation were specified; these were worked out in practice, a process that took centuries and generated a number of controversies. It has come to be the first Sunday after the ecclesiastical full moon that occurs on or soonest after 21 March, but calculations vary in East and West.




  4. Batman v. Superman was meh. Its story was uninteresting, Luthor was awful character from script to acting. Superman felt like side character without meat on bones. I liked Batman even though this incarnation breaks rules established by comics (but I am not reader of Batman comics so I didn't care) . This incarnation of Wonder Woman also felt nice but hard to say as she had quite little of screen time, it is hard to judge her appearance or acting as we see her so little. Establishment of other DC characters and dream scenes and other things that underlay future movies were even worse than in Marvel's movies.


    So it is watchable movie but I don't recommend seeing it if you don't like see that Affleck don't always suck being superhero.


    EDIT: Also Doomday felt just another CGI monster that destroys things around him/it without any reason but carnage.


    What a bizarre world we live in where you can spend years creating a game, and then the people playing the game can make more money off it than you.

    If such a thing were to happen I would blame poor business practices rather than laws allowing LPs. Unfortunately, from what I've seen a lot of the companies that struggle are quicker to blame either consumers or the market for their own poor decisions.



    Laws don't allow LPs. LPs currently exist only because game developers let them. Game developers could easily do same as music and video producers that copyright claim or take over monetization of Lets Play YouTube videos if there is even second of material that they own (and LPs that don't show the game itself probably will not get that much views). Even cases where LP fall under Fair Use categories, developers have legal right to take down the video and then video maker can use Fair use as reason in court why their video should be allowed exist even though it breaks developers IP rights. So in short under current laws LPs exist only because of good will of developers and publishers.

    • Like 2




    Developer Ryan Green noted in a blog post that since its launch over two months ago, That Dragon, Cancer has only sold an estimated 14k copies, according to SteamSpy. That's not that much for a team of eight across the past three years.


    "Our studio has not yet seen a single dollar from sales," said Green. As for the existing revenue, he clarified "We decided to pay off all of our debt as soon as possible."


    The developer suggested that the reasons sales were so low was because many folks chose to watch Let's Play videos of the two-hour game rather than purchase it. "We underestimated how many people would be satisfied with only watching the game instead of playing it themselves," Green lamented.


    "If you compare the millions of views of the entirety of our game on YouTube to our sales as estimated on SteamSpy, you can hopefully see the disparity," he continued. "We have seen many people post our entire game on YouTube with little to no commentary. We've seen people decompile our game and post our soundtrack on YouTube. We've also seen many, many Let's Players post entire playthroughs of our game, posting links to all of their own social channels and all of their own merchandising and leaving out a link to our site."







    But what if people watched the Let's Players and then decided this game isn't something that suits their taste, therefore didn't bought it themself? Can't  blame the Let's Players here, imo. That merchandising stuff is something else entirely, though.



    Lack of sale even after millions of views may lead situation where publisher and indie devs start in mass say that they don't allow Let's Plays of their games (as in many places Lets plays can be done only if Game's rights holder don't forbid them), or go Nintendo route (and force lets players to give them percentage of their income). Although I would say that problem mostly only applies to this kind virtual experience products that have very narrow amount game mechanics, where there is little variance to be found and where major of the entertainment comes form narrative, as one can actually experience the game quite wholesomely without playing it. 



    I can only see LPs doing that sort of damage if the product isn't up to consumer standards. Lately I've been watching EpicNameBro's latest LP of Dark Souls. I eventually bought Dark Souls, not because I intend to play it (I don't; it's simply not the kind of game I would enjoy playing) but out of artistic appreciation of the product. It isn't an unreasonable conclusion other many consumers would be willing to do the same if the product is particularly good. (Note: I'm being biased, and I know it. That still doesn't invalidate my opinion.)



    It isn't necessary even question do LPs do damage for game, but if LPs don't help games to sell, game's rights owners may come in conclusion that they don't like that other people profit from their product and as currently laws are in favor of game's rights owners if they want to block LPs. So if people want things continue like they current are they need to convince rights owners that they benefit from how things current are or change laws so that rights owners can't block things continuing like they currently are. Although it is quite likely that current state, where there aren't clear and comprehensive rules, will stop in some point in future.



    Developer Ryan Green noted in a blog post that since its launch over two months ago, That Dragon, Cancer has only sold an estimated 14k copies, according to SteamSpy. That's not that much for a team of eight across the past three years.


    "Our studio has not yet seen a single dollar from sales," said Green. As for the existing revenue, he clarified "We decided to pay off all of our debt as soon as possible."


    The developer suggested that the reasons sales were so low was because many folks chose to watch Let's Play videos of the two-hour game rather than purchase it. "We underestimated how many people would be satisfied with only watching the game instead of playing it themselves," Green lamented.


    "If you compare the millions of views of the entirety of our game on YouTube to our sales as estimated on SteamSpy, you can hopefully see the disparity," he continued. "We have seen many people post our entire game on YouTube with little to no commentary. We've seen people decompile our game and post our soundtrack on YouTube. We've also seen many, many Let's Players post entire playthroughs of our game, posting links to all of their own social channels and all of their own merchandising and leaving out a link to our site."







    But what if people watched the Let's Players and then decided this game isn't something that suits their taste, therefore didn't bought it themself? Can't  blame the Let's Players here, imo. That merchandising stuff is something else entirely, though.



    Lack of sale even after millions of views may lead situation where publisher and indie devs start in mass say that they don't allow Let's Plays of their games (as in many places Lets plays can be done only if Game's rights holder don't forbid them), or go Nintendo route (and force lets players to give them percentage of their income). Although I would say that problem mostly only applies to this kind virtual experience products that have very narrow amount game mechanics, where there is little variance to be found and where major of the entertainment comes form narrative, as one can actually experience the game quite wholesomely without playing it. 






    It is attribute and character creation systems in PoE. Which were things that whole Josh's talk in GDC was about.


    Okay, so if Josh will be involved with PoE2, and he will not be doing attribute and character creation systems again, does this mean neither of these will be present in PoE2? Or was he just being tongue in cheek with that comment.


    A PoE2 without attributes and classes sounds like a horrible direction for the series.



    Or they just use one from PoE and maybe adjust it bit.


    Yeah, but that would be Josh doing "it" again.



    Designing and tuning attribute and character creation system? I don't see how he would do it again if he uses one that he already made and tuned.


    Sequels often bring with them new stuff. You don't typically release a new game with exactly what the previous game had. So new classes seem likely inclusions -- looks awesome in the marketing. Higher levels -- also looks great in marketing material. Maybe something like prestige classes could be added in - would have lots of people literally swooning.


    Surely it's possible that PoE2 could be released without such things, but it would seem like a bit of a missed opportunity.



    And Josh didn't say that he would not continue to tune and develop systems that PoE has, but that he personally would not like to make another (absolute new) systems that has same/similar goals and features, because he don't personally like that style of system, because classes cause conflicts in designing and balancing attribute system and he prefers classless systems. 


    And regardless of his personal positions he is professional designer and will design and tune any system that his employee wants to him to design and balance. But if he has given choice he will make classless system.

    • Like 1



    It is attribute and character creation systems in PoE. Which were things that whole Josh's talk in GDC was about.


    Okay, so if Josh will be involved with PoE2, and he will not be doing attribute and character creation systems again, does this mean neither of these will be present in PoE2? Or was he just being tongue in cheek with that comment.


    A PoE2 without attributes and classes sounds like a horrible direction for the series.



    Or they just use one from PoE and maybe adjust it bit.


    Yeah, but that would be Josh doing "it" again.



    Designing and tuning attribute and character creation system? I don't see how he would do it again if he uses one that he already made and tuned.

    • Like 1

    It is attribute and character creation systems in PoE. Which were things that whole Josh's talk in GDC was about.


    Okay, so if Josh will be involved with PoE2, and he will not be doing attribute and character creation systems again, does this mean neither of these will be present in PoE2? Or was he just being tongue in cheek with that comment.


    A PoE2 without attributes and classes sounds like a horrible direction for the series.



    Or they just use one from PoE and maybe adjust it bit.


    Can  I ask you a question and please be honest as the feedback is important to me. From my side I consider you someone who I  have never had any issues having a debate with. I consider our forum interaction very healthy but how have you found me..am I rude at times, condescending? Or am I normal to you ?



    I would say that you aren't atypical internet forum user


    Late answer, because I don't really read this topic but I saw in latest page that somebody had asked something from me. So I looked up who had been need of my unlimited wisdom :brows: .

    • Like 1


    I'd like to discuss the game, but don't feel like signing up to another forum just to do so.

    That's the whole reason I created this thread, to talk about the game here


    And I already had a Paradox account but I don't really like it over there



    Yeaaaah... I took a look over there but it seemed kind of toxic. 


    So, continuing the conversation, they say it will be released this year. Is it just me, or does that seem kind of... optimistic? 



    Game has most likely been in development from later half of 2014. Also they are building game on existing tech and they also have people that are familiar with said tech and they also have production pipelines to produce content on said tech. So only thing that could prevent release game this year is if they aim too ambitious scope.


    Hogan and his even more immoral friends, the wife and husband., did something for themselves....not for someone else,its worse what Hogan did

    Are you seriously saying that something between consenting adults is "worse" than something done without consent?


    Because AFAIK Hogan and Heather Clem were consenting adults in what they did but they did not consent to being filmed or to having said film distributed by Gawker.



    "If a man is found lying with the wife of another man, both of them shall die"

    Deuteronomy 22:22




      :dancing:  :devil:  :aiee:  :bat:   :skull: 


    • Like 1

    Errr, the Syrian refugees Finland weren't evn 3% of the total number of refugees. This is the list of the top 6.


    Iraq: 20485

    Afghanistan: 5214

    Somalia:  1981

    Syria: 877

    Albania: 762 (what?)

    Iran: 619


    A total of 32 476, where over 70% where men in fighting age. 

    Yes I understand your concern, I may  not share your view about them being all being dangerous but seriously ....WTF are people from those countries doing immigrating to Finland?


    Its more the principle for me because I understand the shared burden of the EU but I still think its unfair to expect countries like Finland to just accept these refugees and have no concerns 



    It should be optional but as I keep saying the ME countries must take more refugees before Europe has to



    Most of those that have come are economical refugees that will not get asylum. But asylum process is slow and stiff, which is why Finland has gained popularity addition to fact that we are rich.


    Like for example there is nearly zero change that people from Albania will get asylum. 





    Yes but do you think its a problem in Finland? In other words has the Finnish government failed around this 


    Yes, it has caused and will cause problems in Finland and governments (these aren't new problems and have continued through several governments) have failed to solve them. And that failure cause quarrels in general population, which of course can lead that these problems expand and become even worse. 


    Okay but are you talking about the 20k Syrian refugees that have just arrived in Finland? Isn't it too early to say the Finnish government has failed ?



    Dont  get me wrong I can understand if this is the issue...its normal but I just want to be sure we are talking about the same thing?



    You think that those 40k refugees are only refugees/immigrants that there are in Finland? Those are just ones that cause additional stress to existing policies/systems that have problems, where get to the point that it isn't necessary most solid policy to add stress to policies/systems that don't work and hope that they work.


    Okay I didnt realize Finland had  such a problem with refugees.....I have to be honest because of the harsh weather I wouldn't think Finland would be so popular...also your language, no one can understand it  :biggrin:



    It has not been popular. Between 1970-2012 Finland gave asylum to 48k refugees and even that amount causes problems with existing policies and systems. And now government tries to use those same systems and policies for those that 40k have come in past year. Can you see why there maybe some more problems in future?

    • Like 1


    Yes but do you think its a problem in Finland? In other words has the Finnish government failed around this 


    Yes, it has caused and will cause problems in Finland and governments (these aren't new problems and have continued through several governments) have failed to solve them. And that failure cause quarrels in general population, which of course can lead that these problems expand and become even worse. 


    Okay but are you talking about the 20k Syrian refugees that have just arrived in Finland? Isn't it too early to say the Finnish government has failed ?



    Dont  get me wrong I can understand if this is the issue...its normal but I just want to be sure we are talking about the same thing?



    You think that those 40k refugees are only refugees/immigrants that there are in Finland? Those are just ones that cause additional stress to existing policies/systems that have problems, where get to the point that it isn't necessary most solid policy to add stress to policies/systems that don't work and hope that they work.

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