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Posts posted by Elerond

  1. Interesting. What is to be gained by creating a fictional language for PoE?


    It gives option to use characters that speak foreign language without causing translation problems.


    If you use real world languages for foreign languages in fantasy game it can cause problems when game is localized to country that speaks that language. Like for example there is character that speaks German and then you localize your game to Germany, what you do choose for that German speaking character that should be foreign? Using fictional languages remove all this kind localization problems.


    Additionally fictional languages can make fictional world feel more real, in same way as maps and other details that helps person to imagine what kind world it is.

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    Don't try and insinuate that Hillary has convictions. For the sake of a thought experiment though; let's pretend she does:



    Hillary supported the sanctions on Iraq. The same sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people (including children). She was well aware of this. Please explain to me how this does not make her a terrible person? I'm pretty sure that if my convictions lead to me supporting the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent people you'd consider me a bad person. At least I'd hope so. I know that Hillary is a democrat (that makes her good by default; after all, she's "progressive") and the people she helped starve to death were Muslims (do they really count as full humans?), but please don't just give her a pass.


    And who voted against the sanctions on Iraq?



    Do you speak about 1990 sanctions against Iraq (United Nations Security Council Resolution 661, which change bit in 1991 United Nations Security Council Resolution 687)?


    The 1991 ones I imagine would be the most relevant?



    1991 resolution is decision to continue sanctions in 1990 resolution after gulf war ended, primary purpose was to prevent Iraq acquiring weapons of mass destruction. 

    • Like 1

    Don't try and insinuate that Hillary has convictions. For the sake of a thought experiment though; let's pretend she does:



    Hillary supported the sanctions on Iraq. The same sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people (including children). She was well aware of this. Please explain to me how this does not make her a terrible person? I'm pretty sure that if my convictions lead to me supporting the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent people you'd consider me a bad person. At least I'd hope so. I know that Hillary is a democrat (that makes her good by default; after all, she's "progressive") and the people she helped starve to death were Muslims (do they really count as full humans?), but please don't just give her a pass.


    And who voted against the sanctions on Iraq?



    Do you speak about 1990 sanctions against Iraq (United Nations Security Council Resolution 661, which change bit in 1991 United Nations Security Council Resolution 687)?



    I'm very ambiguous.


    But my point was it isn't that surprising that women received suffrage when they did given material conditions(the surge of women in the workforce around the US entry into WW1) of the time period.



    I would think most people would say it was surprising it took that long for women to receive the right.  Land of the free, home of the brave and all that.



    I have find it always bit funny that British Colony and Grand Principality in Russian Empire were first places in world to give suffrage to women and establish universal suffrage. And that Russia and Poland did same before most of countries that people now think when one speaks about countries with liberal principalities, values, equal rights, and examples of democracy.


    Kididng right? She is as attractive as ever. btw, Funny people whine about  Trump beings exist yet the first real compliant about a female supporter of his ... is to attack her apprant loss of looks. LMAO



    BTW, I have a ahrd time believing a strong independent woman 9whetehr you agree with her views or not) like Coulter would support  a serious sexist/hater of women. LMAO


    Then again, we have Clinton supporters wanting her to name a sexist pig (Clinton's  truthism) like Sanders her running mate in an election. Then again, she does laugh at rape victims. :)

    Volo do you think Coulter makes sense?



    Coulter has never made sense, but that isn't because of her looks. imo nobody asked my opinion but you get it any way 

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    If a cop pulled me over for speeding and I told him I wasn't willfully speeding, do you think I'd still get a ticket?



    I have done this couple times and both times cop let me go without ticket, just recommending to watch my speed more carefully  :biggrin:  

  7. ChjQulcUkAEb8m7.jpg


    Sometimes when I read social media I get feeling that candidates could have hired better people to run their campaigns. Like for example above picture is much better attack ad than anything that I have seen from official campaigns or their supporting organizations.

  8. FBI will not share iPhone unlocking mechanism, cites lack of ownership


    "The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation said on Wednesday it did not own the rights to the technical method a contractor used to open an Apple iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters and therefore could not submit details of the mechanism for an interagency government review.

    Amy S. Hess, the FBI's executive assistant director for science and technology, said in a statement that when it hired an outside party to unlock the phone, the agency did not purchase the rights to the technique.

    As a result, Hess said, the FBI does not "have enough technical information about any vulnerability" in the iPhone to submit for the interagency review."



    good businessmen are going to do what is best for their business, whether they like it or not


    Which is why the question do he continue his fight against globalization by supporting it because it is good for business. Going against free trade deals (those haven't born just from incompetence of politicians, but also from needs of big international corporations which businesses they benefit) is bad for big business like Trump, so he would need to actually make decisions that are bad for his business to keep up his promises during this campaign. So will he actually work against his own interest or do he continue to do what is best for his business. 

  10. http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/04/27/donald-trump-rejects-false-song-globalism-nationalist-foreign-policy-speech-2/




    We will no longer surrender this country, or its people, to the false song of globalism,the billionaire stressed. “Under a Trump Administration, no American citizen will ever again feel that their needs come second to the citizens of foreign countries.”


    Oh dear, the guy is going to have an assissination attempt on him in the near future. The assassin will be of course a mentally ill Cruz-supporter who thinks that Trump has betrayed God and the constitution for his views on transexuals in the bathroom.


    //edit: I do smell a slight calculated move to appeal to Bernie supporters there.


    Question is will Trump continue his fight against globalism with continuing to producing his company's goods in Mexico and China?


    Trump maybe even more popular than GWB in primaries when it comes to number of people voting him.


    Also number of people voting in GOP primaries seems to be highest in 2000s.


    About 12 million people have voted some other candidate than Trump, like for example Mitt Romney opposition got less than 10 million votes total. Also John McCain's opposition get less than 10 million votes and so did George W. Bush's opposition. GWB got about 12 million votes that was 62% of popular vote (McCain got bit less than 10 million votes (52.45% of total) and Romney bit over 10 million votes (52.21% of total)).

  12. UK must leave European convention on human rights, says Theresa May


    "“The ECHR can bind the hands of parliament, adds nothing to our prosperity, makes us less secure by preventing the deportation of dangerous foreign nationals – and does nothing to change the attitudes of governments like Russia’s when it comes to human rights,” she said.

    “So regardless of the EU referendum, my view is this: If we want to reform human rights laws in this country, it isn’t the EU we should leave but the ECHR and the jurisdiction of its court.”"



    I find it bit funny that it is UK that has problems with ECHR as ECHR is British designed institution that they drive through after WWII, to prevent countries making policies that she speaks for now. Also it is bit funny that she seems to have forgotten that membership of EU requires membership in ECHR. 



    Very happy with the Democratic results in NY  :dancing:


    Well done Hilary Clinton and her campaign, I have been waiting for the Sanders movement   to end its winning streak around the actual votes, not delegates 


    Results weren't that good for Clinton actually, as New York is her home state, but at end of the day it don't matter because it has been clear for sometime that Sanders can't win the nomination except in most strangest circumstances. 


    Nah, its a good victory for Clinton. The correct word to describe it  is resounding ...it may not seem like a big lead she won over Sanders but in political terms its considered good ?





    It wasn't really that good result because she was predicted to win more, but she has lost her support (or more accurately Sanders has gained support) in New York in past month. If Sanders had not already virtually lost this race this would have been big win for him, but because Sanders was in need of miracle to come back in the race, this result is sufficient enough to Clinton.

  14. If Sanders wins 80% of the vote in California, then things might get funny.


    Not really, as if I counted right there is 1400 delegates + 267 super delegates left and Sanders needs 1200 delegates to win the nomination, which means that he needs to win over 70% of remaining delegates.


    Clinton only needs about 470 delegates to get nomination.

    • Like 1
  15. Very happy with the Democratic results in NY  :dancing:


    Well done Hilary Clinton and her campaign, I have been waiting for the Sanders movement   to end its winning streak around the actual votes, not delegates 


    Results weren't that good for Clinton actually, as New York is her home state, but at end of the day it don't matter because it has been clear for sometime that Sanders can't win the nomination except in most strangest circumstances. 

  16. Heh, funny. it is a fairly old piece of news, but it seems that Sweden will spent more money on refugees and immigrants than on its own military and defense in the next budget.


    I just cannot grasp the idiocy behind this.


    No worries Sweden seeks defense alliance with Finland, which will be very beneficial for them and ensure their border security, although for Finland benefits that security experts foresee are higher risk to be forced to tale part in a crisis, so it is absolutely such deal that our current government can't say no.   :wowey:

    • Like 1
  17. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/04/17/politics/north-korea-donald-trump/index.html


    I may not be too fond of Trump but North Korea officials criticizing him is ....laughable and hypocritical 


    They use his statements as proof that they have moral right to up their nuclear weapon game. That interview seem be quite strategic propaganda effort from North Korea, to make it look that their nuclear weapon program isn't that strange or objectionable.

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    Fallout 2 and Icewind Dale 2 both were also franchise sequels, they didn't use characters from previous games so there was no reason for transferring characters or save games.   



    I mean, there's no REASON they couldn't have carried characters or world states over in the sequels if that's what they WANTED to do.  I brought this up precisely because lots of people have talked about save file transfer for PoE2, despite Obsidian having no precedent of implementing such things.


    Personally, I think I generally prefer making new characters with new games.  Character creation is one of my absolute favorite parts of any RPG.



    They could had but saving world state sequel wasn't think that was done by anybody when Fallout 2 come out and they also set it so far on future that world state from Fallout 1 would not had really mattered that much. 


    In Icewind Dale 2 they decided to change rule system which prevented using character import mechanism that was build in IE. And it was also done during time when saving world state wasn't done by anybody really, like for example Bioware didn't do it in Baldur's Gates either.




    It would be cool if they let you transfer your character and in the second game you'd become a godlike reflecting your choice at the end of PoE.

    While that's a pretty clever and neat idea, I have to ask, have Obsidian EVER made a game sequel that allowed for character transfer?  Or even SAVE FILE transfer?



    Obsidian has yet to make game that is sequel to their own game.


    Even if we count Black Isle stuff, did any of those have either?  I know Fallout didn't.



    Fallout 2 and Icewind Dale 2 both were also franchise sequels, they didn't use characters from previous games so there was no reason for transferring characters or save games.   






    Because the other thing the mod does is remove a snipe at GamerGate by Minsc. Gosh, these anti-SJW's (for that is what they are - people who have defined themselves entirely by their opposition to "political correctness", a.k.a. trying to be nice to people) are so easily offended.



    Yes, people are actually more up in arms about Minsc (and Safana and Jaheira for that matter) than the whole "trans" thing. Because it´s out of character for Minsc to say this line, and inconsistency in a character people know for almost two decades is really miserable writing, just so the writer can take a jab at some online movement. It´s cheap and for roleplayers (we are talking about an RPG after all), it can be an immersion breaker.


    The CEO of Beamdog also realized this now, and they are removing the line. It´s a small step, not that it improves the overall quality of writing.



    hmm, no, Fallouts (the good ones) have tons of pop cultura references and was still hell a lot of fun



    Yeah, they do, but they are placed in a setting, which could very well have the same pop culture icons, as it is after all only a bit twisted Earth.



    Fallout 2 is full of pop culture references that aren't that fitting in the game's world but are there just for the fun of it or because developers were fans of certain things (Like all the monthy python references, bridge guardian, paladins looking holly hand grenade, etc.)

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