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Posts posted by Elerond





    He can surely be working on two projects. Furthermore, it was Sawyer himself who said very recently that PoE2 will not be happening any time soon. So my take is that they have had discussions about PoE2 but not really started development work on it. Project Louisiana is what Sawyer's group is working on, but it is not PoE2.




    He said it was a "ways off". Then we learned about Tyranny, so it makes sense that they'd wait a while before revealing it so as not to hog the spotlight. There's no reason not to start on the sequel right away - Larian went right onto a sequel after finishing up Divinity: Original Sin. It will be quite some time until it's actually released.

    Well actually in that interview with MMORPG he specifically said it was time for him to move on to something different, but then added a sequel to PoE would happen at some point but that was a way off. That's the complete context of his answer to that question.


    Also keep in mind that it's not just PoE that's come to an end but also AW and the Pathfinder card game. They are large enough of a studio that they can and need to have multiple projects going on at the same time. So it makes sense that they could have three projects ongoing at the same time - Vermont/Tyranny, Louisiana, and Indiana - with the chronologically last one of them, Indiana, being PoE2. So I stand by my projection that we will see another RPG of some sort between Tyranny and PoE2.



    *shrug* There is no Project Indiana that I've ever heard of. There is a Josh Sawyer with "Revua" on his Twitter profile and an Orlan on his Instagram.


    And he said "we'd like to move on to a new project". That project is Tyranny.



    He said this:


    Josh: Pillars of Eternity is all wrapped up.  It's been a great experience, but we'd like to move on to a new project.  We'd love to make a sequel and have a ton of ideas for ways we can improve on Pillars, but that's a way off.


    in mmorpg's interview, then he confirmed he's not involved with tyranny on twitter so "PoE 2's in development" seems to me just wishful thinking for those who wants the sequel right away while the evidence clearly suggests a new project which is not PoE2 nor Tyranny.


    I personally don't want PoE 2 right away since next game, Tyranny is very similar type of game, something different; 3D for starters... would be better : d Don't think I can handle 3 games in 2D style in a row. Tho it could just be another new IP in PoE style, like Tyranny sdfgh



    Obsidian is releasing at least three games (AW, Pathfinder card game, and Tyranny) before Project Louisiana is coming out, so if they don't crowd source it then you will not hear about it for long time and you will not hear when they start to develop it (Like we didn't hear anything about Tyranny before now that is close to release). 


    So I would not put lot of weight for that interview when it comes to is Project Louisiana PoE2 or not.


    Your last four presidents have lead foreign policies that have had very significant impact on every day lives of lots of people all around world, in some cases even more than our local governments can do in one election cycle. Which is why your national elections have become even more reported thing than our local (national) elections in sometimes.

    That's a fair point. I don't think anyone here would argue the Afghanistan intervention was needed. But every one since was a bad idea. Congress could have stopped every one of them it's worth mentioning. You all know where I stand on US foreign policy and of of these 5 candidates the only two who favor a more reserved, less interventionist attitude are two who probably won't win. From a FP perspective do you think there will be a bit of difference in the actions of a Clinton, Cruz, or Kasich State Dept? I don't think there will be. So again, what does it matter? 



    From what I have read there is only quite minor differences. Although Kasich seems to have more in focus building alliances and ensuring that they are safe (like how he speak how USA should ensure safety of Finland and Sweden for example), where Clinton and Cruz seem to take more direct approach. But for me any of them don't sound very appealing.

  3. Your last four presidents have lead foreign policies that have had very significant impact on every day lives of lots of people all around world, in some cases even more than our local governments can do in one election cycle. Which is why your national elections have become even more reported thing than our local (national) elections in sometimes.



    No one hates women as much as other women, Bruce.


    How is Trump any different from the other Republican candidates? Why feigned outrage?

    No Trump has demonstrated indirectly he has very little respect for women, you may think his comments are cool and  refreshing but I dont 



    I think its appalling and offensive...but I am not outraged as I am use to Trump saying similar things. I am just annoyed 


    Also can you find some examples of other Republican candidates that have said similar things....since this is normal for you there must be lots of examples?



    Just watch the same debate, Trump was on the lowest on the pro-life scale among the other candidates. But as usual, only his opinion is weighed higher than the others, how strange. It's like they do not like him or something and it clouds their judgement when reporting. 



    Yeah being anti-abortion is something that you somewhat need to be these days if you really want to win GOP nomination.




    I have no idea what this word is.




    The German term for when a person makes up a random German-sounding word out of nowhere and people believe it anyway.

    A: Hey guys, I've made a new German word: Waltersobchakeit! It means "You're not wrong, you're just an ****."

    B: Ich bin sicher, dass das ein Charakter von "The Big Lebowski" ist, Dummkoph.

    • Like 1
  6. You need just one Snowden in your organization and lots of your well guarded secrets will be seen by most of the world or possibly only highest bidder.


    Also I would guess that it is actually some vulnerability in Apple's hardware that has made it possible to read phone's cryptographic key from devices memory in some point and bypass the data encryption.

  7. I would say that my government, police, military or other security agencies don't need access to said devices to prevent terrorist attacks. Access to those devices may make it easier to prevent said attacks or find people that are responsible of said attacks, but as long as those devices aren't used to actually do those attacks, it is safety say that officials don't need access to them to prevent said attacks.


    But in countries where speaking against your government can lead to arrest or even death penalty it is absolutely necessary to offer people ability talk with each other so that government can't intervene on that communication, if we want to spread our western values around globe. Also more and more personal information about people are in their devices and in digital services, which also means that people are more vulnerable against hacks and other information thefts that security of said devices and services has become more important than it has ever been.


    So in end it comes to question which security is more important to people. 



    EDIT: It is question like what automatically driving car should decide if it needs to decide between maneuver that saves people inside car and maneuver that saves more people but who aren't in the car and same time risking lives of those inside the car. These are questions where there aren't easy answers and people's preferences change depending on which they find more likely to touch themselves in day they answer the question.

  8. Israelis...interesting. I can believe that as the Israelis have some of the most experienced hackers in the world and some Israeli hackers are state sponsored 



    I heard that story about the FBI trying to get access to all devices through public fear...I find it hard to believe. What would be the purpose of this ...seriously? To keep the Democrats in power...to ensure a new USA political order could come to power, to usher in a new reign of mankind ? That theory starts to sound like a conspiracy theory IMO  



    I would say that they come from so called "good place". They just want to have access to devices in ways that let them to get information from them that they need to solve crimes in fast and easy way, they don't necessary think what risks come with things they want and what they mean globally. FBI has asked backdoors, skeleton keys, etc. things for same reasons in past.



    So, yes they knew?


    I would guess that Apple works like MS and patch things only when they become public knowledge, because they don't really care about security of their customers they just want look that they care.


    Thats also not true, I use to work at Microsoft and I can promise you Microsoft does care about security and creating patches to fix security holes in there products


    If there software gets hacked it undermines the credibility of there products and thats something no software company wants 



    I used to work them also and I can promise they don't care


    EDIT: Not give so negative picture. Operating systems and computers themselves are so complex and continuously evolving things that even after 14 years of patching there will be security vulnerabilities in them more than anybody can patch. So companies usually focus only to patch those things that become public knowledge as they have highest change to cause damage. But vulnerabilities that need extensive patching and are deemed to be difficult to exploit are often left without patch for long time in sometimes company may have know of some vulnerability for several years and they have not done anything to patch it, because its determined to be waste of money.

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    In reality not telling what was the vulnerability that security company in Israel found out don't prevent Apple to patch it out...

    How do they patch what they don't know? Or are you saying that Apple has been aware of this vulnerability the whole time and just never bothered patching it out?



    Company that has over 50 billion dollar cash in their bank account can buy that security company (and with it they also gain information about said vulnerability)  if they can find said vulnerability in any other way 


    No, Apple is not sure how the FBI found this information out 


    They will do there investigations but it will be difficult if the FBI doesn't tell them how especially since the FBI has the actual device


    Also Elerond this is not about money...not at all


    There are people who do support the FBI and believe what Apple did was wrong, these people would also work in the software security industry and would happily help the FBI crack the Apple device because they believe this is an issue of state security...and they wouldn't be interested in selling there technology to Apple or helping Apple undermine the FBI


    They aren't motivated by money but follow a greater calling...the security of the USA



    Our tech news reports all say that it was security company from Israel,  that FBI contracted to hack the phone.

    Also lots of technology, software, law and USA analysts believe that there was bigger game behind all of this where FBI tried to use public support from terrorist strike to get precedent that would allow them to force tech companies to break their own security systems.

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    In reality not telling what was the vulnerability that security company in Israel found out don't prevent Apple to patch it out...

    How do they patch what they don't know? Or are you saying that Apple has been aware of this vulnerability the whole time and just never bothered patching it out?



    Company that has over 50 billion dollars cash in their bank account can buy that security company (and with it they also gain information about said vulnerability)  if they can find said vulnerability in any other way 


    So FBI found vulnerability in security measures of device that is used by tens of million people but they don't want those to be fixed because they think Apple was not nice enough with them. Sounds like they really want to protect public from the criminals  :getlost:

    Paranoia is sexier, but alternatively, the FBI needs that capability and doesn't want Apple to patch it out.



    But that isn't reason that FBI give why they don't give information to Apple (according to BruceVC)., but something that sounds just pure pettiness.


    In reality not telling what was the vulnerability that security company in Israel found out don't prevent Apple to patch it out, it just gives said security company and companies like it ability to sell that information to parties that most likely don't have as pure motivations as FBI (or maybe they actually have purer motivations than FBI but not necessary motivations that are towards common good).


    I was shocked and embarrassed that our government didn't have this capability the entire time. smh. Kudos to whoever cracked it for them.

    Do you think the FBI should share with Apple how they did it?


    I don't think they should, I was watching an interview with an ex-FBI operative and he said the FBI won't reveal these details especially since he felt Apple had "sandbagged "  the FBI and had refused to cooperate 



    So FBI found vulnerability in security measures of device that is used by tens of million people but they don't want those to be fixed because they think Apple was not nice enough with them. Sounds like they really want to protect public from the criminals  :getlost:

    • Like 1
  14. Are you all talking about the whole forum or just Way Off-Topic? Because there are women posting in other sections. Not many, as usual on a gaming forum, but some exist. There were more earlier in PoE lifetime, but they have since wandered off.


    It is failure in our integration policy

  15. It isn't really backdoor, if they didn't use feature made by Apple or feature that somebody infiltrated in Apple's code to bypass Apple's security features. But most likely this just shows that Apple's products security wasn't in level FBI let people believe and they just seek precedent that would give them ability to force companies to break their security features when ever FBI deems it to be necessary. 

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    Kasich would be their best bet if they wanted to win the general election. 

    Kasich would have no chance in the general election. Trump is the GOP's only chance at a win. 



    According to general election polls, he is their best change to lose.


    You also need to pay attention to energy. Nobody really wants Kasich. He'll get poor turnout. It'll be 2012 all over again if Kasich is the nominee. Besides, just wait till the anti-Trump media campaign shifts focus to Kasich. One should keep in mind that while Trump's been attacked nonstop by the MSM, Kasich has been largely left alone. That will change if Kasich becomes the nominee.



    But Kasich also don't have similar anti movement as Trump, and if Trump isn't in picture and Clinton wins democrat nomination, then prediction for general election turn out is low, which usually is favorable for GOP candidates. But if Trump is nominees then it is deemed that turn out will be high and there will be lots of people that vote against Trump regardless who democrat candidate is. Although Kasich's support in general election is more difficult to predict than other candidates as lots of people don't really believe that he can win the nomination so their answers in polls about him aren't necessary that well thought.

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    Kasich would be their best bet if they wanted to win the general election. 

    Kasich would have no chance in the general election. Trump is the GOP's only chance at a win. 



    According to general election polls, he is their best change to lose.

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