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Posts posted by Elerond

  1. I would be very happy If It is like Inquisitor with better combat. Also I hope It will not in the PoE universe. Not that I dont like but to get different setting.


    I am pretty sure that they don't use PoE setting, as one it is world where Evil has won (and PoE/Eora is setting where everything is nuanced) and two they didn't use PoE in their trailer anyway which indicates they don't want people link these two games to belong in same setting. So it seems to be new IP with new setting.

  2. To clarify the long vs. short game statement, I wasn't suggesting making an 8-hr full-priced RPG. It's more an overarching approach: if you have x dollars to make a game, do you spend 80% of it on content and 20% on polish, or 60% on content and 40% on polish? If you are given a choice between putting in some of your more mediocre work into the game to add to gameplay time, or cutting it in service of overall quality, which way do you go? Choosing the latter in both cases sounds appealing from the standpoint of having a desire to make high quality games, but it would cost you a big chunk of your gameplay time, so it's not a simple choice. A 60-hour game could become a 40-hour game.


    While I fully believe that there is such a thing as too short for a game, I also think there's room there to go in and at least find out, will a 40-hour, highly polished RPG be long enough to satisfy most fans, or does it have to be 60 or 80 hours? (Assuming the same price point across the board, because we're assuming the same budget for either scenario - if you drop price, you also drop profit projections and would consequently have to spend less on budget.) I do not know the answer to that question, but I would be interested to find out.


    40-hour game is enough if content quality is higher IMO, but I would guess that for many the fear is that they will not actually see content quality improving even though game time is cut shorter. 

  3. Not gonna lie, the screenshots don't look all that impressive. Straight up lifting assets from PoE too.

    I guess I'll wait on more info, especially on the engine they're using.



    They say that game is coming out this year, so it is quite clear that they have developed it along side with PoE and I would say that it is unlikely that they have had time to port PoE tech to unity 5 even for this game. 

  4. Florida seems to be was Trump&Clinton show. Poor Rubio, even home state don't like


    EDIT: Also first numbers from North Carolina predict clear Trump&Clinton win (Clinton won)


    EDIT2: Clinton seems to go up from poll predictions, if it holds to end Sanders is virtually out. :(


    EDIT3: First numbers from Ohio predict massive victory for Clinton. For GOP side numbers predict Kasich, but Trump is close (Clinton & Kasich won)


    EDIT4: First numbers from Missouri also predict big win for Clinton&Trump.


    EDIT5: Also Illinois seems to go for Trump&Clinton axle



    SNL sketch about Clinton's adaptabilityIt 

    Its not available in my country? Elerond please post links people can access....not everyone lives in Europe :)



    You need to blame Americans for this iniquity, as it is on official Saturday Night Live channel, meaning that it is NBC that has decided that people in South Africa can't watch it.

    • Like 1


    Best BruceVC post ever:


    Honestly I like most ladies from South America and Central America, its there dark hair and general appearance...like her  sweat.gif


    Like her 

    However, he's a communist, even if he doesn't realize it, so he get's it wrong even when he's on to something. Here's the correct way to do it:



    She is smoking hot ....Vampire cult sign me up  :biggrin:


    Vampires suck.



    I would that is whole point in vampirism :brows:  

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    I would say that Pallegina is quite far from atheist as is those druidic orders in Twin Elms.


    Pallegina for example resents gods, especially Hylea who she seem to blame lots of misery in her life. (So she may not worship gods but she accepts their existence and don't even argue against their place in world)

    You can't use the same definition for atheist in a world where gods are a matter of faith (ours) and in a world where gods are a matter of facts (Eora). Pallegina's belief that kith can (and should) create their own principles and aspirations is as close as an atheist as one can be in such a setting.



    Of course you can use same definition. There is no point to change definition of word like atheist for fantasy world just so that you can have somebody that is called atheist there. If people can't be atheist in fantasy world because of nature of gods there then there is no point to claim that characters are atheists. 


    Pallegina is quite far from atheist in said setting, as she blames gods for her misery, which itself make her very non-atheistic person. If we want companion that don't really care at all about gods then Devil of Caroc is probably closest and Kana second, because they don't really have passions or motivations that are linked to gods. But undeniably of existence of gods in PoE's setting makes existence of atheistic character near impossibility. Only Iovara style reason to deny Gods godhood or not knowing about existence of gods can make character really be an atheist or non-theist in such setting. Otherwise it is just character's stance towards authority of gods. Characters can be ones that believe self reliance over asking help/permission from gods or they may be ones that don't do anything without blessing from gods or most likely something from the middle. 


    But everybody is free to define words like they want, but if you go against common definitions it is usually better to mention such thing in one's post so that others know what definition one is using.

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    I agree. I really like your point about replay value going up with shorter more reactive games.



    That isn't automatically true.  You also need narrative arc and mechanics need to be made in such way that playing game again don't become uninteresting work where player hunts those reactivity nodes. For example Walking Dead and other Telltale Games' highly reactive adventure games aren't interesting to play again because their narrative arc mainly same regardless of what you do and seeing results that are caused by different choices have hard time to keep player's interest up. And things aren't helped by fact that their mechanics aren't something that interest player without story and they have high change to become blockers for players who aren't immersed by the story.

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  9. I would say that Pallegina is quite far from atheist as is those druidic orders in Twin Elms.


    Pallegina for example resents gods, especially Hylea who she seem to blame lots of misery in her life. (So she may not worship gods but she accepts their existence and don't even argue against their place in world) 


    Druidic orders in Twin Elms not just accept existence of gods, but they disagree with them how world should be run.


    So categorizing them as people who don't believe existence of gods is bit too much.


    Raedric would not work that well if he was character that didn't accept existence of gods. Or his story line should be much different.

  10. When we divide character to 6 attributes that describe them then possibility for system that can simulates real world in any meaningful degree is lost.


    But it is always possibly come up simulative rationales that explain what said attributes can give character abilities/bonuses that rule systems says that they do.


    Priority in PoE's attribute system's design was not make system simulative, but to enable as many builds as possible. Although they didn't succeed in some cases that well. Like for example they failed to make constitution attractive attribute overall and for some classes some attributes are just too important. But maybe they get closer to their in second try if they make PoE2

  11. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ben-beachy/the-wto-just-ruled-agains_b_9307884.html


    USA used WTO to block India from building massive solar farm because India gave governmental subsidizes to manufactures that used Indian labor and produced their goods in India. 


    EDIT: This is of course interesting thing for US to do as they offer similar governmental subsidizes for renewable energy manufactures that use local manufactures in US.

  12. I doubt it.  Rangers were not originally intended to have pets.  They were only added after fan outcry.  Sagani's character design was shown sans-Itumaak in the kickstarter campaign.


    Actually rangers have had animal companion from the first time Obsidian actually defined the class.



    Before that update only thing they have told about rangers (at least in KS updates) is that rangers are most likely better in ranged combat than fighters.


    Picture they use for Sagani was first shown in KS update #3, where they explained basic concepts for the things they had planned. That picture most likely lead creation of Sagani as companion as people liked very non traditional fantasy style of dwarf (they didn't yet even had boreal dwarf locked as subrace) from boreal region of the world (that didn't yet have name). 




    Although I think you are right that Sagani's character isn't based on Binabik and his wolf

  13. I just completed the whole thing, and I liked the ending. It was kind of a twist, but for one reason or another, it didn't bother me. After all, there are so many games with "real" gods. Interesting how the St. Waidwen thing was a bit of foreshadowing.


    Then again, I found proof of actual Gods. I suspected they might be found in PoE, since I had seen them in other games, e.g. Baldur's Gate. At the first opportunity, in Raedric's dungeons, I even adopted a God, and carried every God I could find in my inventory throughout the game. What are these Gods? you ask. I give you a hint: Meow!


    I am pretty sure that lead designer would have any problems to accept your canonical gods. As he is big cat lover.

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