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Posts posted by Elerond


    It would be cool if they let you transfer your character and in the second game you'd become a godlike reflecting your choice at the end of PoE.

    While that's a pretty clever and neat idea, I have to ask, have Obsidian EVER made a game sequel that allowed for character transfer?  Or even SAVE FILE transfer?



    Obsidian hasn't yet to made a game that is sequel to their own game.


    EDIT: And Kotor2, NWN2 and DS3 all were franchise sequels that didn't continue stories from previous tittles in those series. MotB campaign let people use their characters from original NWN2 campaign, but it was expansion not sequel.

  2. When you look box office number it should be remembered that they are gross numbers and theaters keep about half of that money. Also movies production budgets don't include their marketing budgets.


    So for example if Narnia films used together about 200 million dollars to market world wide then profit that those movies have brought to studios is in tens of millions dollars.

  3. I think it's probably unfair and inaccurate to categorize either of them as being religious fanatics. Both of them know that the gods aren't real. They are diametrically opposed in the question of whether or not that means it is necessary to invent them. If there's a question of faith, it's their faith in mankind (or kith-kind, as it were).


    I was thinking it from perspective that Iovara is willing to lead countries to war and death to prove that that those gods are just man made and not real gods. And Thaos is willing to sacrifice and kill millions of people to ensure that nobody questions the nature of gods. So they are fulled by religion and their belief how world should be and they are willing to go and do extremes to make sure that their world view wins.

    • Like 1
  4. Thaos and Iovara are absolutes to questions (like are artificial gods gods and is existence/knowledge about gods needed?) that game ask from the player.


    They hold extreme positions on these questions and try to force player to come some conclusion about those questions. They are thematical devices that are also used as plot devices to forward plot in some points, Thaos is as agonist that creates motivation for player and Iovara as sound board that works to define what kind character PC is.


    Their absoluteness is explained by describing them to be begins that have drowned to their own ideology and faith and they are blind to any other options. They are religious fanatics that are solely motivated by their religion and faith, for them anything else in world isn't more important.

    • Like 1
  5. Ugh, have you actually read the Narnia books?


    As books I liked Hunger Games ones more than I liked Narnia ones


    As movies franchises are much nearer each other, but I still probably would give win for Hunger Games, except that old  The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (1979) cartoon is clear winner here (although I have watched it previously in 1980s, so it maybe just nostalgia).

  6. Helsinki is so south that there is about one day in year when sun don't rise at all


    EDIT: And with rise at all I mean that sun don't rise above the horizon so you can't see it, but it isn't absolute darkness all day long, but that day time is actually twilight


    Winter day isn't the darkest day, but it gives some inclination about darkness of our winter days and lightness of summer days in southern Finland.



    And what do we do when it is dark: Go work, sit home, watch tv, play games, go bar, shop and etc. thing that don't necessary need sun light.

    • Like 1
  7. 84% 81% 650 million 


    Hunger Games


    Your point?


    I can't say what Leferd's point, but most likely we will see next decade full of movies that try to mimic Hunger Games, New Star Wars also current comic book movie trend most likely will continue. So if you aren't fan of those type of movies then you probably will not enjoy most of the big movies coming in next decade (although there is always hope for trend changer, but Hollywood isn't known to taking big risks).

  8. Guys in the EU have there been anymore acts of crime by the refugees that people are discussing?


    Meshiugger and Elerond how are things in Finland?


    Yes and no.


    There has been crimes that people have discussed, but mostly public discussion has moved to other topics (like Panama papers). Although this is most likely because our government made backroom deal with Putin and now refugees can't cross Finland-Russia border and also Denmark and Sweden closed their border which means that refugees can't come from Sweden either and people can't anymore board ships coming to Finland without EU passport or visa, so there is no more refugees from Germany either. 

    • Like 1
  9. One could interpret Chris' tweet so that people's dissing of his writing has given him motivation to improve his writing skills in level where he can choose which companies he lends his talent.


    Of course one can also interpret it as dissing towards Obsidian, although in that case reference towards PNP writing don't make that much sense.


    But drink your tea as you like.




    Sass is real in this one

    Elerond you know David Camerons father is dead? He has been dead for 6-7 years now 



    Do it change the fact that Cameron himself has spoken against privacy protections (in certain circumstances)?


    EDIT: As fun fact one of the Finnish owned companies exposed by these papers had dead CEO over 10 years, until somebody noticed that their company's official front had died over decade ago :)

  11. In Finland people seem to be quite displeased after the fact that this papers show that one of our biggest banks (Nordea) has helped their rich clients to establish off shore companies in tax havens when they have same time call for cuts in salaries and benefits for poorer people. It is probably help that their defense was, what they did wasn't illegal and it was their clients not them who possible didn't pay their taxes.


    Also Iceland's prime minister seems to be on hot waters, because of his ties to off shore company that was one of the biggest creditor during Iceland's bank crises and he conveniently forgot mention that when he seek office on platform against Iceland's banks and people using this sort of companies.



    I would guess that even though I am bit skeptic that this will cause any serious criminal cases it will produce movement that seeks to change international financial agreements and set of laws that make tax havens if not illegal then at least much less attractive. 

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    I would say they probably have an idea, how it will end up. But in so many month before release, it would be foolish to say anything from marketing perspective. Because in time, the decision could be changed, and it could end up in big PR disaster afterwards. Especially, if it is true, that Paradox plans to go public on stock market :(



    You think that communicating such decisions later will reduce PR drawbacks? I think the opposite. The bigger of a bad surprise it is, the worse the reaction will be. Of course they can also easily say "we didn't decide yet" if it's indeed the case.



    You mean that it will cause smaller uproar if they now say that game will be in GOG, but closer to release date they change their mind, than them never saying that game will be in GOG?

  13. I would say that whole controversy was because of artist not art. As comic covers have had some questionable pieces through whole comic book history and rarely anybody speaks about them, especially in mainstream media. 




    Paid vacation is really means that you get less salary for days that you are in work, but you are compensated for it by getting money during your vacation.  This is meant to ensure that people have constantly access to steady income. Paid vacation systems usually also include statutory free days that employers need to give their workers, to ensure that workers don't burn themselves out by doing too much work (this is of course meant to lower number of people that need treatment from public healthcare system and of course higher retirement age).


    Paid sick days are bit different as they are usually compensated to companies by tax benefits or direct payments from government (although there is sometimes own risk share that both employee and employer share). But main idea behind paid sick days is to ensure health of workforce which will allow them to work longer before they need to retire.


    So mostly it always comeback to socialistic aspects of economy.

    We start on 20 days leave and we get about 15 days sick leave ?


    But I seldom take sick leave and I take time off when I work overtime so I normally get about 20-30 days leave  



    In Finland full time worker typically has 6 weeks (usually divided in two parts 4 weeks and 2 weeks, and amount is negotiated by unions (workers and business)) of paid vacation in year and in theory infinite number of sick days, although after certain number of sick days person goes to get benefits from government instead of salary (mandatory worker insurance or personal healthcare insurance most likely compensates difference depending on why person is sick so much).

  15. Paid vacation is really means that you get less salary for days that you are in work, but you are compensated for it by getting money during your vacation.  This is meant to ensure that people have constantly access to steady income. Paid vacation systems usually also include statutory free days that employers need to give their workers, to ensure that workers don't burn themselves out by doing too much work (this is of course meant to lower number of people that need treatment from public healthcare system and of course higher retirement age).


    Paid sick days are bit different as they are usually compensated to companies by tax benefits or direct payments from government (although there is sometimes own risk share that both employee and employer share). But main idea behind paid sick days is to ensure health of workforce which will allow them to work longer before they need to retire.


    So mostly it always comeback to socialistic aspects of economy.






    Although, interestingly enough, that's the least infurating video of hers that I have seen so far, although of course it still contains her usual favorites - showing scenes out of context (the footage Mass Effect footage of Miranda, for instance) to reinforce her point and claiming that doing the exact same thing to men doesn't reinforce stereotypes and is therefor not to be considered a proper balancing of the issue.



    She argues that stereotype/trope where male characters are constantly sexualized and made to look sexually pleasant, don't exist in our culture which is why portraying men similarly sexualized as women don't enforce (fe)male gaze trope for men as there is not trope to enforce in first place.


    It is like gender swapping trope all abusers are men, you don't create trope where all abusers are women but instead it usually just works as comedy aspect that enforces existing stereotype where all abusers are men.


    But Elerond why did Anita upset so many gamers?....Why didnt people just ignore what she said ....but many of you guys seemed to actually read her videos and get upset?



    That is the question. 



    Probably because many journalists and the media at large use, or used to, take her her seriously. Like she was the most important person to go to in gaming, compared to real heavy weights like Carmack. 


    It was like Jerry Falwell would've been the go-to when it came to what music or movies should be made. 



    But journalist started to take her seriously only after she got lots of criticism from people and some harassed her. She become known because of her speeches about that harassment and then later on when she started to release those tropes vs. women in video games, media outlets started to write articles about her and then she got more criticism and harassment that eventually lead that main stream media started to write articles about her and then she become one quite know person speaking about video games in world.


    But if people had ignored her KS campaign instead she would had barely got money to make one video, instead of couple hundred thousand dollars. So her fame is mostly product of internet trolls. Although you need to credit that she was quite skillful to use that attention that trolls gave her to her benefit




    Although, interestingly enough, that's the least infurating video of hers that I have seen so far, although of course it still contains her usual favorites - showing scenes out of context (the footage Mass Effect footage of Miranda, for instance) to reinforce her point and claiming that doing the exact same thing to men doesn't reinforce stereotypes and is therefor not to be considered a proper balancing of the issue.



    She argues that stereotype/trope where male characters are constantly sexualized and made to look sexually pleasant, don't exist in our culture which is why portraying men similarly sexualized as women don't enforce (fe)male gaze trope for men as there is not trope to enforce in first place.


    It is like gender swapping trope all abusers are men, you don't create trope where all abusers are women but instead it usually just works as comedy aspect that enforces existing stereotype where all abusers are men.


    But Elerond why did Anita upset so many gamers?....Why didnt people just ignore what she said ....but many of you guys seemed to actually read her videos and get upset?



    That is the question. 


    EDIT: Although Cunningham's Law states "the best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, it's to post the wrong answer." And in cultural and social issues it is easy to give answers that are wrong for at least some people.


    Comic example of situation


    • Like 1

    Although, interestingly enough, that's the least infurating video of hers that I have seen so far, although of course it still contains her usual favorites - showing scenes out of context (the footage Mass Effect footage of Miranda, for instance) to reinforce her point and claiming that doing the exact same thing to men doesn't reinforce stereotypes and is therefor not to be considered a proper balancing of the issue.



    She argues that stereotype/trope where male characters are constantly sexualized and made to look sexually pleasant, don't exist in our culture which is why portraying men similarly sexualized as women don't enforce (fe)male gaze trope for men as there is not trope to enforce in first place.


    It is like gender swapping trope all abusers are men, you don't create trope where all abusers are women but instead it usually just works as comedy aspect that enforces existing stereotype where all abusers are men.



    John Kasich dropped out and has endorsed Donald Trump.


    April Fools?


    I hate this day.


    You hate April Fools?


    Thats a first....why would you hate a day of jest?



    I personally hate this day because it has become day of stupidity and misinformation instead of making actual jests meant to lighten mood.

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