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Posts posted by Stun

  1. There's that feeling again. That super powerful sales pitch that isn't a sales pitch at all, but a cruel and palpable taunt directed at our souls.


    I bet they're done with the game. They're just sitting on it for 3 more weeks to troll us. Bastards.


    Game looks better than the last stream

    Every iteration has been significantly improved from the last. From just a cursory view I spotted quite a few improvements from BB 435. The combat log is much easier on the eyes. Shapeshifting looks terrific. There are character portraits we haven't seen before. etc.


    You know, this is my first "insider" experience with the polish process of a video game, so maybe this is something that always happens, but they seem to be working really fast with the fine tuning and the bug fixes. It's amazing to watch.

    • Like 4
  2. In my knowledge special editions usually sell about 1-2% of what normal version of game sells. So they bring money in (like 1 million sold normal copies would mean 10-20k sold special editions which, in this case, would mean 300k-1M dollars, which is not meaningless which is why companies do them), but if normal version of game is not popular then those special editions will probably not sell that well either.

    As far as I know, there isn't a 'normal edition' of PoE that you can buy from Steam.




    The cheapest is the 'Hero Edition", and it starts at $45, so, lets redo the math and assume a price point of $45 as the common unit.

  3. Josh Sawyer's Dream RPG kickstarter.

    Oh yeah.... Josh Sawyer's Dream RPG.... I can see it now.


    History Simulator 2k15.


    -Embark on an epic quest to live what they taught you in highschool and college.

    -Fantastically balanced gameplay. Choose from 15 classes and 20 races. Do 10 points of damage at level one, with super intuitive, super uniform skills and feats per level up to increase that damage by .6 slashing! or .6 crushing! The harsh decisions are yours!

    -A new, refreshingly comprehensive magic system. Choose from Yellow beams of light, Blue beams of light or Red beams of light!

    -Choice and Consequence expanded - Every skill will present you with exactly 1 benefit and 1 detriment. Your swords now do 10.6 points of damage to the enemy AND render you blind, prone and slowed for 5.3 seconds.

    -Hair style now affects attack speed.

    - Dynamic Buffing system. Choose from an array of massively powerful, game-changing magical buffs ranging from +1 to hit, to +.0005 to damage over 2 seconds.

    -Expanded Health system. To kill you, Enemies must now reduce your stamina, then reduce your endurance, then reduce your Endurance backup, then bring your health down to .1, then deplete your emergency health reserves to render you maimed. Then they have to hit you again within 11.8 seconds to render you dead.

    -Immobile combat. An exclusive feature. Combat now reaches that next level of tactical gameplay by forcing combatants to focus exclusively on arm gestures and strategically spouted vocal attacks to achieve victory. (movement only allowed outside of combat)

    -The return of Healing magicks! Priests now have access to powerful, high level spells like "bandage minor paper cut" (heals .06 point of health - reflex save for none), "reduce swelling" (heals .01 point of health over 4 seconds) and Minoletta's battlefield miracle (heal all allies and enemies of 1 health point in a 1.2 meter radius!)


    LoL just kidding.

    • Like 4
  4. Plus, I'm not so sure Obsidian will make 4 millions dollars in sales. they knew the game would be made with or without the Kickstarter.

    I'm willing to bet my testicles they'll easily clear that much in the first week


    At $40 per copy, PoE would only need to sell about 100,000 copies to generate $4 million.


    Personally, I'm betting PoE will sell about one million copies (which is less than what D:OS did, and Larian is a name hardly anyone has ever heard of.) And at 1 million in sales, that's.... $40 Million...which would mean that they don't need to kickstart PoE2.


    Leveling in PoE is probably going to be much more significant than in the Infinity Engine games. In those games, you don't even get to choose many abilities for most classes when you level. Mages get new spells and thieves get their skills but for all the other classes, all you get are some weapon proficiencies every few levels. You don't get to make many important choices when you level until you start getting epic level abilities.

    Many of the levelups for many of the classes in PoE is pretty much just "Click levelup, save skillpoints for next level, done", though.


    Indeed. In fact, I'd argue that the only worthwhile difference between the IE games and PoE here is that PoE gives you access to "non class" talents every other level or so.


    Lets not understate the significance of Level ups in the IE games. As mentioned, Mages got more spells and more spell castings. And thieves get points to put in their thieving skills. But that's hardly everything. Clerics get More spells, and more spell castings, and their fighting skills increase, and their turn undead ability gets more powerful. Druids get more spells and more spell castings, their fighting skills increase, and in the case of the Icewind Dales, they get shapeshift forms.


    Bards get thieving skills, songs, more spells, and more spell castings. Paladins get more instances of their detect evil ability, their Lay on Hands gets more powerful, they get more spells and more spell castings, and their fighting skills improve. Rangers get more spells, more spell castings, their fighting skills improve, and their stealth increases. Fighters get better fighting skills and their HP improves *drastically* in comparison to other classes. Berserkers get what fighters get plus more instances of their berserker rages. Barbarians get what fighters get, plus more instances of their Barbarian rages. And Monks? Monks are a case study on "1 thousands steps to power". Their fighting skills improves, they do more damage with their fists, their AC decreases, their thieving skills increase, their movement speed increases, their magic resistance increases, they get quivering palm, they get more stunning blows, they get various immunities....etc.


    And, of course none of this takes Icewind Dale 2 into account. IWD2 uses the 3e rule set, which does the same thing that PoE does with its talents and skills in addition to all of the above.

    • Like 1
  6. ^ Plus the level itself (12th) hits that ideal sweet spot. Speaking from the perspective of the IE games, it's the Icewind Dale middle ground, which I particularly loved.


    BG1 capped your party at around 8-9 (10 for rogues) - Which was ok, I guess, but it often times felt so boxed in and limited. Then came Bg2, which went crazy with the high teens early 20s for the base game (and up to 40th level(!) with throne of Bhaal.) So the experience went from "boxed in" to "totally out of control munchkin-fest".


    Icewind Dale did it right. With a party of 6, you ended the vanilla game at around 12-13th level. It felt perfect. If you built your party right you entered the last chapter of the game feeling authentically powerful, but without that "We are GODS!" feeling that comes from having more skills than you would ever need or bother to use.

    • Like 9
  7. So.... what is the latest they've told us about the Dex bug? Is it going to be fixed by release? Or is it just one of the dozens of things on the list of "known issues", which means no one knows whether or not it will be fixed any time soon?

  8. Your attempts to ridicule romance mean nothing. Romance has it own shelf full of books, but for purposes of other media it's accepted to shorten romance to "emotional attraction towards another person" and all it implies. How that goes in terms of story-telling, reactions of other people, etc. is entirely another matter. Having said this much I doubt it's reasonable to say anything more. Especially to a person who behaves like a troll, so I will say nothing else to you.

    I'm not ridiculing romance (although there's plenty of valid reasons to ridicule ANY video game romance), I AM ridiculing the absurd definitions of video game romances we've seen on this thread. Planescape Torment itself mocked the very notion of romance at every turn (how else do you explain the fact that the two female companions are both Demons.... and Ravel herself is a fiend from the gray wastes....and the entire prologue, which sees you and Morte talking to zombies and asking them: 'so.....doing anything later'?)
  9. ps it woulda' been funnier if your first example were pong. two paddles, kept apart for all eternity, but fighting for some kinda connection... etc.

    Silly Rabbit. Pong isn't an RPG, so why would I cite it as the first cRPG to have romances??



    Edit: (oh wait, I forgot who I'm talking to. :::::waits for the obligatory insult-filled-rant about why Pong is an RPG and how obtuse and unintelligent I must be to claim otherwise:::: )

  10. The First cRPG Romance (using Gromnir's warped definition of romance) appeared in the original Zork (1977).


    That's right. Zork. You see, the game recognized "love", "f*ck" and "romance" as verbs. Thus, if you've got a Torch in your hand you could type the command phrase "Love Torch", or "F*ck Torch"...and the game would respond with "Torch does not Love you" <-----look at that! an unrequited Romance!


    And of course this is Precisely what everyone means when they ask "will this game have romances?"...Right?

  11. <<<<amusing attempts to measure other people's intelligence, being made by someone who possesses none>>>>

    If Ravel is a romance, then Icewind Dale has romances. But only a palpable idiot would claim that Icewind Dale has romances.


    Also, Whether or not Bruce is smarter than Stun doesn't really matter at the moment, since Gromnir isn't half as smart as either one of them.

    • Like 1
  12. Um...why wouldn't it be?  It is a romantic story element in any case.


    If that counts then, as I have said 100x in this thread, then PoE may yet have a romance.

    If it counts, Valmy, then every RPG ever created has a romance in it.


    And incidentally, it also means that it's not a matter of PoE maybe having a Romance in it. PoE DOES have a romance in it. There's one in the Beta.

  13. can't have much o' an argument with bruce.  he likes the romances.  period.  he doesn't try to deny the existence o' romance in games previous to 2000.

    True. Instead, in an attempt to 'prove' that Romances are what make all games great, he'll see "romances" in every great RPG that came out before 2000. He'll be just like Gromnir --- stretching, pulling, widening, and morphing the definition of romance until even a blood filled battle with the Final Boss in Diablo = "Hints of romantic residue!" or "Romance according to what [____ insert random Book writer here_____] would say" or "well, infatuation = Love, and Love = Romance, therefore It's a romance, so don't be so Ridiculous, Stoopid, Obtuse, a hoot. etc.!"
  14. its not like these guys harm you in anyway.

    Oh, I vehemently disagree with that. Promancers have demonstrated, via their sheer numbers, to be an incredibly harmful force to the entire industry


    When gaming companies, who used to develop great RPGs with remarkably deep gameplay, complex, dynamic combat mechanics, and unmatched focus on game world details and richness, decide instead, because romances are so popular, to divert massive amounts of both their budget and time away from all this, and put it towards developing the deepest, most all-encompassing Romances that they can make, the result is.... Dragon Age. And Mass Effect, and Witcher 2 And other mundane modern Titles with super deep companion drama and pitifully shallow everything else, then YES, Harm has been done. To the game, to the RPG fan, and to the industry as a whole.


    Thank GOD Obsidian decided not to fall into that trap. PoE will have no romances, because 100% of the developer time and budget has gone into where it SHOULD go: To making the game a true RPG, instead of an interactive soap opera/dating simulator.


    Which side was that?

    The anti-mancers.


    When was the last time you decided to Grill BruceVC on his rabid stance with your pointless guess-questions?

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