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Posts posted by Stun


    If you run into any issues over the (Southern California) night and nobody is in the thread, just send an email to support@obsidian.net.


    Morning dew on my windshield is a constant irritation. I've tried contacting God, but, it keeps happening.


    The 'World' is not an Obsidian game. (though they might be contracted to do the sequel, but that's just a rumor at the moment) So contacting support@obsidian.net will get you nowhere. Trust me, I've tried.


    So you'll just have to stop whining and wait for God to release the next patch.

  2. True story. I pre-ordered the Collectors edition of BG2 in 2000. I was all elite and hipster even back then. My smug arrogance and sense of supreme entitlement dictated that I snub my nose (publically and otherwise) at all the peasants who would end up simply going to Best Buy or Walmart, or Circuit City, or CompUSA to purchase a vanilla copy of the game on the day of release.



    But then the day of release came. And everyone DID go out and buy the game, then play it..... except me. I had to wait until my Collectors Edition arrived in the mail. It did... the next day. Ouch. But the moment it did come, I immediately went from "Pissed off" and "in a homicidal rage", to.... the happiest nerd in the world. And it didn't matter at all that I was a day late in getting the game.... a game I'd end up playing over and over again for the next 15 friggin years.

    • Like 32
  3. The servers broke just as the kickstarter began, then they broke right as the backer portal launched, then they broke as soon as the Backer beta was released. And of course they just broke today as thousands of people showed up here for some reason...maybe to see if their steam keys were ready to be collected.


    I have a question. Did this sort of public critical mass occur before South Park Stick of Truth was released? Or just before Alpha Protocal came out? No? Then I wonder what this all means. Is PoE going to have a better Day One Sales day than those two titles?

  4. I wonder if there is a tutorial popup about things like engagement etc.?

    I think this game has something even better than that. The "enable developer commentary" option in the gameplay menu screen.


    I've been avoiding these LP streams, so I have no idea if these streamers are actually using it in their games, but I'm assuming that this is what it's there for. To teach the uninitiated. But I could be wrong.

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  5. Just to be clear on something (AGAIN), youtuber/streamer =/= reviewer.

    Eh... By strict definition of the two terms, of course you're right. But if the results are the same in the end then I'm not sure the distinction matters. A fence sitter who's researching a game to determine whether or not its worth buying is going to learn quite a bit more from watching someone else actually play the game, than if he simply reads paragraphs full of platitudes, adjectives and descriptions that typically make up an exhaustive review. "Show me, don't tell me" IS a more powerful advertising tool.



    I have yet to see a solid argument explaining how streamers/youtubers getting the game 4 days before backers increase sales versus if they had got it (for free might I add) on the 26th like us and the public

    Perhaps they're shooting for higher Day 1 sales? Because the problem with maintaining an embargo until the day when game is released is that your release day sales will simply be comprised of people who were going to buy the game anyway - people you've already convinced. But by letting a few 'high profile' streamers get the game a few days earlier and show it off, those streamers will help you hype up the game and convince the fence sitters who have not yet decided that they should buy the game to rush to steam and pre-order it.
  6. They do the highest single target DPS out of all classes.

    Do they?


    I know that the occasional spike damage they can do with Backstab is pretty darn unmatched, but I question that absolute claim. My last two playthroughs of the beta was spent vigorously testing that "heavy hitter" label.


    I built 2 characters, a Barbarian and a Rogue. I built them exactly the same (both Aumaua; both with totally maxed out Might and Perception, and both had the same Dex.) I gave them the same weapon (2-h, Pike) And then I proceeded to watch the combat log.


    And the result: over the course of the playthroughs I noticed that my Rogue was most definitely getting more Crits than my barbarian. In fact, he was spamming crits. he'd get 4 or 5 in a row. But what was the Point? Both characters were still doing about the same damage. My Rogue would Crit lions and beetles for ~35 points and my Barbarian would hit normally for ~35 points.


    This only ever changed when my rogue would take advantage of enemy states (hobbled, prone, etc), in those instances he'd do a bit more damage (say, about 40 damage) vs. my Barbarian, who'd still be doing about 35 damage when placed in the same scenario. But the real difference was that my Barbarian's attacks were all carnage. Enemies around his target were taking damage with every hit!


    I'd like Sensuki's input on this, but at the moment I'm inclined to conclude that when the time comes that I want to build a DPS character, I'll be making a Barbarian.

  7. Did the kickstater even say backers get the game before anyone else?

    The Kickstarter says that we should have gotten the game last April original.gif


    Anyway, is this our first Rodeo? Media people always get the game first. When has it ever been otherwise?


    That said, I'm most definitely NOT going to watch any streams of the game this week. At all. Actual Lets Plays, less than a week before the game's release, is where I draw the line on spoilers. I've played the beta. I'm already familiar with the character creator, how the game looks, and how the game plays. Anything more than this will ruin my own first playthrough discovery process. And I'm not gonna let that happen.

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    So does this mean it will be available Thursday afternoon? Not First thing Thursday morning 12am?


    Either is fine, just wanting to plan my day accordingly...


    Right. According to my steam here in Texas, noon CST or 5 pm GMT on March 26th.


    So if you want to play right at release, you can sleep in.


    Or skip work.


    I was planning on it being released at midnight, that way I could play for a few hours that night. Bah.


    Honestly, I don't understand this whole idea of catering towards people that can't think; isn't that exactly what we were moving away from, with the kickstarter and crowdfunding?


    The Kickstarter and crowdfunding were to secure funding for a niche title that mainstream publishers were no longer likely to support; not to buttress your sense of elitism.


    ...Says the guy who's first post on this forum was a comment about the "Grognard level" of this thread. (as if we old schoolers are a pile of toxic waste to be measured or something)


    In any case, elitism or not, there will be no respec mechanic in this game. Thankfully, the devs have decided that time and resources will be spent on bug fixing from here on out, and that in the meantime, the game has a console prompt... for those people who think it's 'unfair', or 'unreasonable' or 'unfun' or 'too harsh' to have to play the game from beginning to end without the ability to edit their characters at will.


    I'm happy, how about you?

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