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Everything posted by Longknife

  1. *****TRIGGER WARNING**** This feminist movement is beans!
  2. You mean German bureaucracies? As a dual citizen I can say I'd take an American bureaucracy over a German one any day of the week. The USA is just generally more relaxed in culture whereas Germany is highly anal-retentive by comparison, not to mention Germany will regulate all sorts of things like how long a tree branch in your back yard is allowed to grow whereas America often doesn't give a damn. Honestly the real issue with bureaucracy is that bureaucrats learn the same things lawyers do. As a lawyer you realize that whoever your client is, guilty or not guilty, they deserve someone representing them to the best of their ability so that their case can be presented in the most fair light possible in a way that defends them. Personally, I don't consider this bad and some countries actually do impose laws where a lawyer MUST confess if they receive proof their client is guilty (for example the UK forces a lawyer to turn in any client that confesses, Germany severely cripples such situations by making it illegal for the lawyer to blatantly state or claim their client is innocent in certain ways, leading the lawyer to have to dance around any situation where they'd need to claim innocence on behalf of their client). But what is a bureaucrat? A representative of the state in regards to aggrivatingly simple tasks. This isn't about who should pay for damages in a car wreck between you and your neighbor, this is about the government deciding if you should receive assistance or not or if you owe money under the STRICTEST of rules. The problem with bureaucracy is that the bureaucrat is acting as a lawyer that's representing not a man, but an inhumane, uncaring and unfeeling system that only knows rules and how to do things exactly by the book. Well, guess what: people don't really work that way. There's all kinds of people with all kinds of different circumstances and possibilities, and to expect any bureaucracy to be prepared for every possible scenario? It's just not happening. Unfortunately the solution isn't often kind, as that means people get forced into bureaucratic systems that don't cater to their needs at all; the system becomes self-defeating in that it explicitly fails to do exactly what it was designed to do simply because it's not prepared to handle so many diverse scenarios. And as a bureaucrat...? Well, you're taught to represent the state. You have to think of the effect misplaced taxpayer dollars could have, not to mention you're sorta endangering your job by bending the rules; you are literally NOT paid to think, but to make sure the entire process is handled appropriately according to all the law books you've read. It's a rather unfortunate situation but having studied law, I somewhat sympathize with bureaucrats because I know why they act as they do. "Somewhat" because I'd personally sooner work for minimum wage than support a system that's screwed me over a multitude of occassions because my life scenarios are always too unique to be handled appropriately by bureaucracies. I personally don't think it's incompetence so much as a tendency to resort to the more basic cases first, alongside a rather pessimistic attitude that must come with KNOWINGLY "helping" people by giving them a solution you know won't help them, but also knowing you CANNOT actually do anything about it and you're just a cog in a system. But yeah, in a nutshell? Bureocracy is when papers become more important than the very people carrying them, which is all around a travesty.
  3. I saw the title of this thread and was tempted to take my Fallout New Vegas CD case down to the local playground and show it playing on the swings with Dark Souls.
  4. German bureocracies = Best bureocracies And by best, I mean best at being a pain in the ****ing ass.
  5. Really dude? Comparing feminists to Jehovah's witnesses? You've got some apologizing to do. Now go tell the Jehovah's witnesses you're sorry.
  6. "Classic NPC Sims - There is no babysitter, burglar, police officers, repairmen, repo men, bartenders, aliens, or firefighters. Think about that last one for a second." Wat
  7. Why would gaming journalists do that? The same reason they'd accuse the Sims 4 of being sexist for having a Bro personality trait?
  8. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
  9. Agreed and that's what you or I would rationally do, but unfortunately the gaming community doesn't exactly seem rational. We're talking about communities where australium frying pans are three thousand dollars and dozens of people throw cash at FarmVille daily to get just a smidgen more progress, and somehow corrupt gaming sites are still afloat. Speaking of.... Wasn't this one of the websites supposedly being influenced by Silverstring media? I forget: http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/HeidiMcDonald/20140903/224782/Why_Women_Should_Be_Angry_About_The_Sims_4.php
  10. Good, honestly. We need this. Here's something that popped in my mind though: so obviously there's fringe stances on all sides. Yes there are total losers who scream insults on the internet and in games and treat women like ****. Yes there are feminists who are absolutely insane. Why on earth though does it seem like feminism is the movement where somehow, the fringe zealots always seem to "rise to the top" and find their way to the pedestal to give speeches? I mean gamers don't really have a representative on a pedestal with the ability to give speeches to the community as a whole who has nothing to add but "**** scrubz and filthy casuls, also women shuld go make sammiches" and instead we get dorky dudes and corrupt game reviewers. Feminism however consistently seems to pop up here and there in little sub cultures or whatever and the fringe voices are ALWAYS there and ALWAYS loud with plenty of "support" in the sense that while there's plenty of women shouting that "they do NOT represent us or feminism," those fringe-feminists somehow managed to get to a position that allows them to speak "on behalf" of all feminists. How the HELL does that keep happening? It seems rather odd to me the more I thought about it. The vast majority of self-proclaimed feminists I know are just female friends who want equal rights in society. That's the most reasonable stance in the world. But when it comes to them as a collective or attempting any sort of movement, omfg we get the psychos. Just kinda baffles me considering there ARE plenty of loser gamers. We could all log Counter Strike, TF2, CoD or any other online game right now and find idiots screaming like children, but when we form as a collective or for some sort of movement, those idiots get locked in the basement so they can't speak. How do feminists consistently forget to lock away their fringe idiots? Kind of odd. And before anyone accuses, no I'm not implying "IT'S BECAUSE ALL FEMINISTS SECRETLY SUPPORT THOSE EXTREMISTS!" I'm sincerely curious as to how that seems to happen and how the extremists repeatedly plague and speak on behalf of feminism as I know from personal experience that the vast majority of women would name themselves feminists but disagree with the extremists.
  11. To my understanding it was intially planned to be just like SimCity, but after the DRM backlash that plan was scrapped entirely and the game was retweaked to go back to the old offline standard. HOWEVER the game was NOT removed from the multiplayer and online-focused engine that it had been developed on thusfar. The result is that the game is rather lackluster partly because the engine is so limited and not designed to cater to everything past sims games have been about. For example, teenagers, elders and adults are all the same exact height and all house lots are 100% flat and the same altitude. Small little quirks like that have popped up and as I've said, you have to wonder if they just spent like a year developing a game on a limited engine and never thought to say "yeah this isn't gonna work."
  12. Exactly. Several of the bad reviews I saw were self-proclaimed Sim-fanatics who would detail people on how long they've been into the series and how many expansions they've bought before calling the Sims 4 horrendous and reminding everyone of EA's 24 hour refund policy.
  13. I got bored and google-image'ed feminist.... Was this a real thing? http://31.media.tumblr.com/ff16a04a4b2e9db8a8ed8b32531662ad/tumblr_n2ybvupb7S1t49wdzo1_1280.png
  14. She probably likes to cook as well, good riddance on that c*** I bet she actually enjoys bedroom fantasies with her husband that involve male dominance, the inhumane b****.
  15. At this point I think we can all agree we don't want her or Silverstring as our nanny. A few of us may say "honestly I don't give a **** cause the issue seems too small to matter" and that's understandable, but I think if given a choice of supporting or condemning that group, all of us pretty much condemn it. If not for a disagreement with the feminist agenda, then for the fact that the woman is a liar and is incapable of being non-bias. Even if you too have a distaste for the "hardc0re gamurz" culture that calls you a phag when they land a noscope 360 MLGpro headshot, that doesn't warrant lying zealots taking over the industry instead. AT LEAST the 1337 gamurz can just be muted and GG, cause none of them go out of their way to try and gain influence to tell everyone how 1337 they are. To me we all seem to be in agreement more or less, so the real question is where does it all go from here? Can we change anything? Will we? I mean what's frustrating is I get the sense that none of us listened to this girl or her ideologies that much anyways (because even from a feminist perspective, her lies and deceit make her hard to take seriously)...yet the very same journalism market we've complained about before for other reasons seems to eat this crap up to an extent. And when someone speaks out, it's a matter of "OMG SEXIST!" It's like how often I hear in political stories that people are "race-baiting" and playing the race card just to gain sympathy. I've never found that to be too widespread; at most you will encounter a guy who is not-so-ideally-resistant and helps escalate the situation thusly, but you don't doubt his sincerity and that he truly was scared that his race made him a target. Here though? I'm sure they're convinced this truly is about gender, but omg the ****ing gender-baiting is ridiculous. And sadly it's effective. Or at least, moreso than it should be. Sadly, in my honest opinion....I likely see this ending up with status quo and nothing but. Silverstring media may lose credibility when all this is said and done, but they're STILL zealots. They're not gonna go away. So gg everyone, we get to hear feminist mantras preached to us when we read gaming news or watch gaming-related events and awards ceremonies....even when they're entirely unwarranted. (again, see Anita implying New Vegas was sexist)
  16. It's k, I got this. I believe I've found a credible gamer who can tell us if the game is good or not:
  17. I just find it astounding we're talking about an industry that's undeniably corrupt and we're just gonna sit here and scoff at reviews written by average joes and consumers not being credible. Alright then, let's all wait for IGN's incredibly credible review of: "It's utterly terrible. 9/10"
  18. I hope you're being sarcastic. We're talking about an industry with a Doritos pope and you want to claim a website with reviews written by consumers isn't useful.
  19. As I've stated before and I'll repeat here (briefly): My concern is we're talking about a group involving a woman who deemed "I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus" as sexist because it "portrays all women as promiscuous cheaters." I'm not for the censorship or governance of art. PERIOD. Art is about expression, no matter how sexist, racist, ignorant or simple-minded your expression may be. That Anita would name "I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" as sexist is practically the posterchild for why censorship or governance of art doesn't work: because those governing art are bound to misinterpet or not understand certain types of art and then art as a whole stagnates and loses diversity, which goes against EVERYTHING art is about. I'm concerned because a group of people involving this very same overzealous, idealistic, close-minded, manipulative and deceitful (yes, she does lie and yes, she does present info in misleading ways. That's not debate, that's fact) woman seem to have the clear goal of gaining influence within the industry. Yes it's par for the course as the gaming industry was already bias and corrupt for other reasons (money buying off good reviews, Doritos pope), but from an artistic perspective...? (and no I'm by NO MEANS claiming games are incredible art as a mere .5% probably qualify as "art" in my book) From an artistic perspective this group is worse. Doritos pope wasn't trying to dictate what games can and cannot do, he was simply taking Bungie's **** in his mouth in exchange for cash.
  20. If you only focus on my posts it's just five or six of them. I don't know which claims are being made in total. I've asked for examples and there were two articles about friends' games that were neither reviews nor glowing praises. The rest of the claims were mainly that - claims without backup or conspiracy theories, all without proof (or proof to the contrary). I just did and I don't see any answers. In fact you don't seem to be addressing any rumors or debunking any, you're chatting about tangets or other ideas. :UThere's nothing to debunk. That's the thing. People talk about the corruption as if it was a known fact. They don't actually offer any evidence that holds up. (Meshugger posted something about DARPA, but nobody knows what his point is.)Also I distinctly remember my posts being awesome. Don't talk about them like that. The entire issue is very simple. It IS getting blown out or proportion up yes, but it is still an issue. In a nutshell: -idiots exist on the Internet who respond to killing enemy players in a game by saying "hurhur u suk u filthy casual **** I bet ur gey and u like phallic object ps hurhur hur." -Anita and Co., having skin about as thick as a ****ing half-sheet of toilet paper, take offense to this and consider it a MASSIVE ATTACK on their ability to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, instead of saying "oh it's just another tard on the Internet, guess I should ignore him" like any normal human being with half a brain does. -Anita and Co. then begin a MIGHTY CRUSADE to rid the gaming world of all evils and save the prince (because saving a princess would be TOTALLY SEXIST) and all of them pursue some form of position within the gaming industry, whether it be as a developer, reviewer, journalists or judge/critic. -Probably unintentionally, the very group that all went on their MIGHTY CRUSADE to save the prince all seem to do a fabulous job of giving each other positive reviews and support. I highly doubt this is all a conspiracy to make a collectivized effort to change the very structure of the gaming industry, but nevertheless it IS bad because it's undeniably bias. Prime example that I've stated before: say Anita has 7 friends that are gaming journalists. All seven are far more likely to take some idiot saying "stfu bitch imma cut u lel" super serious business and report on it as "A CLEAR SIGN OF THE END TIMES FOR ALL FEMALE GAMERS AND UNDENIABLE PROOF OF SEXISM WITHIN EACH AND EVERY INDIVIDUAL INVOLVED WITHIN THE GAMING INDUSTRY." Simply because a decent percent of the gaming journalists have covered the story, remaining game journalists feel "peer pressured" into covering the story too, believing that since so much coverage is going up, this must be what gamers are interested in and they might look unprofessional if they manage to miss this popular news story. Just like that, one small minority group has disproportionate influence given their size. -The final Result? Anita and Co. are EXACTLY like the obnoxious "h4rdc0re gamurz" they loathe in that they label anyone "outside of their group" as a cancer in the industry. However, Anita and co. are far more annoying because average joes like myself who COULD NOT GIVE TWO FLYING ****S AND JUST WANT TO PLAY A GAME are now essentially being force fed a political agenda in our games and or gaming media. A rather bias one too. I can ignore some idiot calling me a filthy casual, I can't ignore a group of people insistent on gaining influence within the gaming industry to push their agenda upon me. Suddenly we all have to listen to them ****ing cry about being called a bad word on the Internet and we all have to hand them tissues and we all have to cater our games with them in mind. No, **** off and go sit in your corner with your friends and leave us alone. Enjoy your games, enjoy your company, enjoy yourselves, but stop forcing this bull**** into all of us. -This is made worse by the fact that gaming journalism has a history of bias and corruption. By no means is this a form of corruption where someone pays maya or Silverstring $2000 for a splendid game review or the like, but it's bias in the sense that there's now this weird little portion of game reviews where gender equality is apparently a RLY FKN IMPORTANT FACTOR GUIZ in deciding if the new Tetris 2014 game is a good game or not. "Yes I can stack the red block on top of the yellow one to clear some lines, but AM I SURE THE RED BLOCK ISNT SOME CHAUVINISTIC MALE SEXIST PIG PRACTICING DOMESTIC ABUSE ON HIS BATTERED WIFE???" Seriously **** off, I'm trying to play a game. This is made only worse because as we've seen, Anita for example will push and force her feminism messages WHETHER APPLICABLE OR NOT (see Fallout New Vegas), so we've basically got crazed zealots spewing a politic mantra none of us give two ****s about in a totally irrelevant industry round the clock. It's not a matter of sexism; the same response would be given if, for example, a group of people went on a GRAND CRUSADE to ensure that all games include a pro-capitalism and anti-communism mantra or some crap. We just don't want bias in the ****ing industry anymore. It's that simple.
  21. Beating BruceVC to the punch with thishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N-tkrxAEWwEven if it's just a lot of passive aggressive snarking, but that comes with the territory I just wanna jump in here real quick.... HOW MANY OF YOU ARE FACT CHECKING PERIOD? I'm getting the sneaking suspicion people from both sides are blindly linking things that support their side of the argument. That thunder foot vid happens to be one I came across ages ago. The counter-argument and reply in the "thunder foot busted" video? It's terrible. It's terriawful. INFACT it even tosses out vocabulary words related to logical fallacies and poor arguments and proceeds to be guilty of those very logical fallacies. Ultimately the counter video fails because the very claims of sexism thunder foot claims were unfairly exaggerated and applied to Hitman absolution are ALSO applied to Fallout New Vegas. I've already said this twice and you all can go watch Anita's women as background decoration video to check it out yourself. But yes, she is DEFINITELY cherry picking and misrepresenting games, and given that I can see that myself, I have no reason to doubt thunder foots arguments about hitman being misrepresented aswell, and it's likely other games were too. But this is all besides the point. I merely worry people are going to quote without reading or argue without informing themselves, which won't get **** done period no matter who is guilty of it.
  22. If you only focus on my posts it's just five or six of them. I don't know which claims are being made in total. I've asked for examples and there were two articles about friends' games that were neither reviews nor glowing praises. The rest of the claims were mainly that - claims without backup or conspiracy theories, all without proof (or proof to the contrary). I just did and I don't see any answers. In fact you don't seem to be addressing any rumors or debunking any, you're chatting about tangets or other ideas. :U
  23. I just got here and there's like five pages to read through from when I last checked this thread. Mind explaining or showing how all the claims are false?
  24. Who the **** gives a **** about Quinn?
  25. Why would anyone do that to themselves...?
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