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Everything posted by Longknife

  1. Ready for this? I'm about to blow your mind.... Name one "gamer" that matches that definition. That's exactly the issue. You can't. Because no one has any misogynistic issues. The perceived misogynistic issues are being manufactured by pointing at nameless or nobody trolls in random comments, the very same trolls who would purposefully say ANYTHING purely to antagonize and not because they mean it. I sincerely doubt you can name a significant figure within the entirety of the video game industry who is openly misogynistic. DAT BLOW UR MIND?? Oh wait, you're serious when you think this is a valid argument and not a logical fallacy. How is it? The very claim is that there is an underlying culture of misogyny within the gaming industry. To me, an underlying culture of misogyny would imply the culture is so deeply rooted within gaming that at least ONE guy can be found either on a website like IGN, on a popular gaming-focused Youtube channel or one game developer can be found making blatantly misogynistic comments. If it's true that misogyny is such an obvious and drastic issue within the gaming culture, then misogynistic comments shouldn't be such a big deal to gamers and thus someone should be able to thrive despite releasing misogynistic statements. But this simply isn't the case. You cannot find a single notable figure within gaming who's done so, and as I said, if you were to pull Silverstring media into this forum and ask them who's being misogynistic, they'd likely point at 14 year olds (the very same ones who'll also bully any 9 year old gamers or the like on instinct to try and look tough) with microphones or online anonymous trolls. I don't see how my request is in any way outrageous. I could claim for example "the Neo Nazi movement is a scary issue within Russian culture" and I could either cite news articles or videos of a Russian skinhead beating up a foreigner or a russian politician openly supporting or passively allowing such actions to verify that this subculture does indeed exist. Here though, the only people being "named" by the feminists are all either exceedingly immature and not respected or listened to by gamers as a collective, OR it's anonymous comments on youtube or other websites where - guess what - people tend to act like **** on the internet for lulz. If you're trying to say "you don't need a famous name to matter in the industry," that wasn't my implication. I'm simply saying that unlike my Neo Nazi example above, if I find you 20 vids of skinheads beating up foreigners in Russia, you'd think "hey maybe that is a real issue." Going out of your way to beat up and target a foreigner is a clearly malicious act with a clearly racist agenda. By contrast if you find me 20 youtube comments spouting misogynistic nonsense, I'd probably laugh at you because it's the ****ing internet and making a troll comment is something everyone does off and on and doing one takes 4 seconds. Those very people who made those comments are JUST as likely to be bored and doing it for fun as they are to be actually sexist, if not MORE likely to be doing it for fun. Likewise the gaming community does not provide those people with respect, yet the gaming community as a collective is being labeled sexist for even having such individuals. It's like if San Francisco as a city were labeled sexist because somewhere within the city there's a crazy homeless guy who gets up on a street corner every day and rants about how women are scum and only hurting humanity, so obviously all of San Francisco is sexist because they ignore him and allow him to keep doing it.
  2. Wow what a hater! Theophany's stuff is awesome, that one song is the ONLY one he went out to make on his own and I for one like it. If you want more classic Majora's Mask stuff, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ3CYLU3zTA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93C63lAEKwk
  3. I got a cute sales rep to laugh by calling Americans fat. Sorry America. :c
  4. I think it mocks the way certain feminists diminish those words themselves and their hyperbolic reactions to things. Misogynist practically doesn't mean anything anymore. And there have been plenty of attempts to redefine rape. THANK you.
  5. F*** that, I'm aggressive. I blame law school. One of the first things that's taught is...if you've got an argument your opponent can't counter? Do NOT let the subject change. You bring it up and bring it up and bring it up until your opponent has to admit they're wrong on that count. You'll be called an ass, you'll make enemies, but the system is flawless. If you're right on a point, your opponent should admit it because ultimately debate SHOULD be about weeding out the wrongs and locating the rights. I'm personally gonna sit here and repeat the question until I get a working answer: Name one prominent figure within the gaming industry who exhibits signs of misogyny and an agenda against more female protagonists. There literally isn't one, and this more than anything highlights that this entire SJW "cause" is tantamount to propaganda, spawned from nothing more than the most basic of stupid comments spouted either by immature 15 year olds or trolls literally TRYING to say stupid things to get reactions. Hell, infact, given what we've learned about Silverstring media, it would seem there are more prominent feminists involved with the gaming industry (an entire team of them) as opposed to the grand total of 0 misogynist journalists, developers, notable vlog figures and gamers (this includes even people like PewDiePie as you can argue such people hold "influence" of some degree to games). It's good it's at 0, but it's NOT so good we've got people screaming "MISOGYNY" when it's absolutely not there on any meaningful level (random youtube commenters are not meaningful), we know some of the Silverstring people are capable of misleading and victim-complex info (see Anita and New Vegas) and ultimately it's just utter nonsense that detracts from the REAL focus: corruption in the game industry. FFS people aren't even suggesting "boycott silverstring media," they're suggesting boycott EVERYTHING in gaming journalism because it's literally all sub-par anyways and gamers losing our gaming journalists would be about on par to spending a night playing your favorite game, but you forgot to buy a drink to keep on your desk while you play in case you get thirsty. I THINK WE GONNA BE OK. We're not even explicitly targeting the feminists, we're openly stating "this would also be a good opportunity to pay back Doritos Pope and boycott anything he's connected to aswell." It's absolutely crystal clear this has nothing to do with misogyny. You want a misogynist so you SJW's don't end up at the unemployment office? I can happily link you all to some Tommy Sotomayor guy on youtube who does nothing but rant about black women because apparently he knocked one up and has to pay child support for it and he's a rather bitter human being. I'm almost tempted to link that incredibly off-topic video just to show what real misogyny (combined with racism) looks like. Me personally? I'm just gonna repeat that request over and over and over. Name one prominent figure within the gaming industry who exhibits signs of misogyny and an agenda against more female protagonists. I see no reason to continue any debate until that's addressed.
  6. I hope he was actually guilty. Not out of spite for Phil Fish (didn't know the guy nor do I know jack about FEZ) but because this would be -THE- case of corruption in gaming journalism that no one can deny. Doritos Pope can just swallow the Dew and stuff the Doritos in his mouth and say "what corruption," but if there's a story with the FBI involved where it's basically proven there's corruption? Yeah, not only will this end this GamerGate crap (I'm of the opinion we're going in circles at this point and now is the time for less talk, more action and results) but it'll definitely send a message of "no more corruption in gaming or else."
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzqAT2qVFRs
  8. Ready for this? I'm about to blow your mind.... Name one "gamer" that matches that definition. That's exactly the issue. You can't. Because no one has any misogynistic issues. The perceived misogynistic issues are being manufactured by pointing at nameless or nobody trolls in random comments, the very same trolls who would purposefully say ANYTHING purely to antagonize and not because they mean it. I sincerely doubt you can name a significant figure within the entirety of the video game industry who is openly misogynistic. DAT BLOW UR MIND?? That's not true I'm afraid, there are plenty of people who don't think anything has to change around inclusivity in the gaming industry. I have encountered this type of resistance on these very forums If you don't believe start a Poll on this forums with a title similar to " do we need more female representation in gaming " and see what the responses are. I guarantee you will get numerous responses that say " no ", no need to change anything. And of course the reason for some people saying no is not necessarily due to misogynistic reasons but in some cases it will be because of that, people just don't like to openly acknowledge it So your answer is that you CANNOT actually name someone in the gaming industry that strictly opposes stronger female representation in gaming? That's what I thought. That's why people are f***ing sick of this crap. Because all it is is a group of feminists lecturing our community based on these mysterious misogynists we keep hearing so much about, and then when we say "who," the answer is always that they point to some 15 year old who's never been on a date or to Youtuber user "IFartPickles" and how he commented and said "women r gay, go make sammich pls." And actually, I bet if I made a poll, the most common answer would be "I don't give a ****." Most of us don't sit there with a f***ing checklist, grading the game based on it's representation of strong female characters. No, believe it or not, most of us play games to...yknow, have fun. I like Fallout New Vegas not because of it's equal representation and fair presentation of women, but because of it's amazing gameplay and storyline. That it gets praised by Mormons, LGBT and feminists alike (except Anita, who as we've gone over, is an opportunist and a liar and is a detriment to the movement as such) isn't really of supreme importance to me; I'm playing to have fun and to hear an intriguin and thought-provoking storyline, not to push some social agenda. Do I MIND that it gets that praise? God no, that's awesome. By all means game developers, please use New Vegas as an example of how to do minority groups correctly. At the same time though, I don't want developers CONSTANTLY double-checking their storylines for equality. It's art dude. Just express yourself as you like, and if you see a window to include a character from a minority group for the sake of equality without being a detriment to the story, then do so if you'd like. NOBODY gives a ****. If I play Dark Souls, I don't go "ONLY ONE OF THE FOUR GREAT LORDS IS A FEMALE? SEXIST, 0/10 WOULD THROW IN A BLENDER," because wtf it's a beautiful game, tons of fun and the storyline (as hard to pick up on as it can be) is actually incredibly intriguing and well designed. I don't give a **** about the quota because I wanna hear it out; it's got an interesting artistic message I wanna hear, and a 3:1 male:female quota doesn't take away from that. IT'S IRRELEVANT. And if I had the power? I'd mute the posting ability of every journalism website, blogger and SJW voicing an opinion on the matter until they could name a SINGLE prominent gaming figure who's clearly misogynist and against more female representation in gaming. If you wanna push a feminist agenda? Go make your own art with stronger female representation. By all means, go make video games about women (but don't be on the panel that judges how good they are...). Go be a social worker. But kindly get the f*** off my couch and stop screaming at me because I want to relax and play a game without being anal retentive about the female character quota in the game I'm playing being sub-optimal.
  9. Let's just face facts and admit that no class can possibly compare to the sheer awesomeness and fun factor of playing a Muscle Wizard.
  10. Ready for this? I'm about to blow your mind.... Name one "gamer" that matches that definition. That's exactly the issue. You can't. Because no one has any misogynistic issues. The perceived misogynistic issues are being manufactured by pointing at nameless or nobody trolls in random comments, the very same trolls who would purposefully say ANYTHING purely to antagonize and not because they mean it. I sincerely doubt you can name a significant figure within the entirety of the video game industry who is openly misogynistic. DAT BLOW UR MIND??
  11. Thanks for enlightening me oby. At first I thought you were just some Russian zealot, but now I can see the truth and expect Obama to grow a strange mustache and start slaughtering Jews within the next two years. It's only a matter of time.
  12. Anyway you are wrong. Immigration in socialistic countries never been- its purely capitalistic problem, moneybags do want moar profit and... invite cheap foreighn laborers.Immigrants who come for legal work are not really a problem. The problem is with immigrants who come to more wealthy country to live on social benefits are problem. And USA is starting to have more and more socialistic face under Obama administration. At least that's what it looks like from what i read and see. Many Americans are not happy with turning USA to socialistic immigrants refuge camp. With good enough campaign I think it's possible to convince majority to vote yes. It's not as this voice is among few percent right now, it's up to 20% which is a perfect starting option.You're forgetting the whole patriotism thing, and whilst a sizable amount of people do use confederate flags, they still say god bless America. Also, socialist immigrants refugee camp is probably the least fitting discription you could give the US. There is no way they're gonna get to a 51% percent for secession, let alone a proper 66% majority that's generally required for more extreme things. If they ever do get a proper percentage though, I hope they secede.Maybe. I'm not an expert and do not live in states. Only going by what info I can get from different sources. Pro tip: don't use FOX news as a source. The USA is literally a nation of immigrants. It would be suicide for the US to actively dissuade immigration. History has proven this time and time again, as the USA has several notable waves of immigration throughout its history where the immigrants were met with some hostility, but were ultimately welcomed and the USA benefited from it. I think you'd struggle to name a time in the history of the US where immigration actually hurt us more than it helped us.
  13. Ah yes, George Washington. The famous economist and pioneer of capitalism.
  14. Yes, but I would hope those points would be much like the free space on a bingo card in that everyone has them. But I know that's not the case... :C
  15. Because it's circumstantial evidence. It's not evidence at all, it's just highly suspicious connections. However, I sincerely doubt this is a situation where evidence - real evidence - can even realistically be obtained. Having said that though, it's an elephant in the room that gaming journalism is corrupt as hell. It always has been, even before this whole debacle. All hail Doritos Pope. So why not just take this opportunity as a FABULOUS time to dump the corrupt journalism market that we gamers have following us around, because we do not need them and statistics suggest people are in an uproar about this and are putting a dent in the business. Good. Let them keep being outraged, and let's stop supporting gaming journalists from big name groups we've always known to be questionable or corrupt? We don't lose anything because somehow I highly doubt anyone in this thread would be like "I always get my news from Kotaku/IGN cause I know their reviews are always honest and accurate! :D"
  16. This is the issue: Sims 1 to Sims 2, what improvements did we see? Aspirations, aging and various life stages, the introduction of alternative lifeforms (plant sims, aliens), cars, being able to edit and create your own town...All kinds of stuff. No one will argue Sims 1 to Sims 2 was nothing but an improvement upon existing features. Sims 2 to Sims 3, what improvements did we see? Personalities got a revamp, Story progression and the ability to age the neighborhood simultaneously, Create-a-Style, and the town became interconnected. Mind you, Sims 3 was not perfect. If you want my opinion, Sims 2 is hands down the most flawless title in the series as it offered only improvements while having a nice balance of challenge vs. freedom. Sims 3 was a "sidegrade" in many ways, for example while the town became interconnected, that came at the cost of being able to edit a town as extensively as you could in Sims 2. In the Sims 2, only very few buildings required a good degree of know-how to actually get working on your own, whereas Sims 3 had many presets that were rather difficult for a user to replace themselves. Likewise I personally am very quick to criticize the relative ease of Sims 3. They say this was done to give you more time to live the Sim's life and do little things like visit the park, but me? I'm productive in a game and don't see much point in bothering to visit the park to play chess when I can do it at home, so it just made it easier for me. Some people love this though as it makes the game more relaxed. And yes, Sims 3 was highly ambitious and had ridiculous bugs. The bugs are one of the reasons I'm amazed no one's called EA out on their **** yet in regards to this series. You can play the game and search for various bugs on google and often the solution is "download Nraas." Excuse me EA, but why is third-party software and user-made mods the only way to make your game functional? That's ridiculous. Another prime example: Island paradise. That expansion is basically non-functional unless you play the game in the new neighborhood it comes with, as many of the functions tied into it are related to the water and specific preset lots (yep here we go again with lack of world customization) that only appear there. The problem? That neighborhood is - by far - THE biggest lag generator in the game. They placed a lot and a family that's notorious for getting stuck, causing game freezes and slow-down as the game attempts to reroute the stuck sim. WITHOUT third-party fixes, this neighborhood is basically unplayable, making the entire expansion unplayable, and yet there's no class action lawsuit? Wow. This is mind-blowing, this is fascinating. But I digress: Did the Sims 3 improve from the Sims 2? Even if you hate it and it's not the game for you, you can AT LEAST admit EA did work. You can AT LEAST acknowledge that an effort was made and that there are improvements geared towards another target audience than you. I hate the decreased difficulty of the Sims 3, but some people enjoy this because they DO want to spend days wasted at the park with their sims. Likewise, while I would never have bought the full version and all expansions unless I found it used and at a steal-of-a-price (we're talkingt over $1000 if you buy that crap from EA), nor would I say the complete game is worth the pricetag, it DOES stand up on it's own two feet to challenge the Sims 2 once completed. It provides so much sheer content that the decreased difficulty and other issues I have with it start to diminish. And while yes I'd love to scream at EA for never fixing the loads of bugs within the game, at least there are fixes existing. Likewise, base-game Sims 2 vs. base-game Sims 3....? Personally I'd choose 2, but I wouldn't piss and moan and cry bloody murder if someone stuck me with 3 instead. Both are "satisfactory" at least. Now what improvements did we see from Sims 3 to Sims 4? Shut out all the little comments about how "well that's cause Sims 3 has expansions and Sims 4 doesn't" and let's just compare the base games. The lists of improvements I made for Sims 2 and Sims 3 referred to their base game versions and didn't include expansion add-ons, so let's compare what the base game of Sims 4 improved upon the base game of Sims 3. .....What the **** did it improve? Honestly, the only things that come to mind are the general UI (refering to everything from designing sims to designing houses being more intuitive) and "moodlets" from the Sims 3 became far more animated and detailed. A +15 moodlet boost for 4 hours from brushing your teeth in Sims 3 became the Sim's emotion changing to "Confident" and allowing them to interact with other sims better or learn some skills faster instead of just "+15 more happiness." I'm sorry, but how the **** does this sell a game? Sims 2 added a metric ****ton onto an already successful game. Sims 3, while ambitious and a little bit more niche in design, added a lot of new features aswell and no one can deny that there's a visible effort there. But better UI does not sell a game. Better moodlets do not sell a game. In Sims 3 we lost the ability to customize towns as extensively as in Sims 2, but it was a trade-off. Yes, you may have hated that trade and you have every right to, but you cannot deny they did give you something in return (whether you wanted it or not). Where the **** is the trade-off with Sims 4? We lost so much, from the infamous toddlers and swimming pools to the slow burn that is "where the hell is the fire department and where do I buy a dishwasher?" There's no worthwhile improvement that makes up for everything that was lost. And sure enough, if you read news stories on the subject matter, you'll know why. Laid off employees at EA had been warning as far back as January that the Sims 4 was being incredibly mismanaged and becoming a victim of circumstance, and other stories stated the game was being designed on an engine geared towards online gameplay, NOT one for this kind of gameplay and definitely not one that could even think to hold a candle to all the stuff Sims 3 processed. I would not be complaining if some elements from Sims 3 did not return solely on the grounds that the devs respectfully said "sorry, we were waaaaaay too ambitious with that game, and we need to regress in scope a tad to prevent the extent of bugs and stability issues Sims 3 had." I don't think anyone would mind losing the open world if that were neccesary to stomp bugs, nor do I think they'd mind story progression.....as long as we're getting something in return. But that's not what happened. On the contrary, Sims 4 even lost features that existed in Sims 2. Create-A-Style didn't seem like a Sims 3 feature that needed to die for the sake of stability either. Or ffs, even a handful of things that existed since Sims 1 are gone. I wish I were exaggerating, but I'm not. WHY IN THE HELL do Sims magically teleport to work instead of driving or taking a carpool? You could argue this is no big deal and I'd be inclined to agree to some extent, but I'm more focused on the fact that I think this truly highlights the limitations of the engine this game was played on. You cannot tell me that programming in a carpool or cars is this huge undertaking and problem starter, so why are my Sims magically teleporting away? I highly suspect this is a sign for just HOW BAD this engine is for this kind of game. So what's the problem? EA has been polishing a turd for over a year and never thought to say "I'm sorry everyone, I wasted a lot of time polishing a turd thinking I could fix it up for you, but it's just not working so now I need to go back and start nearly from scratch and the game will be delayed." No, they didn't do that. They tried to market and sell that polished turd. And the worst part of it...? They're succeeding. Just a side-note I'm editing in cause I think this is somewhat irrelevant to the big picture... Sims 4 also cut out "normal" jobs. You cannot be an office drone, you cannot be a doctor, you cannot be a cop. You can be a stand-up comedian, you can be an Astronaut, you can be a Video Game Journalist. So that kinda kills the "back to realism" argument in one fell swoop... I get it, I like realism too. I don't like little add-ons like Supernatural or Into the Future (the Time-travel DLC you heard about). The best expansions I've seen from the Sims (aside from "commonplace" ones that I feel would be unfair to include in this as they feel so essential, such as Late Night and Seasons) would have to be Open For Business and Ambitions, imo. So I'm with people who say they want realism. But this isn't it. This is a pretty little claim to hide behind while arguing Sims 4 isn't a rip-off. *****SPOILER ALERT**** It is.
  17. I still say let's just go home, call it a day and boycott these people, from the people screaming misogyny to the indie devs who got involved with this to the award ceremonies with questionable judging methods to the game journalism websites we've always known to be corrupt. All evidence trying to highlight corruption within the indie awards etc has only been circumstantial at best, but is highly doubt it CAN get better. But the simple fact is the gaming industry has never needed any of the people saying "gamers are dead" to begin with....so **** em? Just boycott them then. Seriously it's not like it takes any effort anyways.
  18. It was awfully magnanimous of him to release a piece of carefully crafted propaganda under the guise of a question and answer session while glossing over important information, engaging in broad generalizing, and turning off comments so that so that no actual debate could be had. Awfully brave of him. We should all look up to this shining example of inclusivity and fairness. Nonsense, he disabled comments cause that's what his hero Anita does. Disabled comments is the true key to a more equal and all-inclusive society!
  19. Seriously though, why do we even bother with this anymore? And what I mean by that is, we literally do not need gaming journalists. IGN, RPS, Kotaku, you name it: they could all spontaneously combust tomorrow and we'd all be fine. We can all find you tubers we trust to give good reviews we can use because they have similar tastes to us, we all know this industry has been corrupt for ages, and they're obviously not giving us any real motivation to give a damn about what they have to say. Why even bother continuing? Just get your news from you tubers or the companies themselves instead.
  20. That's exactly how I interpret it. Check different communities. Most gamers call it a rip-off, journalists are split between "amazing 10/10 go buy four copies" and "wow this is balls," but the sims 4 forums? The sim fanatics themselves? They're....pretty blind to it all. Their forums are currently laced with that attitude of "anyone who criticizes the game needs to stfu and gtfo," so as far as this game being a wake up call to them? Nope. :/ My hopes of seeing some sort of reaction in the market are kinda dead, cause even with all the backlash and scathing comments, their fan base is large enough to stay afloat. And yes, sadly I interpret that little comment as marketing. I can actually picture someone hearing that and saying "I'LL TAKE EIGHT" out of fear of never seeing a Sims 5. But yeah, I'm pretty disappointed. I expected it to fail and it pretty much did for the most part (anyone "on the fence" about the sims and not totally loyal to it that I know of isn't buying or is requesting a refund), but the fans are total zealots who'll hold this series up anyways. :c. Even if it means buying expansion packs just to get dishwashers or firefighters...
  21. http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Sims-5-Won-t-Happen-Sims-4-Doesn-t-Sell-Says-Producer-67162.html GG
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