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Everything posted by Longknife

  1. http://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/2rb5t3/speculation_kotaku_writer_jason_schreier_states/ Can't decide if good thing or bad thing. Good in the sense the top replies are "YA RITE KOTAKU," bad in the sense here we go again with Kotaku clickbaiting.
  2. I hate theories like this cause I'm a big proponent of Occam's Razor. I also don't quite see how defending Zoe Quinn was somehow neccesary for the good of Common Core.
  3. Am I the only one that doesn't give two ****s about hookers and would rather see Volourn and Bruce shut the ever-living **** up with their needlessly stupid and irrelevant arguments about whose a nazi and whose a sex worker, and I'd much rather see Bruce's response to statements like this? I say this every time and I must sound like a broken record: why do the anti-GG proponents we have in this thread and on these forums seem to disappear or why do we have ones that blatantly ignore every good point made by a GG'er? Very first page is someone calling out GG for some harassment that went on because of GG. That's disheartening, that's ****ing awful to hear about, yet we respond. Here, KiA was just kicked around by reddit not for sexism, not for harassment, not for hate speak, but for boycotting efforts. There is VERY good reason to look at that and ask why boycott efforts of all things were targeted if this is supposed to be about sexism and harassment and not actually about corruption in journalism. And yet here we are discussing hookers with Bruce....again. And just on a sidenote because I'm in a particularly bitter mood from having to listen to you idiots call each other Nazis and sex workers every single ****ing time a serious issue shows it's face: Bruce, you've said you've hired sex workers before, yes? You've also expressed sympathy for them. Quite a bit. So why are you hiring them? I've said before in another thread that I consider "Support our Troops" to be very clever propaganda on behalf of the USA because it absolves the troops of any personal responsibility for the stuff they do. It sends a message of "don't worry, you are just an honorable young man willing to die to protect his country! What a hero! WE are the evil ones in D.C. who always wage war on brown people! Any of your mistakes are ultimately our fault." That's great and all, but wars simply wouldn't be feasible if you stopped signing up for them and stopped agreeing to be a trooper. In that regard, yes, the troops are just as guilty as D.C. is, but D.C. doesn't want potential recruits thinking that because it kinda screws up their recruiting tactics and war efforts. No troops = no war. Same damned thing here. No customers = no sex workers. You're perpetuating a demand for the work, and if there's no demand, the job will not exist. Even if it's some young thing saying "I have to make this much a day or my pimp will beat me! I hate my life!" ....Call the cops? Bring her to one of those charities to help sex workers you claim to donate to? And Volourn, if you call everyone a Nazi, it loses meaning. Your usage of the word lost meaning threads ago. You could be calling him a friggin' teddy bear right now and it'd have the same effect. If you wanna be taken seriously, maybe you shouldn't call literally everything Nazi-esque. But that's all besides the point. I'd much rather discuss the implications of that reddit ban.
  4. Especially disheartening if you like Fallout: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fred_Zeleny It's also very ironic to me because, if I may, Bethesda could not write themselves out of a f***ing paper bag, and here's one of their quest designers claiming GamerGate is stifling creative people. Which again is odd because I'd love to hear of a single game GamerGate has prevented. By my count GamerGate has helped get three games funded: one was made by feminists, another was made by "literal Nazis" according to SJWs, and the last seems similar to Harvest Moon and was made by a woman.
  5. ?? Care to fill us in with a couple more details?
  6. This is what I look like if my ride forgot to pick me up at the airport and I've been traveling for 24 hours straight already: I may look half-dead, but I'm SPIRITUALLY ALIVE.
  7. He's absolutely right. If GamerGate is a sexist or hate movement, why was our effort to contact advertisers of faceless games journalism websites what got censored? Why wasn't it "any sexist commentary is grounds for an immediate ban?" All too often we've seen commentary like "oh it's actually about sexism. SOME of them are just naive and ignorant and actually care about perceived corruption. I don't see the corruption myself, but those guys are ok." So shouldn't this mean that even anti-gg can agree with us this move is f***ing bullsh*t? They didn't target any perceived sexism or harassment in GamerGate, they targeted complaints to advertisers. THAT was what they deemed off-limits and had to go. EDIT: The gold just keeps coming: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B6YNS7mCcAAJgOy.jpg:large 2015 is going to be veeeery interesting, i tell you. I still can't stop waking up and thinking how insane this all is. It's the most petty, childish and selfish handlings of what are supposed to be legitimate businesses, and it's the type of thing that, were this to appear in fiction, I would discredit the story as being a bit weak as the antagonists and villain's motivations are a bit too lame, and while such motivations exist in the real world, they'd never exist on such a grand scale. And yet apparently they do. It's like what the ****. I'm just speechless, day in and day out.
  8. Quoting this from KiA for epic amounts of truth: He's absolutely right. If GamerGate is a sexist or hate movement, why was our effort to contact advertisers of faceless games journalism websites what got censored? Why wasn't it "any sexist commentary is grounds for an immediate ban?" All too often we've seen commentary like "oh it's actually about sexism. SOME of them are just naive and ignorant and actually care about perceived corruption. I don't see the corruption myself, but those guys are ok." So shouldn't this mean that even anti-gg can agree with us this move is f***ing bullsh*t? They didn't target any perceived sexism or harassment in GamerGate, they targeted complaints to advertisers. THAT was what they deemed off-limits and had to go. EDIT: The gold just keeps coming: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B6YNS7mCcAAJgOy.jpg:large
  9. I actually made a thread discussing this same point: http://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/2r5g0m/why_the_boycott_ban_is_both_incredibly_good_news/ I forget where in there. I only remember thinking and writing that perhaps it'd be best to ensure we have two hubs rather than just 8chan, because I'm certain the moment we're all collected on 8chan, the efforts to ruin 8chan would triple. Simply put, we need a new hub for boycott goals. Both because it's a cornerstone of GG and because recent actions would imply it was f***ing working.
  10. This is just crazy to me. Example: Jimmy Wales with Wikipedia. My stance is that Jimmy considers GamerGate small time, just doesn't give a damned or care about the accuracy or truth or corruption of such a small time issue, and wishes the drama around the article would go away so he could focus on more important work. This is exactly what I would expect. ....So why does reddit care? That tweet SPECIFICALLY bans boycotts from KiA. It's not a site-wide ban for boycotts. It's not effecting other subreddits, so apparently the admins of this massive site specifically got together to discuss KiA. He claims it's about witch hunts, yet the witch hunt activity is only banned for one subreddit. To me, that screams that someone just called in a favor. The boycotting efforts left scars on someone, and now they're calling in a favor with buddies at reddit. That is the only logical implication I can make of this, which to me, is just insane. I think it was Sargon who sounded frustrated with a DiGRa video he made and basically said "I know this sounds like crazy conspiracy stuff....but I did the research myself, and I just showed it to you. It's real, and that's what makes this even MORE crazy." Well, that's pretty much how I feel about this. But yeah, GamerGate needs a new hub. If anything, all that ban does is validate that yes, the boycotts are f***ing working. I believe last thread we were praising Malala Yousafzai (yknow, a REAL feminist) when she said that there's no reason to fear the taliban for shooting her; they are the ones who are afraid. They are afraid of what she might say and what she might accomplish, and that is why they shot her. Same exact principle here. We are being hushed because what we're doing IS F***ING WORKING.
  11. Reddit just banned Kotaku in action from linking to advertisers and providing boycott/complaint initiatives. Boycott of the day? Mail target of the day? Posting feedback information for advertisers to sites like Gawker? GONE. Not allowed anymore: https://twitter.com/TheHat2/status/551097959207956481 This is huge.
  12. Another tangent: Anyone else find it interesting how far all of this spreads? In the last week I have seen: -A thread on the TF2 subreddit derailed because OP linked to Kotaku with no knowledge of Gamergate. Thread turned into people asking him never to directly link there and suggesting he read up on it. -A GameGrumps video, a channel I haven't revisited in ages, having a heated discussion about Arin (Egoraptor) being anti-GG -A youtube video about the NFL, another about Chris-Chan, another just a clip from Pokemon, and another about Dark Souls 2, all alluding to feminism in a negative way that seemed to directly allude to feminism involved with GamerGate It's just kinda funny to see where it turns up. The first two I'd expect to a degree, the latter ones...the various youtube videos. It was like wtf.
  13. Remember when they said GTA V was terrible cause it was endorsing torture or some crap? How do you think they'd react to a video like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPV6uJU81D0
  14. Bought Fallout New Vegas for a friend who off-handedly mentioned they wanted it. Cuz best game ever.
  15. Wish someone would just break a big story like (pure example) Anita being a con artist going to jail or something so this drama could finally calm down. Sadly it seems as though this'll be a painfully slow burn cause that's not happening. Wasn't Cernovich supposed to have a debate or something but did poorly? Wouldn't surprise me cause dude always seemed somehow fake to me.
  16. I once had a lady friend obsessed with clubbing. I never understood the appeal. Buncha two leggers getting ****faced drunk, screaming in each other's ears in attempt to have meaningful convos amidst the loud and often obnoxious music. If I'm perfectly honest I only ever club because friends club and I wanna be with them, not because I want to. New Years is actually the worst cause everything is packed with reservations. So here I am at midnight alone watching fireworks from the stadium across from my balcony. No regrets whatsoever.
  17. I still would like to coax a reaction out of games journalists and SJWs alike in regards to Fallout New Vegas, because New Vegas is LITERALLY everything they want in a game (cept for the violence and Caesar's Legion) and yet the only feature it's gotten thusfar is it got tossed into a montage by Anita of games that "objectify women." Relevant:
  18. The "big news" I'm interested in is how they keep praising that Kim Kardashian game as like some major game or some crap. It's very odd to me. It's like they want to claim part of the issue with Gamers is that we only like violent, misogynist, meaningless shoot-em-ups, and then they turn around and praise a "game" which, based on my knowledge of it, is practically a scam.
  19. While the news of harassment from GGers is unfortunate (especially since we've gone so long since another major harassment or doxxing case like that), the idea that "GGers did something ****ty, therefore the entire movement is ****" is a logical fallacy. Don't believe me? I believe McIntosh and Anita are fond of speeches about how racist it is to profile Muslims based on a couple terrorists. Same exact logic here. Hell, same exact logic everywhere. There are horrible Christians, horrible people from anti-GG equally as guilty of harassment, horrible Muslims, horrible everything. Pointing at the worst-case-scenario examples and claiming that it's the face of a movement is hardly fair, objective or accurate. And we're all guilty of it to some degree cause it's a sort of easy habit to fall into, but what's important is that we can step back and say "yes, it's unfair to say this one case represents a movement." It's unfortunate what happened, but all that can be done is people can express disapproval and move back to issues they care about.
  20. Anime sucks ****. Just watch Bebop and then shelf the rest.
  21. You mean prostitution isn't the true spirit of Christmas...?
  22. I never wrote that before, but I REALLY got a rapey vibe from this comment. Yeah man, whenever the rest of us want sex, we just go out and rape some woman. You're the real chump for paying real money for it.
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