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Everything posted by Longknife

  1. Entire debate could basically be summed up as Trump either spewing total BS or not being educated enough on matters to even utilize wikileaks info properly (though I guess at least he referenced it), whereas Hillary often didn't even answer questions and spent much of the time slandering Trump. Was wondering why the moderator kept asking Trump questions first cause Trump answering first = Hillary wouldn't answer the question herself. Favorite question where Trump looked dumb had to be at the end when it was mentioned entitlements (Social Security) were one of the biggest issues for US debt and the US economy and how they would remedy it, Trump answered by cutting taxes like a FRIGGIN GENIUS. Favorite question where Hillary looked like a lizard folk wearing human skin is when wikileaks came up about 45 minutes in and she started screaming "MUH RUSSIA" and trying to paint Trump as a Russian sympathizer (modern-day communist hot button??) for not condemning wikileaks. Favorite question where Hillary looked dumb had to be when she set Trump up for repeating his best answer from the last debate. Dude last time you brought up his tax returns he slaughtered you with it by turning it around, confessing to it and saying you had 30 years to produce legislature to prevent cheating and tax dodging from the rich and you didn't do it because your rich friends like that option. It was his best-received answer of the second debate. Why the HELL would you walk back into that trap a second time??
  2. Finishing the final debate all like:
  3. CNN is my new favorite comedy:
  4. This is my favorite "WTF?" political story for the day. Not important, not really relevant, but somehow strange and hilarious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oVkYlLIleM EDIT: Awww someone beat me to it.
  5. What an idiot. Those kids hardly look worth the price. You can see the fear in the boy's eyes; everyone knows cowardly child labor is one of the least productive kinds. Should've bought happier children, those you can trick into thinking the labor is a fun game.
  6. WTF is this actual investigative journalism?
  7. "Burn away the flags. Begin again." -Guard Dog, probably - Basically most people this election
  8. I just can't wait for them to get more ridiculous: "Does reading the Wikileaks increase your chance of catching the AIDS virus?!? Our sources say yes. Stay tuned with CNN to find out more!"
  9. These are the best. I find these hilarious.
  10. God Bless CNN! Where would we be without their help?! Those documents are illegal for the average civilian to read, but CNN being the wonderful journalists they are are offering to read them for us! That's so nice and thoughtful of them! Now all of us can go to the election polls prepared with all the correct information neccesary to cast an educated vote!
  11. You... do realize this is clearly not intended to look like an authentic job posting, right? The "fake universities" line alone would sink any such reading. Noticed that too, but the issue is...what are you proposing this actually is? Read the full context of the email and then ask what it could be, if not fake slander being prepped. Maybe I'm not a creative thinker or the obvious answer somehow alludes me, but I don't see alternative explanations that make more sense. I like Occam's Razor, and so far Occam's Razor says yes it's a fake scandal lobbed at Trump, but DNC workers were so arrogant they went over the top with it. I actually try to view both info on Trump and Clinton with a devil's advocate approach since it's useful for pegging which stories will actually have large political impact and which ones won't. I think lines like that may be enough to convince people there's nothing to see there with that email, but when I ask myself what it could be if not a fake scandal, I've no clue. BTW another wikileak just dropped.
  12. R we srs right now
  13. Absolutely disgusting. This is why Hillary Clinton is as unelectable as Trump. Like seriously wtf I'm sure the man has enough controversy around him without the need for fake scandals. The constant lying, deceit and control of the media however...? Makes it very difficult to believe anything positive about her, and now here I am catching myself in a position where I must now and forever second-guess if Trump really is that bad whenever new info comes to light. I don't care what anyone says, this is incompetence. They'd be better off having not done crap like this. All they've done is needlessly tanked their credibility for Trump scandal #247.
  14. Attorney-client privilege. https://www.learner.org/resources/series81.html# is good stuff, and you get your answer(s) in video #2... and am thinking #8 as well. lawyer can't lie or put client on stand knowing that they will lie, but there is practical ways to deal with those limitations. defend guilty is not a problem. HA! Good Fun! Thanks, was just curious anyways. I've sadly seen enough legal activity to know that of course there's plenty of lawyers that don't uphold to those ethics codes if they know they can get away with it. Father's lawyers taught me a harsh lesson in that when the law firm I was working for at the time assured me my uncle had a clear cut case against him, little did they know my father is only generous with money when it comes to hiring lawyers. (and sounds like my uncle's wasn't so great either)
  15. While we're on the subject, what are the laws regarding defense attorneys and knowing your client is guilty in the USA? In Germany if you know he's guilty, you can't (or shouldn't, of course, given how ruthless top level lawyers are) argue points that you know aren't true or overtly state things that aren't true, so if you're defending a murderer and you know he did it, you cannot state he didn't do it and you're expected to provide him with a fair defense, but you must tip-toe around that. "It would be incredibly difficult for my client to manage to be at the scene of the crime" or "my client has difficulty aiming with a gun" rather than "my client was not at the scene of the crime" or "my client would never have been able to shoot the victim" and all that jazz. In the UK, they cannot defend someone they know is guilty, at least if what Germany has taught me about UK law is correct. If a murderer confesses to the lawyer, he must rat him out. In USA...?
  16. Yes Bruce, it does matter. When you are lecturing someone from a certain culture that you've never been a part of and trying to educate them on how they don't understand a part of that culture, it kinda makes you look like an idiot. Sure enough, you just spewed the most obvious "helpful info" ever at me that any toddler could figure out. Gee Bruce, really?!? Women in America are offended when someone makes sexist remarks?! Well golly gee, I didn't know! Let me go fetch my notepad so I can take notes on women from my own culture!! Also: Do you make points or do you just make worthless empty statements? I'll trust you on the lecture about the difference between Strippers and Hookers though. After all, you're the local expert in that field here on the Obsidian forums.
  17. Yeah, I'll be honest ...you know what does bug me sometimes on these forums. Everytime I bring up another Trump horror story most members feel the need to then compare his latest disaster to Hilary Why is that ? Let me answer that with a question. Step back and think, why are u upset about the article of what Trump did but turn a blind eye to what Hillary is bringing with her. Her husband who was president did the same thing except he did it so much that the govt had to step in and make him lose his license to practice law/politics. There are articles from the victims themselves that Hillary intimidated and harassed them to not come forward. Your okay with Hillary but are outraged at Trumps actions.... Now think why. Don't go with it's not proven because both Trump and Hillary are equal standing as far of this because nothing's official and it's all hearsay from the victims. Why do u believe one victim over the other? Now I'll answer. Because u want Hillary to win and are overlooking and not getting the same disgust because ur piece of **** running for president u want to win. It's the same for people who are behind wanting the piece of **** Trump to win. So you when u bring up NOTHING but bad stuff about Trump and say good things about Hillary, people who are for Trump are feeling the same thing when they post something against Hillary that u overlook and don't take to heart like u would for Trump. That's where the election gotten to, both candidates are pieces of **** and when one try's not to look like what they are, the other side is quickly there to remind what a piece of **** they are if u get any crazy ideas lol. It's vice versa. We all lose with this election because most of the country is stuck in the more of **** and won't get out and wash it off. Please explain to me how on earth this is gonna impact the average American woman. Well since you asked and you unintentionally made a point that confirms you have absolutely no idea or understanding of what gender equality is or more importantly why the majority of women in the USA are offended by Trump Its not what Trump may do, its how he has spoken about women and how he has been very condescending about women on a number of levels. Thats the issue, its like if you were gay and Trump said " homosexuality is an aberration " you would be irritated and annoyed Anyone else love it when a South African dude that buys prostitutes tries to tell an American he has no idea why women in the USA are offended by Trump? No **** Sherlock, the stuff he says is offensive. But the political spin that he's dangerous to women from a political stance is absolute fiction. He's no more damaging than the average Republican because there's a CLEAR limitation in how far he can push such issues. That's my point. If they really want a political spin that has actual merit to it, they should've gone with how dangerous he is to anyone that's brown. If tomorrow Trump said he wants to go back to the days where women can't vote, USA will tell him to shove it up his ass. If tomorrow Trump says he wants to kick all the Mexicans out, yes, sadly there's a decent chunk of idiots in the USA that would become openly hostile towards anyone brown, thinking they need to personally force them out. Women are not in danger, they just have to put up with some half-wit talking to them like garbage, which I got news for you, they'll survive. If my choice is between some idiot who says mean words to women and someone who undermines the democratic process as we know it, sad day for you women, but I have faith you'll all survive four years of mean words. There's plenty of other issues you're welcome to discuss where that dude falls flat on his face, but I'm saying the misogyny, while clear as day, has no meaningful political ramnifications.
  18. Yeah, I'll be honest ...you know what does bug me sometimes on these forums. Everytime I bring up another Trump horror story most members feel the need to then compare his latest disaster to Hilary Why is that ? Let me answer that with a question. Step back and think, why are u upset about the article of what Trump did but turn a blind eye to what Hillary is bringing with her. Her husband who was president did the same thing except he did it so much that the govt had to step in and make him lose his license to practice law/politics. There are articles from the victims themselves that Hillary intimidated and harassed them to not come forward. Your okay with Hillary but are outraged at Trumps actions.... Now think why. Don't go with it's not proven because both Trump and Hillary are equal standing as far of this because nothing's official and it's all hearsay from the victims. Why do u believe one victim over the other? Now I'll answer. Because u want Hillary to win and are overlooking and not getting the same disgust because ur piece of **** running for president u want to win. It's the same for people who are behind wanting the piece of **** Trump to win. So you when u bring up NOTHING but bad stuff about Trump and say good things about Hillary, people who are for Trump are feeling the same thing when they post something against Hillary that u overlook and don't take to heart like u would for Trump. That's where the election gotten to, both candidates are pieces of **** and when one try's not to look like what they are, the other side is quickly there to remind what a piece of **** they are if u get any crazy ideas lol. It's vice versa. We all lose with this election because most of the country is stuck in the more of **** and won't get out and wash it off. I'll also speak personally and say I've actually found myself tempted to vote for Trump just to stop Hillary. I won't, both because honestly screw that guy and because my vote wouldn't count anyways (last state I lived in is Red as sin) and hell no I'm not making the effort for an overseas ballot that doesn't matter, but it blew my mind to catch myself actually considering doing it. So why am I quicker to "forgive" Trump (not forgiving, but overlooking faults) and not Hillary? On a very basic level, ok, Trump is sexist. Please explain to me how on earth this is gonna impact the average American woman. If the President of the United States tried to pass a bill that openly harms women, the United States would tell him to shove it up his ass. We've progressed far enough that any overtly sexist legislation would not be taken seriously. The most influence he would have on issues that could be damaging to women are the exact issues where every republican congressman ever already agrees with him: abortion, custody rights, rape legislation etc. He's functionally identical to a republican on those fronts, and while I'm personally not a huge fan, yes, we survive Republican presidencies all the time. It wouldn't be the end of the world for women if he got elected. Hell, the real worry is that he starts asking White House staffers to blow him, and we all know how those kinds of presidents wind up... Aside from that, Trump's faults were laid out in plain english the moment the idiot signed up. He's some douche that can't even manage his own haircut, let alone the country. We've known that since what, 2008? When was the first time he tried running? Point is, it's been a loooooooong time that we've had to process his faults. All the negative media we see today is just reruns of what we've already known for years. Whether you agree with this as being "acceptable" or not, I do think this is to Trump's benefit, because people such as myself have already been "conditioned" to accept this and I'm sure plenty of voters have long come to terms with his faults. What the Clinton campaign needs to sink Trump isn't more of the same, it's a new scandal that's needed. I don't care about his tax returns cause I've long known he's a fraud. Given that we already know he's sexist, an idiot, a fraud and a hypocrite, I dunno what they could possibly come up with. He'd have to have killed a man or something. So what about Hillary? What's her problem? I actually think the Streisand effect plays a role in people's coverage of her. The thing with her is we don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes. We've been through Trump's closet, we've found all his skeletons, and we've had enough time to fly them around on vacation with us and take photos with them before returning them back to him. Clinton? Dude people honestly speculate if she's offed people, and what's even sadder is that you're free to speculate that and be seen as reasonable rather than a conspiracy kook. More importantly? What we do know about her isn't just a problem for this election or this presidency, but rather it highlights fundamental flaws with our system. Both Trump and Hillary are terrible candidates that have no business ever running seriously as President of the United States. But only one of these candidates threatens to undermine the democratic process as we know it. That is the big sin that has so many people enraged with her. She rigged the Democratic Primary. That's not up for debate at this point, that is fact. You can easily turn on the news and see the media bias, and hell if you browse popular internet forums you'll even see this. You cannot tell me with a straight face that of all the people that would go there, the Trump-Hillary divide is THAT lopsided in favor of Hillary. That doesn't reflect the polls at all. Hell, you cannot tell me with a straight face that both that community and Vox truly can't find anything more interesting than Podesta's risotto recipe amongst the leaks. For the corruption to spread to media outlets and even the moderation of high-traffic online web forums...? That's insane. I don't want to vote for her because it sets a precident. It tells future candidates in future elections "hey, do this! This tactic worked!!" I want this election cycle to be the exception, not the rule, and the only way to do that is to NOT vote for the candidate supporting such tactics. Hillary is setting an example where Capitalism is more powerful and more influential than democracy. This has been an ongoing battle in the USA for years (capitalism encroaching more and more on democracy), decades even. Personally this is where I draw the line. This is what unchecked capitalism does, and it'll only get worse - not better - if it should continue. Lastly? For sake of argument, let's all put aside our opinions of Clinton, and imagine for a second that Clinton is a supergenius with the best policies, the best plans and she could give us the best presidency ever. Even if this were the case, how would we know? She lies CONSTANTLY, and she's given us zero indication that the lies she tells us are laced with truth and that the ones she tells bankers and higher-ups are total BS. If anything, she's given us the opposite impression. When she's caught in a lie...? She blames Russia. She pins it on Lincoln. Honestly, she could've fessed up. She could've told us she lied because she didn't think we could handle the truth. I actually agree with her that you need a public and a private speech, because I do agree that Americans would flip out if they knew everything our government does. I'm sure our government makes a lot of very tough, controversial decisions on a regular basis, and if we got to kick out every President or Senator that made one of those...? It'd be a constant revolving door. I agree with her!!! And yet when she's caught having said that, she deflects. She doesn't fess up, she doesn't stand her ground, she lies some more. This implies she's got reason to be ashamed. She could've told us that all politicians do stuff like this and that it's part of the regular election cycle, she's just the first to get caught. But she doesn't. That answer fails her. The fact it fails her implies it's not true and that yes, she is exceptionally corrupt. Even IF I were to agree with all of Clinton's policy plans and even if I matched her ideologically 100%...? How would I even know it's an actual match? How do I know what's BS and what isn't? I don't. So for me? I care more about Clinton at this point because all of Trump's cards are already on the table. Clinton's aren't, and yes, I have an interest in knowing how terrible my potential future president may be, just like I have an interest in trying to understand to what extent the corruption and all the lying spreads. As things stand now, I expect her to win. She'll either win honestly, or if the gap is less than 5%, I'm sure she can rig it. Unless wikileaks drops an absolute bomb or unless the media polls are REALLY lying to us ala Brexit, I expect her to win. At the very least it would be nice to educate ourselves and figure out if Clinton is more like Stalin or more like Hitler before she's sworn in. (for anyone wondering, Trump is more of a Kim Jong Il)
  19. Always threats. :C
  20. Hasn't been leaked yet but this is (one of?) the email saying Clinton personally deleted the emails.
  21. Haha, good one! You're pretending rich elites aren't exempt from the justice system!
  22. Yeah of course, and I worry some less-than-objective folks will cling to those a little too much and distract from the ones you can actually work with. Having said that....I mean holy hell. Is it possible to have a MORE suspicious email than that one? Only thing I can think of is if someone wrote an email asking how deep you're supposed to bury bodies. While in no way evidence itself, it does matter on the political front because some people are gonna look at that one, think "this is evidence enough for me" and let that dictate their vote. At this point I question if Assange has actual dirt on her on that front (aka did someone actually get assassinated) or is he purposefully leaking that amongst the batch knowing how heavily it implies such a thing, even if he lacks evidence for it? I'd say odds are 50-50 at this point, since wtf I wouldn't put it past Hillary, and if Assange were trying to dishonestly portray someone as several degrees worse than they actually are, well...it wouldn't be the first manipulator the world has ever seen. Good theatrics though.
  23. You not seriously expecting everyone to automatically believe what wikileaks posts or makes available? Why would anyone believe what Assange says when he has a real agenda to undermine the USA.....other people can automatically believe what wikileaks says but I questions the veracity and context of almost everything they say Here Bruce, humor me: why should anyone believe a word Clinton says? Also just as a general post directed towards everyone, which emails are more interesting: the ones with actual damning evidence inside regarding things we've largely already suspected as true, or the ones that let your imagination fill in the blanks?
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