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Everything posted by Longknife
If you kill yourself don't inconvenience others by jumping in front of traffic or a subway. This asswipe right here. It's a good thing he's too obvious about his spite and hatefulness or I'd probably value that statement enough to do it.
Then get professional help. Trust me, that is the best way to tackle it. Where do you live? maybe we can help you somehow... find out where you could drop by and so on I did. That's part of the problem. I'm even being "kicked out" because my psychologist...well, she seems to believe I'm quite mentally capable, healthy and quite mentally "self-aware" as she put it. Initially that was a compliment in the sense I don't think too many people are chased off by therapy because the psychologist can't find a problem with you or your reasoning/handling of problems, but here I am and I still feel overly sensitive or quick to melancholy. Found myself getting really upset over something so trivial and stupid, and that's bothersome. I shouldn't be bothered by it, yet I am. I can't help that, and shaming myself over that obviously doesn't help. The simple fact I'm easily bothered by something stupid though...? Like wtf did I get a terrible psychologist? Is this just my life? Do I have to live with being super self-critical, easily saddened by quarrels or little problems I see with the way the world works? Am I just a sad individual by default? And if my psychologist is bad, it took years to get around to going to one. To wait years and then to walk out feeling like I've gained nothing at all and like I'm still on my own, that's not a good feeling. It's especially not good because I'm already hard-wired that I keep problems to myself. Part of the reason I even make that post...? Can't bring myself to talk to most people about my problems out of fear of being a burden or making the problem worse, so just "vent" somewhere anonymous where no one has to care. Even so I've written up long explanations of my problem at various places and backspace/deleted them multiple times. Why? Cause it's embarassing and people judge. Usually I have the stance of "screw it" because I believe EVERYONE has things about them that are embarassing to confess to, and if I confess to them that doesn't make me better or worse, it just makes me more transparent. Cool, I like that. I like letting people know exactly who I am. There is some value to being able to own up to your worst moments and your downsides. With stuff like depression though or issues where you're sensitive? All it takes is one asswipe stating "LOL UR PATHETIC" and the problem worsens, so once again I save it for me. Overall though, I've just got a beef that's got me down, and when I think about how I wanna discuss it...I did get help, and help told me I'm a healthy, mentally sound individual that should be proud of how self-aware I am, and that all I need is a little work, activity and support and I'll be able to cope with my issues myself. I don't feel proud, I just feel sad, and like no matter what I do I'm always gonna be "alone" with my problems while others constantly come to me for support. (which yes, happened today)
To be honest, at this point it's clear Stein and Johnson have no chance, so who cares who they are? Don't vote for Stein and Johnson, vote for Green and Libertarian. Show the USA that there is a demand for a third party. Like if it were possible to coordinate such a thing, I'd honestly encourage the Green and Liberatian parties to pool their votes onto whichever candidate has more support, that way they've got the best chance of getting one of the parties "on the radar," and that alone benefits both tremendously for future elections, I'd say. EDIT: Johnson knows not to ski in Colorado because the best skiing without crowds of annoying tourists is in Taos. That alone means he smarter than most. Mad respect.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...the Democrats are going to rig the election....waaaaaaaaaaaaaa Stop whining LK, the election isn't rigged. Its a very tight race based on two very different ideological views of what " makes America great " Its almost impossible to predict who will win, well I wouldnt try in this current climate. But the result will be the fair result. Either Trump or Clinton will be legally elected , you must learn to accept this Bruce I'm having an awful day so how about you take your ignorant bias stance and shove it up your ass so no one has to sit through and deal with another episode where we spend two pages highlighting how outrageously stupid and bias you are again?
Why is the Johnson guy so short and wearing a hat
If Clinton really were rigging the election, she is doing a terrible job. Why is Donald Trump a shoe-in to win without a rigged election? He has alienated multiple voting bases with his words. What facts do you have to support that? edit: What I'm trying to say is, given a decent candidate running for the Republican party, you might have a good argument. But Trump is not a decent candidate and it doesn't take election rigging to predict he has an above average chance of not winning. Voter morale. For months we looked at polls, but something that was rarely talked about was voter morale. If you simply asked voters how passionate they were about their vote, Trump supporters are absolutely passionate whilst Clinton supporters just really don't seem to care. If you want I can try and dig up an example poll report, though this would've been at least a month or two ago. You and I can sit here and talk about how Trump is an idiot and horrendously underqualified until the cows come home. That does not change voter perception of him. Trump fills rallies, Hillary doesn't. Trump supporters like him because he's going to kick out the brown people or whatever the hell their reason for liking him is (not saying all his supporters are like this but does he have racist supporters? Hell yes), and no amount of debate is going to change that. They're going to love him and they're going to vote, even if you could name a thousand reasons why he shouldn't be president. Hillary though...? Everything about her is a lie. Her health, her support of LGBT (officially? Yes. Personally? Seems she's not too fond of them), her stance on TPP, her accusations of who leaked her emails, the emails themselves...I could go on and on. There's a dozen different ways Hillary is unpopular and untrustworthy and we see that in that she polls absolutely atrociously on how many people trust her and she does have instances where she struggles to fill rallies. Between Trump and Hillary, only 9% of the country voted for them during the primaries, but while you can expect the Republican party voters to feel outraged by all we've learned and feel encouraged to vote based on the past 8 years of a democratic president, the same can't be said for Hillary You can sit there and state you consider Hillary the lesser of two evils, and that's exactly what many people do.....how many of those same people are going to feel motivated enough to vote for a candidate they hate? Sitting on your butt is a pretty tempting alternative. I know I'm doing it this election, cause hell no these candidates are terrible and overseas ballots are a hassle. (also I unfortunately forgot important documents during a trip to Berlin that could've made it easier) My only regret there is not voting for Stein or Johnson in support of a third party alternative. I fully expect that plenty of Clinton "supporters" are just that: "supporters" that can't be bothered to take time out of their day to vote for a woman that is more or less confirmed to have broken the law at this point, lied about it, and I mean even that Spirit Cooking crap - while unimportant and more interesting for how stupidly comical it is, as if they were TRYING to look like the Satan candidate or something - will scare off some more religious supporters. At the end of the day, I do not consider it up for debate that the Clinton campaign is guilty of fixing some votes in the Democratic primary. I see zero reason to believe they won't attempt the same with the main election. And personally...? Show me one passionate Clinton supporter (not a loyal democrat or a half-hearted supporter, but one that truly loves her), I'll show you 1,000 passionate Trump supporters to match. For that reason, alongside the recent leaks and controversies alongside the potential and the likelihood we will see additional bombshell leaks and releases, I don't think she can win legitimately. If she did, I'd consider it a testament to just how many people don't pay attention to the news whatsoever. I'm sure there's plenty, but even so that goes for Trump supporters aswell, so if she truly won it'd mean A LOT of people don't pay attention and we can expect status quo votes every election.
I said many months ago that I fully believed this election would come down to whether or not Hillary can rig it, and I still think that's the case today. I fully expect Trump to win the vote if unrigged, but I also fully expect rigging. It could go either way.
This man understands me! o/
Has anyone noticed the very same media that was biased for Clinton is suddenly doing coverage of her problems or coverage of polls that favor Trump? Saving face...?
Yo maybe Clinton's health concerns are brain damage and she thought 'C' meant "Clinton" and that's it's her property to do whatever she wants with. I mean we dunno man. She might just be special. And isn't that what America needs right now?? The first special ed woman president??
Have we arrested Hillary yet?
It's a good thing we're all so busy reminding ourselves Trump is sexist and an idiot every five minutes so that we won't notice this problem.
**Text edited out cause wtf happened to my formatting
That's something I surprisingly haven't seen discussed much. Let's put aside corruption for a moment and look at polls at face value. Clinton is winning. But the last I heard in regards to voter morale, Trump voters were demolishing Clinton voters in terms of motivation to vote. I think a lot of them are openly annoyed by the accusations of being stupid for voting for Trump and being antagonized by the media, thus their motivation to vote spikes. Hillary supporters...? Pretty much her most loyal supporters are those that would ALWAYS vote regardless of circumstances. She doesn't really inspire loyalty. It'll be interesting to see the results though, since there's sooooo many factors in play, from potential election fraud to media corruption and propaganda to a Republican candidate that has broken traditional Christian home values (strong republican voting base) to a Democratic one that struggles to fill high school gyms and has infamously low media interaction that isn't scripted, whereas Trump gets free media and constant coverage like crazy even if the majority is bad.
Well you got my vote, Raithe. Good luck to you.
This is why my biggest outrage with this election is the media corruption and why I'm quicker to condemn Clinton than Trump. Screwing with the media extends BEYOND the election cycle and ruins any sense of trust there was. It creates doubt and discourages people from trusting any news or even bothering with watching. Had I been that woman...? I would've purposefully saved my accusations til after the election if I wished to be taken seriously, for that exact reason. It has nothing to do with people doubting Trump is capable of such a thing and everything to do with people doubting the media even more. Now it's just sex scandal #7 that they doubt, but in the future it could be much more serious topics that are disputed.
Son I am proud.
You picked one of those two idiots?
Best-received by whom? Besides the whole "pretending that one Senator can change things all by herself" thing, I don't really see how "people who support you also evade taxes" is an effective retort to an accusation that the actual candidate for POTUS, who has bucked decades of precedent by keeping his own tax information secret, did the same. It's easily the most talked/praised about response I've seen that he gave alongside the "you'd be in jail" line, though that one isn't a response to a question. It highlighted that she had the power to try and do something about such practices, had knowledge of such practices, and did nothing about it, suggesting she did nothing exactly because she and her rich friends all benefit from it while confessing most rich benefit from it. It calls out hypocrisy and that she's disingenuine about the concern for tax dodging as she's done nothing to oppose it in her entire political career. It was an elegant deflection of one of his faults to pull her down with him while also painting her as a disingenuine hypocrite, so yeah, it damages her more than it does him, I'd say. Furthermore, when both Trump and Hillary are habitual liars in their own way, yes, it's very refreshing to see one of them actually fess up to a crime instead of trying to deflect onto the other or trying to deflect onto a scapegoat like Russia. It paints Trump as human while Hillary is still trying to comprehend human emotions and strange non-fly-based cuisine. Everybody and their mother knows these two lie constantly and are dishonest, but in that brief moment, Trump acknowledged a lie for once. I cannot think of another moment in either of their campaign's histories where one of them fessed up to a lie, and that's precisely why it received the praise that it did.
Favorite part of that I'm only realizing now: Didn't they frame the question like "accepting the results is what seperates America from third world countries?" No it isn't! Not rigging the election is supposed to be what seperates us!
Entire debate could basically be summed up as Trump either spewing total BS or not being educated enough on matters to even utilize wikileaks info properly (though I guess at least he referenced it), whereas Hillary often didn't even answer questions and spent much of the time slandering Trump. Was wondering why the moderator kept asking Trump questions first cause Trump answering first = Hillary wouldn't answer the question herself. Favorite question where Trump looked dumb had to be at the end when it was mentioned entitlements (Social Security) were one of the biggest issues for US debt and the US economy and how they would remedy it, Trump answered by cutting taxes like a FRIGGIN GENIUS. Favorite question where Hillary looked like a lizard folk wearing human skin is when wikileaks came up about 45 minutes in and she started screaming "MUH RUSSIA" and trying to paint Trump as a Russian sympathizer (modern-day communist hot button??) for not condemning wikileaks. Favorite question where Hillary looked dumb had to be when she set Trump up for repeating his best answer from the last debate. Dude last time you brought up his tax returns he slaughtered you with it by turning it around, confessing to it and saying you had 30 years to produce legislature to prevent cheating and tax dodging from the rich and you didn't do it because your rich friends like that option. It was his best-received answer of the second debate. Why the HELL would you walk back into that trap a second time??
Finishing the final debate all like: