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Everything posted by Aoha

  1. Wrong, this isnt typical publisher/developer relationship that you have in video game development, where publisher finances the project and owns the rights to the franchise and therefore takes the money. Paradox is more of a distributor in this case and Obsidian is the one calling the shots.
  2. Not argueing for game to be more hardcore, I played it on hard and was sattisfied with difficulty, but Dark Souls 1/2 did sell 8 million copies.
  3. They didnt see money from sales of New Vegas (Bethesda did) while PoE money goes straight to them so this is definitely a huge success for them. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/116343-Obsidian-Lost-Bonus-for-Fallout-New-Vegas-by-One-Metacritic-Point
  4. OK, cheers for explanation and clarification
  5. ?? You're arguing like one. The sprites look better than they did in the infinity engine games. (which means: more than we asked for) The only thing about them that isn't a flat out improvement is their animations, but that doesn't have anything to do with the engine. Also you're not going to get that PS:T look unless the game has bizzaro NPCs. No one looked normal in PS:T, and that was the design goal. The whole point was to make them artsy instead of realistic. As for Physics. No. It's simply not that kind of game. Physics work great in 3d environments, but they'll look silly in an Iso-view game with pre-rendered hand painted 2d environments. Asking to not have butt ass ugly characters that poke you in the eyes like Wasteland 2 has them, is not being a graphical whore, wanting game to just look OK is all I ask, Dungeon Siege III did it in 2011. As far as physics goes, I just faintly recall it being mentioned so that is why I brought it, sure this game doesn't have to be nor will it be Diablo 3. The graphics have 100% nothing to do with the engine. Your issue is with the art and modeling department. Could be, I dont know, I just do know that when ever I see Unity game it is marked as bad looking game with crappy animations while other mentioned engines, especially Unreal manage to pull good looking games that arent even demanding on hardware.
  6. That could be a valid concern, I quite frankly am not familiar with how hard/easy it would be to switch to new engine. But if it isnt to much of a hassle I dont see a reason to not make it into best game that it can be. That's basically like asking "How hard is it to make a car from scratch?" There's a reason why most games use a pre-existing engine. Dragon Age from BioWare is actually an anomaly as both DA1 and DA2 used new engines. DA3 used Frostbite. A game using a new engine is a big deal. Those are very valid points, I am not game dev and as I already said I dont know how hard/easy it is to make a switch. I would just like game to be the best it can be and have a bit broader appeal:)
  7. I suppose you're right. It's being uninformed. Why are you discussing wasteland 2 and making blind guesses, when you can simply look at the Pillars of Eternity beta and *know* exactly what we're getting? Have you played the beta? I have. The sprites look rather good. better than any of the infinity engine games. So you don't have an argument... unless you're a graphics whore, who wants witcher 3 level waifu detail. Still not a graphical whore, but you certainly are being a jerk. If sequel hits market lets assume in 2017 having decent looking game would only increase the appeal of game, but I guess that is so upsetting to you. Here is comparison between Obsidians own game vs 2 games in Unity: (waifu edition)
  8. That could be a valid concern, I quite frankly am not familiar with how hard/easy it would be to switch to new engine. But if it isnt to much of a hassle I dont see a reason to not make it into best game that it can be.
  9. ?? You're arguing like one. The sprites look better than they did in the infinity engine games. (which means: more than we asked for) The only thing about them that isn't a flat out improvement is their animations, but that doesn't have anything to do with the engine. Also you're not going to get that PS:T look unless the game has bizzaro NPCs. No one looked normal in PS:T, and that was the design goal. The whole point was to make them artsy instead of realistic. As for Physics. No. It's simply not that kind of game. Physics work great in 3d environments, but they'll look silly in an Iso-view game with pre-rendered hand painted 2d environments. Asking to not have butt ass ugly characters that poke you in the eyes like Wasteland 2 has them, is not being a graphical whore, wanting game to just look OK is all I ask, Dungeon Siege III did it in 2011. As far as physics goes, I just faintly recall it being mentioned so that is why I brought it, sure this game doesn't have to be nor will it be Diablo 3.
  10. Heya I just saw news of sequel being planed and I wondered is there a possibility of using new engine for upcoming game? I admit that I really have a dislike for Unity, since it looks quite bad, example - twig like characters in Wasteland 2, has crappy animations and on top of that isnt even optimized properly given its not so stellar performance. Since Unreal and Crysis engines are basically free now wouldn't that be better alternative? Having characters worth looking at would only attract newer audience and make game more immersive. I am by no means a graphical whore, I played Icewind Dale 1/2, BG2, Planescape all back in the day when they were released, but quite frankly I would still prefer detailed well done sprites alike Nameless One rather then horrible looking textures of Unity. Also if I recall correctly there was some talk about why Obsidian isn't using Onyx engine (which I love a lot!) due to Havok costing to much, but Crysis has physics engine integrated in it and there are free solutions such as Bullet Physics engine out there. This game doesn't have to be a Star Citizen, but making it the most appealing game that it can be would certainly help
  11. Is there any possibility someone could post that "blood stairs" screenshot in HD?
  12. I agree, it should be 3rd person cover-based A-RPG in Crytech 3 engine!
  13. Hypocrites strike again with their twisted logic. I have a good feeling that Obsidian wont mess this up due to PC nonsene and will make immersive and realistic game.
  14. 1st.) Your thoughts are contradictory if you believe that rape is worse the murder. 2nd.) This is only a game, there is no rape, murder, child killing or any other thing happening here since it is only a fiction formed around bunch of pixels. 3rd.) Other forms of fiction explored these themes time and time again, with out any public outcry. Lets take movies as an example. Villain kills cops wife and child, cop goes on revenge run for the rest of the movie. So lets not be hypocrites when it comes to video games. 4th.) Maybe you shouldn't be following this game, since some of the people that are making it also worked on Fallout games which would make them "sick ****s need turning over" according to you. P.S. Only reason why I and most people ask for this is not to satisfy some depraved murderous desires but simply I dont want to see ****ing immortal NPCs in video games. It completely breaks immersion in the game world. Realistic world = Better game
  15. I hate the direction that modern games went in, so I hope they make this game realistic when it comes to evil playthroughs... and yes that includes killable child npcs instead of immortal ones.
  16. Old DnD games had import character option in them which could be viewed as prototype for new game+ so I dont see a reason why that wouldn't be implemented yet again. It doesn't look like its something that should be to hard.
  17. All the pictures on wiki are missing. When clicking on different races and things I cant see a single image.
  18. You can still order just the same nothing changes, just instead of pause you have slow motion. Gameplay stays exactly the same. It improves feeling of the game, I recently watched some Icewind dale 2 vid and reinstalled the game for I dont know which time after that, but in that video seeing this old game it became clear to me that constant play for few seconds ->freeze everything, play for few seconds -> freeze everything system looks unappealing. This would just visually improve the game since by giving feeling of real time due to slow-mo while keeping same control mechanism for party in place. P.S. moba/rts games are nothing like this, they are real time based and even take good reflexes for some games like HoN. P.S.S and we can still keep pause button or open menu button in game in case that you wish to pause game for toilet visit or something.
  19. I was just reading interview with Brian Fargo about Numenera game that they are working on and this interesting idea struck me What if real time pause system was switched to real time/slow motion one instead? When you hit then space button game slows to lets say 1/5 of its speed instead of totally being frozen in time Characters still keep swinging their swords or running while fireballs fly just but instead of having this unrealistic looking frozen screen every few seconds, this new system allows combat to go on. If this would work as I imagined it then we would end up with system that would improve overall fluidity of game by giving it more realistic feel due to fact that time is still flowing while giving you all the chance you need to cast your spells and order your party around. If any of you played games with slow motion you know how cool they feel!!! So what do you say do you like the idea?
  20. Really? Who knew? Only the second page (oops 5th page I guess) and we already have the "if you don't like it don't use it" argument? Seriously tho are you suggesting that if you don't like it you should still either vote for it or vote ambivalent so others can use it? Just pointing out the silliness of those that are strictly opposed to it as if it is a must have in console games, when games are designed to give both options to players in order to please all. Furthermore it wasn't necessarily aimed at you guys but I wrote it with hope that devs will see it and take the best approach.
  21. For those of you that are against it, know that game+ or some other implementation of it does not prevent you from starting game with completely new characters, it only adds option for those of us that like playing character to "godlike" status.
  22. Games that have lvl cap in them usually get that modded out really fast. So why put something that people will remove via mods anyhow?
  23. No level scaling indeed, probably worst mechanic to be implemented into RPG's, it is not only super unrealistic and immersion braking but also goes against logic of how world works. Monster scaling is the the way to go and only up to a point.... instead of meeting pack of goblins you encounter ogres this time etc. It should also be applied only to some encounters and not whole game, it feels good to hit the low level area with high lvl characters and feel like "god" once in a while.
  24. Resting is horrible mechanic for PC game and was abused like hell in old DnD games where you could spam sleep and cast your most powerful spells all the time in late game. ++++++++ It destroys immersion of the game, since time doesn't flow realistically.
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