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Everything posted by Infinitron

  1. I don't agree. The crucial difference is that in the standard durability model, the weapons are supposed to be at full durability most of the time. That is their standard default mode, that players expect most of the time. The Sharpened bonus, on the other hand, will be an exception, not the rule. Your weapons usually won't be sharpened. Players won't expect to have their weapons sharp all of the time. making it incredibly grindy if you want to keep your maximum advantage. How is that better? You won't want to keep your maximum advantage. You won't be able to. You won't expect to. As I said These things are all about managing people's expectations. People don't expect their weapons to be razor sharp all the time. They do expect them to not be broken.
  2. I don't agree. The crucial difference is that in the standard durability model, the weapons are supposed to be at full durability most of the time. That is their standard default mode, that players expect most of the time. The Sharpened bonus, on the other hand, will be an exception, not the rule. Your weapons usually won't be sharpened. Players won't expect to have their weapons sharp all of the time.
  3. The problem with durability is that a lot of players don't like the feeling of their weapons becoming worse with use. It gives them a sort of "ticking down doom" feeling that they find disturbing, much like time limits or the Spirit Eater mechanic from MotB. Here's a solution. Let's invert durability: This would provide all the advantages of a universally useful Crafting skill, but without players feeling like their weapons are devolving into junk all the time.
  4. Definitely not. They've taken so many things out of the game that it's obvious it was mismanaged. No stealth, no ammunition, no saving or loading(!!!)
  5. Yes, Wasteland 2 seems to be the best-managed Kickstarter RPG, but inXile has a relatively secretive approach to things which definitely helps with public perception. I do know for sure that they've acquired several additional sources of funding besides the Kickstarter funds since development on the game began.
  6. Says Tim Cain: This could be fun. Can we expect some Ultima Underworld/Arx Fatalis bread-baking simulation/flavor type stuff, or will the food and drink be more directly useful and "gamey"? (Rump Roast of Strength +2)
  7. According to AD&D rules, but it didn't actually do this in the Infinity Engine games.
  8. http://www.formspring.me/JESawyer/q/476435386734770798 See the comments for more information. So, combined with their AoE attacks, this means Barbarians are your hardy, high-endurance trash mob hunters.
  9. It's true that stamina regeneration actually comes with a temptation to to lose more health, so it's sort of a double-edged sword.
  10. http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3506352&userid=17931&perpage=40&pagenumber=13#post416996876 http://www.formspring.me/JESawyer/q/475523297363126588 Thoughts?
  11. This is a Baldur's Gate-like game, but it's also an Obsidian game, and Obsidian goes for quality over quantity.
  12. Apparently, Obsidian's most competent web administrator is too busy being this game's Lead Designer.
  13. A typical CRPG isn't just a vehicle for escapism - for many people, it's also a character building/simulation game, almost like a small scale strategy game. I'm certainly not against immersion, but the people who think "immersion uber alles" need to realize the genre has other aspects as well. Uh well, maybe there can be a game mode where those toggles are locked?
  14. Uhm... is anything that's not a part of the tradition unacceptable for a "traditional" CRPG even if it doesn't go against the tenets of this tradition? IOW, "I want mah kill XP and I want ta see em"? This game's lead designer is in favor of providing as much information as possible to players. That includes some things that even I'm not sure about, like labelling dialogue choices with the non-combat skill they're associated with (like "[Persuasion] Can you please let me past this checkpoint? I'll make it worth your while.") And that's much more "immersion breaking" than visible XP points. So yeah, it's not gonna happen.
  15. Sacred_Path, what you want to play isn't a traditional CRPG. You're certainly not going to get that kind of thing from Project Eternity, so why even bring it up? I think what you really want is a Warren Spector-style "immersive sim", not an RPG.
  16. Icewind Dale 2 had funny quest completion messages like these: Let's have some of that in Project Eternity.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3B0EZmXFzb4
  18. They are limited to the budget collected with the kickstarter campaign so I wouldn't worry too much about delays. Delaying a game means spending more money in wages, consumptions (electricity), and other costs. They probably can't afford it. If they really wanted to make a stellar product and they needed more time to do that they could ask the banks money. In that case they would be able to delay the release significantly. But i don't think it is probable. Who's worrying? I'm asking, not worrying. As for budget, I believe Obsidian have enough of it for a short delay, plus they might have additional revenue streams coming in (see: Russian MMO)
  19. In this video, Adam Brennecke says that the game is planned for release in "Summer 2014". As far as I'm aware, the month of April is not typically considered to be a summer month.
  20. The video isn't made by Obsidian. It's just a song.
  21. I would assume that's possible, but such a Paladin would never be as effective as a Fighter with the same role.
  22. This also reminds me of the "Tempos, not Tempus" thing from the Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter expansion. Was that your idea, Josh?
  23. Mages could not use light crossbows and short bows in AD&D.
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