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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. In this image, the two Specters under the arch are completely invisible, whereas the party have occlusion through the geometry. The head of the third specter behind them is also completely obscured. I personally would prefer a colored dithering/occlusion shader rather than black and white, but YMMV. Expected Result: Creatures should be occluded through geometry.
  2. There are several creatures that I think need to be toned down in size, mostly for pathfinding purposes. In v435 - Beetles were all thankfully decreased in size. I would like to see that trend also include: Spectres: WAY too big - several of the Spectres can't fit through this doorway, and their 3D Model isn't even very wide. I would suggest reducing their size to be the same as a party member, as after all - these are Spectres of people right. The 3D model could also probably be slightly shrunk, but a standard character sized selection circle would be much better - especially for pathfinding purposes and would reduce abuse of archways like this. I will add more creatures to this list as I play.
  3. It's too late to do anything about it now. The game is being releaed in like 5.5 weeks - Say something about it for the expansion.
  4. It never used to really be an issue until Windows 7 brought in the High Precision Event Timer. If you disable that it will probably idle at about 7-8, although I don't like doing that because I find that no HPET increases frame time in games / more general system microstutter. If it's high, it's an issue if you do audio recording, because the recording can come at a delay. I also think it affects input lag of the mouse in games as well, higher it is, the more floaty/laggy the mouse appears to be. As an ex-competitive FPS gamer, that's something I cannot abide
  5. Yeah that would actually be a very good combo, especially with Lead Spitter.
  6. Nah man. Interrupt is not very useful for several classes that don't often take part in continuous damaging attacks, and other classes have other things they need to invest in. Interrupt at the moment is most effective when dual wielding, but with the new changes it should be fairly good with any weapon. +2 Deflection on two attributes means that you will now be able to get 40 Deflection from Attributes at character creation which is just crazy. 20 (from a 20 in one Attribute) is fine. The problem with that build is the offensive capability you sacrifice if you use a shield, it's not related to Attributes itself. Like I said to Lephys earlier, it's because of the Accuracy removal that this stat becomes a no-brainer for every caster in the game. In v301 when there was Accuracy, the split AoE and Duration hurt caster builds, but benefited several martial builds (most notably - Paladins and Chanters). Priests were boned it was like well - now I need three high attributes to be somewhat useful, gg.
  7. Yeah I agree, it favors specializing rather than dabbling, because of the Attack Resolution system and DR mechanics.
  8. I think Wizard Blast is fine actually, that is what makes their class good - TBH. I don't think Knockdown is OP. It's a good ability now I made a post on Spiritshift a while ago. I'll link it here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69941-druid-spiritshift-is-really-bad-and-needs-to-be-improved/?hl=spiritshift I also think that one handed weapon style may not be very good. I only ever use two weapon fighting or two handed. You can make two weapon fighting good by picking Two Weapon Fighting and Vulnerable Attack, but there's no way to make One Handed Weapon style any good, as you just continuously fail to punch through DT and attack at the same speed as a two hander. One of these problems is because 1H weapons are not balanced vs DR. They're balanced against 0 DR. Been saying that since September 2014. Shields are also underpowered, I think because the medium and heavy ones reduce your accuracy too much. A while back I recommended -3 and -6 instead of -5 and -10 I agree that Arcane Veil is terrible. Making it per-encounter would be better, but then it would trivialize other defense spells. So dunno what to do there.
  9. Rime and Frost Followed the Footfalls of Karth - No Effect? Forgot to add this unfixed bug from v392: Scrolling & Text stretching bug
  10. Found another issue related to this, with the combat log: There's also another one I forgot to demonstrate in the video, I'll make another one shortly
  11. In my recent test, I'm not seeing any spell effect from "Rime and Frost Followed the Footfalls of Karth". It was working in previous builds. The Chant / Traps are not making any attacks against nearby enemies in the combat log. There is no VFX shown for the spell and in the character record it says that it is being suppressed. In this video, despite being close to many of my party members with the effect, this wolf was not affected by it. Nor were any other enemies I encountered.
  12. You can make specialized casters by choosing certain talents that augment various types of spells. However it would be nice if there were more of them.
  13. No. You're completely missing the point. By the end of the game, there's a fair chance you will have every Wizard spell in your Grimoire(s) or at least close to. You can cast any of these if you wish. The difference is that the Wizard requires a spell be stored in a book. The Druid knows all of their spells anyway. Limiting the Druid spell list and making them less tactically viable is a terrible reason just to add a 'choice' to leveling up. They were designed to be this way.
  14. Well technically you're incorrect there as you'll find lots of Wizard spells throughout the game, and have access to many. If you choose to have illusion and debuffing spells in your Grimoire more often than not - that's your choice, and you're not limited to that choice and you can change your spells to all Fire related spells if you want. It's exactly the same with what Druid spells you select to cast. Just because you can see them all in the UI, doesn't mean that you have to use them.
  15. Expected Result: Animal Companion 'portrait' should not clip the bottom of the screen, and the Animal Companion's selection circle should be visible at the start of the game.
  16. Ranger Animal Companions are really, really weak. They just get absolutely sacked after only a few hits. In this image, I cast Iconic Projection from the Priest and Arcane Assault from the Wizard, and the Boar was knocked out after about 2 seconds of combat. Now the Ranger will have like -20 Accuracy for the rest of the encounter lol .... gg
  17. It's actually a shame there isn't any talents that modify casting - kind of like the metamagic feats in D&D
  18. Cipher's Soul Shock Ability is pretty spammable. Would probably recommend making the recovery time for it a bit longer? Seems like it's way too short, could be a bug.
  19. This thread is to discuss underpowered and overpowered abilities, talents, attributes, classes, spells, weapons/items ... etc Probably a bit late in the game, but some solid focused efforts here could be helpful. I'll start off with this video on the Fighter's Knockdown (a 1st level ability) vs Into the Fray (a 5th level ability) Video demonstrates all, but the conclusion is that Knockdown is much, much better than Into the Fray. I would recommend Into the Fray be buffed/changed because currently it's nigh on useless. What's more is that when you pull a target away from a party member attacking them in melee, that party member will move to chase due to auto-attack and possibly suffer disengagement attacks from other enemies because of it. I have also managed to trigger a disengagement attack on the target of Into the Fray by pulling them away with a crit, but only once.
  20. Yes that one is not linked to any reputation loss. Try attacking Hiro though, over on the far left of the map - Major Reputation loss
  21. I think this is actually related to a bug: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70248-435-voice-sets-in-character-creation-cant-be-interrupted/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70477-435-possible-options-menu-sound-bug/?hl=sound Only one sound can play at a time, and it can't be interrupted by another At least that's what it seems like to me
  22. That's not too bad then if yours is idling around that. Mine goes up when I play music, and in games as well.
  23. There's no reputation loss for killing certain NPCs, however reputation loss for attacking villagers is definitely in this version.
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