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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I agree. They're trying to sell the concept rather than what practically works. For the Barbarian, imagine if they had something like a Diablo 2 jump ability - hello mobility. Would be much more useful than Wild Sprint. The range for Rogue Escape is too short, and they can't even jump over rocks or anything.
  2. They probably deliberately wrote the player voice sets with rudimentary lines so that they would 'fit any concept' - that gave them a smaller margin for error and ... the VO that they got for it isn't really that great - swing and a miss. Why oh why, did they just not take inspiration from the IWD ones, they are the best voice sets in any RPG that allows you to select your own voice set IMO.
  3. Do you want to work with me on a list of them if the next patch comes out? We can make a list between a few of us and post it on the forums.
  4. I think that's a bit much work for the base game. They could do with some talents that grant extra active abilities or something, or just some general different abilities in general IMO. This game doesn't have skill trees so it has to be handled via the ability and talent system.
  5. Because it's buggy. If it's still not right in the next version, feel free to add your complaint to my bug reports about it.
  6. The current 4 minutes sounds fine (I think? audio is bugged in v435) for wilderness tracks and yeah cool, sounds good. Off topic: Justin what medieval/renaissance music do you listen to for inspiration for this soundtrack, if you've used any?
  7. Slightly off-topic but classes probably do need a bit of overall tuning Wizards and Priests - too squishy (although that's a problem with how Health and Constitution work, not the class itself, really), and Wizards have quite a few MEH spells. Ranger - not very good at either melee or ranged, and their animal companion sucks Barbarians - they are okay, but they could be better at what they're supposed to do. Currently I prefer them as dual-wield 1H weapons for AoE splash damage and AoE interrupts. Paladins - in v435 they are a bit weak - Lay on Hands does nothing, Aura range is too close and a few other issues. Post release - I think Endurance/Health and Constitution mechanics need another look, and the game probably needs some more class talents for some classes that gives them a bit more variety.
  8. We aren't? I suggested that the gibs hit the ground much earlier like in the IE games, currently they go up in the air. Closer impact to the starting point would be more visceral/visible from the isometric perspective than the current FX for it.
  9. This is a good point, but it's actually kind of my fault that there is a recovery penalty for moving, because I really wanted recovery time to be unpaused while moving and that was the only way I could get him to change it. I do not believe that recovery time should even be slowed while moving even for ranged characters, and I will probably mod it out of the game at some point, if they don't.
  10. Since they changed the damage calculation from multiplicative to additive in v435 - Rogue damage doesn't scale anywhere near as high as it does in v392.
  11. Anti-aliasing currently does not work in the character viewer - Character Creation, Inventory, Level Up screens etc. It only works in the game world.
  12. Nothing in Pillars of Eternity has the velocity and firepower of a 30 caliber though.
  13. I think a larger gap is more appropriate between wilderness tracks, fade from combat to wilderness is probably fine at somewhere between 10-15 seconds or so. 6-9 as I stated before might be a bit short.
  14. Fighting Spirit isn't bad, but it would be nice if it proc'd at higher health values or something, because you may not actually get dropped below 50% very often in you're not in the thick ofi t.
  15. Cool, thanks for clearing that up. I noticed there was also a merchant there with an item, can you talk to him and buy the item through dialogue, or does it have to be done through the interface? Also as a big critic of the music, I did indeed like some of the combat tracks I heard in this, I thought they were quite fitting and matched the IE style, better than the other combat tracks I've heard so far. But I'm not as big on the Wilderness tracks - they're more classically oriented, whereas I enjoyed the stronger renaissance and medieval music elements that the Infinity Engine games included. Hopefully there's a bit more variety in the full soundtrack
  16. I would suggest making it like 6-9 seconds or somewhere around there. It would also be good if there is a pause between wilderness tracks, or loops of wilderness tracks. Baldur's Gate had such silences when exploring, and a short break from the music contributed to placating annoyance of repetition.
  17. We'll see how they are in the next patch, but there's been plenty of topics on this already IMO the main things that are needed is that the animal companions need more health, better defenses and more damage.
  18. The modal abilities aren't very good because they incur a high penalty. TBH they should have looked at the Lone Druid for DotA2 or something for inspiration ... but from what I gather, they only have League of Legends players among their team
  19. There are still several items that do not have unique icons or 3D models, unfortunately. Icewind Dale also had this problem, where unique items didn't really get unique icons. Nothing that can't be rectified post-release, or eventually by modding. Stainless Veteran from the RPGCodex is good at icon art. I could ask her to make some for the IE mod.
  20. No one said that. I was talking about the NPCs that stay there - the ones that grant the prestige and security bonuses or penalties. If those NPCs are not content, that's really lame.
  21. Rain Blights play a looping storm sound, and that sound does not go away when they die or even if you rest - you have to exit the area or reload the game. Bester also said that the sound ended after he paused and alt-tabbed one time but wasn't sure whether the loop ended or if doing that stopped the loop. Needs further testing. Earth Blight corpses do not go away - much like the bug from v364 or whatever version it was that had persistent corpses. When you kill them their model persists. Can't make videos atm, but I can add them tomorrow night maybe.
  22. DW the bugged creature appears in the normal beta anyway.
  23. One thing that they have not implemented in the game is sliders or checkboxes for audio that control the volume levels of different sounds, or the frequency of VO - eg always, seldom, never. I agree that the default could be turned down, especially since the PC voice sets include such banal responses.
  24. Yeah, I think Adam Brennecke said they were unofficial. Some random website posted some online and ever since they've been used for everything. Last I checked they said the size on disk was like 14GB and not 25GB ... although they've been cutting files needed for modding.
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