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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. It would be fine if they kept the engagement AI stuff but removed the disengagement attacks - that's how the IE mod implementation works. Keeps the good bit about it, removes the bad bit.
  2. I don't know any game with a top down camera that has real-time gameplay that does not use unit collision, just saying. There are a bunch of reasons why it's a really bad idea - it looks bad and it is immersion breaking, but engagement is a unique case to consider. If anyone remembers the thread I made in December explaining how engagement works and why abuse is possible, they may remember that all you have to do to get them is to have engagement circles of different units overlapping like a Venn diagram. Just like every other build there are a lot of new bugs, found about 50 of them so far and that's not even trying to look for them either.
  3. Nah, the bodies have to land basically on top of eachother for the items to stack into the same container.
  4. You can now abuse ranged weapon switching like you can with melee weapons as seen in my v435 bug report on this topic The inconsistency with ranged weapon recovery was fixed, but not the exploit itself.
  5. The menus are made of wood, so they should have sounds that emulate what the menu buttons look like.
  6. It sounds like someone recorded themselves clicking their mouse. It's not good sound design IMO.
  7. I have a problem with the actual sounds themselves, not that there is a sound for mouse1 hold and release. They are crap tinny sounds that sounds like someone recorded themselves clicking their mouse.
  8. Expected Result: The default size should be the same size as the length of a 6-portrait bar, or it should at least not shrink your length or something, because it's infuriating having to resize it from the small one in the corner every time.
  9. BG2 does not have area loot. BG2 Encumbered Edition does, though.
  10. A new bug to this build, when you use area transitions, it can stuff up the 2D background to be really blurry (making it look pretty much exactly like it did in v257, with the stock whatever settings). Sometimes it has fixed itself after about .75 seconds, other times I've had to zoom out and in to reset it. Unfortunately in the Blacksmith shop you can't zoom the camera so you can't fix the problem (I'll have to remember that zoom commmand). Here are two images of me exiting the Blacksmith shop from this build.
  11. No, they just can't be bothered adding a toggle for it in the Options menu. That's all it is.
  12. In this video there's a noticeable frame rate drop and animation stuttering in the Dyrford Village and it seems to happen based on the position of the party and camera. It was not present in the last build. All I did was make a character, kill Medreth's party, kill the House Harond Guard on the bridge and kill one villager. I'm not sure if it's related to one of those events of whether it just happens all the time in v480. output_log.zip
  13. I get them as well. I believe the problem is caused by long frame times, every now and again one of the frames takes too long, like 30ms or so, and then the animations update 2 frames later and it looks like the party has hitched. Happens regularly, no matter the frame rate. There's a new stuttering issue in the Dyrford present in this build, wasn't in the last one
  14. The new click sounds are tinny as, they're the opposite of what I want to hear from click sounds in this game http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70939-480-issue-with-new-click-sounds/ Tinny sounds upset people
  15. One of them now has Perception too. I reported it as a bug instead of posting it in this forum, and they finally changed it They fixed the bug causing it to go off all the time.
  16. Yeah despite apparent CPU optimizations - performance is worse for me too ... I don't know if they've done any 3D optimization. There's a bunch of unnecessary particle and VFX on spells that really does not need to be there. I've asked countless times for them to remove them but they just don't. It's infuriating. Uploading a video now reporting some really horrible stuttering in the Dyrford.
  17. Big difference in memory usage in this patch from the last one even. In the Dyrford, my game is now using less than 1GB of RAM, previously it was like 1.2-1.5 or somewhere around there.
  18. I reported a bug about this in the previous patch, buuuut it's gotten worse
  19. Arbalests and Arquebuses got nerfed through the roof to the v364 version where they only did 30-40 damage or something (in the current build v480).
  20. Monks still kick butt. Interrupts are less dodgy than before and IMO occur a bit less often than the previous system although it may favor Concentration reduction a bit more, I'm not sure. It's an improvement over the stun locking though. Rangers are still really bad. edit: Looks like they fixed the mip bug - cool!
  21. Looks like quickswitching back and forth in early Call of Duty games hahahah Cult of Luna cameo, btw.
  22. I wanted to use Expert Mode, but I don't like it because it contains many things that I don't like. I also don't like that the disabling of some things are exclusive to expert mode.
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