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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I think that's so you don't mis-assign keys. I think it's fine how it is.
  2. I just watched this video of someone playing Pillars of Eternity in 4K (2160p) resolution. The size of the Inventory, Character Record and Various Menus were the same scale as in 1920x1080 - they looked like they were rendered at 1440p resolution. If this is the case, why on earth do we have to be stuck with small window sized menus? I would MUCH PREFER the inventory to be full screen. The UI here *appears* to be not stretched or upscaled. I would prefer to have full screen inventory, character record etc at 1920x1080 or 2560x1440p (I plan to upgrade to a 1440p screen soonish). If this is possible then pleaaaaase do it. The screens should also be redesigned so that there is a character portrait sidebar so that we can easily switch party members in the character record AND inventory like in the Infinity Engine games.
  3. Torment is opening the Alpha to their backers for UI and Mechanics feedback, I think that's a good idea. I am participating.
  4. Pressing Q over an already assigned hotkey creates two new action bar slots for that ability. Pressing the previously assigned hotkey removes and adds one of the slots, and pressing Q again removes them.
  5. I just tried them ... you can add duplicates of the same ability to the action bar in some instances. I'll see if I can submit a bug report about it. For anyone that's tried them here's how it works. You have to mouse over the ability/spell you want to assign to a hotkey and then you press the hotkey to assign it - so you mouse over a spell, let's say Fireball, and you press Q. That will create a new action bar slot with the Fireball spell. To remove the slot, you mouse over the slot and press the hotkey button again (in this instance, Q) and it removes it. Instructional video incoming.
  6. The attribute design is not perfect though. Currently there are 'dump stats'. It's pretty safe to dump Dexterity below 10 IF you increase Perception and/or Might with those extra points, because they both give more DPS than Action Speed does against DT. Intellect is pretty terrible on all characters except for Paladins and Chanters (it's really good on both of them). What PE tries to do is admirable, but currently it does not achieve it's goals (and also fails in many other areas of system design as well ... but that's what the beta is for).
  7. Actually I don't think that's true or at least I can see the viewpoints of both of those statements "There is no good music after the 70s" often refers to the fact that there has been little to no advancement in learning/discovering new things about how to play musical instruments. The people who say those kind of things are often referring to that. Kind of like how the last breakthrough invention in the biscuit making industry was in the 1940s. There has only been regression since then due to advertising/marketing and capitalism - rehash same stuff except with lower quality ingredients. The statement about games is pretty true because in most genres, games have only regressed - particularly gameplay wise. Improvements have been made in graphics, user interface and production values but at the cost of actual gameplay in EVERY SINGLE GENRE.
  8. No it wouldn't. The real inspiration is the IE games and the IE games did have per-unit cooldowns for actions. The ONLY difference is the time divisions by which they were calculated. The IE games were: (x actions / 6 seconds) * gamespeed FPS - I used 40 FPS, so rounds in my games were only 4 seconds long. PE has a different formula : (animation length + recovery time) * modifiers The IE game system did feel better, but PE's values are not correctly tweaked yet.
  9. Exterior Areas use a lower camera angle Most Interiors use the higher isometric angle, but some of them use the lower angle - I've seen the screenshots in the game files.
  10. I think Bestiary XP is okay because against scrub encounters such as a group of Beetles that yield next to no loot, all you are doing by fighting them is draining your per-day resources. In the current Dyrford Crossing, Beetles are all placed off the beaten path, you can completely avoid every group except the one at the statue entrance. There's not too much point fighting them if it doesn't reap you a benefit. Encounters against humanoid groups are different, because I think the motivation for killing them is usually either quest related or because you want to kill them to take their stuff (such common banditry!). Some dude has an amazing sword, and you think that the amazing sword would help you complete the main quest of the game, so in order to further your goal you kill the guy for his sword. Some people are arguing that there should be no 'trash encounters', but this is a sequel to an IE game, and the IE games had a good mix of trash and named encounters. I would have been fine if Bestiary XP was left out, as long as the player was rewarded often for overcoming obstacles and completing objectives. I think people who want explicit Lock and Trap XP aren't fully grasping the issue, and would be fine with obstacle based XP instead.
  11. AD&D did have skills, they were called Professions and they had proficiency levels.
  12. There is a problem with spells in that they (particularly for the Wizard) are not very useful once combat has started. I find most of the time it's better for Wizards and Druids to simply use an Arbalest or Firearm to deal damage, because most of the time their damage dealing spells are not very good. Debuffing seems to be way more important at the moment. That is partially an issue with spell design and combat speed. The act of spellcasting itself I think is pretty good. Melee combat has huge issues because of various factors - combat speed, engagement, movement speed, pathfinding, damage etc etc Josh has also nerfed moving after performing a ranged attack. This was a suggestion I made a month or so ago simply to get recovery time pause while moving removed because I felt that it was critical to implement at least for melee and the sole reason it existed was to hamstring ranged characters. I don't think moving after casting a spell or using a bow/crossbow needs to be nerfed. However if I didn't make that suggestion, I don't think they would have considered it. It's something I can mod out of the game on release, I will put forward my case that I think nerfing it is unnecessary but if it's just me beating the drum, I don't think they'll listen. I also think that the bonus range on Perception is pointless. Max range is basically v301 when range didn't affect anything properly. Closer range doesn't really matter too much because most of the time you need to be near the party anyway.
  13. Got all this covered in my next thread about combat (although I am leaving Melee Engagement until later because if I add that in various people will complain). Haven't worked out exactly what to do about action speed yet, but I'll have a think about it. The formulas probably need a slight tweak.
  14. I figured out there were there eventually, but that was only when I checked the options menu and saw the new binds available for them. Perhaps add a loading tip about them. Haven't used them yet, because I assume they are bound to action slot numbers - each action bar is different for each character so hotkeys would not be uniform I don't think. I use hotkeys in DotA 2 because it's required to act quickly and the hotkeys are uniform for each unit, in this game since action bars are dynamic and different for each character and not designed like the IE games, I think that makes them less useful IMO (although I definitely see their merit).
  15. The high angle is isometric, the lower angle is too low to be called isometric. I think it's more like 15 degrees lower. You're forgetting that Combat HUDs can be disabled. Many people keep forgetting this. The designers must design the game to accomodate the disabling of combat helper features. When you are trying to target a spell while the Fireball after effect is going off and there are multiple characters together with their selection circles obscured, it is difficult to accurately know which character is which sometimes if you cannot see their selection circle and thus you have to wait until it is visible to be able to cast your spell correctly. SELECTION CIRCLES WERE NEVER OBSCURED IN THE INFINITY ENGINE GAMES. See above, no self-respecting RTS style game obscures units and selection circles like that. I have NEVER had trouble determining which unit is which and belongs to who, and have never had to wait until Spell FX exprire just to make a command. In this game I do and that is totally unacceptable.
  16. No, Melee combat is by far the worst, I think you are talking about spell design rather than the act of spellcasting.
  17. Yes it did, you just want an XP reward for everything you do in the game. BG2 is a better game, but not because of Lock and Trap XP. That is a regression. I leave Lock and Trap XP in when I play because the game was designed around it, but I would not like to see it's return.
  18. ?????????????????????????????????? No, the VFX is actually more intense after the spell has hit, there is a lingering flame that is both higher and more intense than the original impact. In the third image in my screenshot, the character behind the effect has their selection circle completely obscured. That is bad VFX design for this style of game. It looks great, but it's not practical. There are many times where I have literally had to wait until lingering VFX effects subsided until I have been able to issue an attack command / cast a spell into the fray because I cannot tell which units are mine or not because their selection circles are obscured and the lights and FX make it difficult to tell humanoid enemies apart. There are so many spells where this is a problem with just that spell on the screen, but multiple spells on the screen at the same time are just o_O_o_O
  19. I've always chopped and changed. I used NVIDIA up until ATI brought out the Radeon 9600 Pro. I ended up swapping the 9600 Pro for an NVIDIA GeForce4 TI-4800SE though because it ran Call of Duty 1 better. After that I moved to a Geforce 6800 Ultra then Radeon X1950 Pro, then NVIDIA 8800GT, then Radeon HD4890, then NVIDIA GeForce 560 TI and now AMD HD7970 Not really familiar with the latest models though, so I'm not of much help other than that I think the latest AMD line has bad power/performance ratio and their upcoming models will improve it.
  20. The problem is also magnified when outside, because the camera angle is lower. It's not as bad in the isometric view. I think using a lower angle was a big mistake tbh.
  21. Actually no it isn't. You clearly like the spell effect and fair enough because it is high quality so I can understand why you decided to take an SS that makes it look like it's not too bad but the reality is that it lingers too long and obscures units like this: Image 3 and 4 are particularly NOT ON Add 2-3 more FX from other spells on top of that and you have yourself a GIANT CLUSTERFûCK
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