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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Equipping items for bonuses is apparently exploitation.
  2. I think flat abstracted movement speed much better suits Pillars of Eternity. TBH I'd prefer a walking animation & speed over running too (but yeah, not happening).
  3. Evidence that you clearly didn't read the OP. They didn't fix the issue AND they created new ones. Also evidence of not reading the OP. And to that I say - **** you, ****poster.
  4. Torment has reduced starting and stopping movement speed because the lead animator wanted to try a more simulationist animation style. That's Torment tech, and it's also not Infinity Engine style - so no, not gonna happen.
  5. One thread. And I didn't pay for a game with bad combat. That has nothing to do with what you quoted. For one, you can equip any character with Gloves of Dexterity for a free 18 Dexterity. You can use the character that has a huge AC vs piercing weapons to draw aggro from bandits and unless they get critted (which is averted by Helmets), they will never get hit by any archer. Even without doing that (stacking those items on the same character), Bandits are not hard. Sure, you could kite them, but it was super unnecessary and not even optimal regarding the amount of play time it would take to achieve basically the same or even worse result than using a melee character as a pincushion. Not only that, but Melee Engagement does not even remotely address this issue - Pillars of Eternity has a slower animation for bows and slowed recovery time while moving for ranged units. Even with Melee Engagement removed, kiting with ranged weapons is a dumb idea. I've tested it myself without the Engagement system. Using a ranged character to try and kite an enemy melee unit. The animation speed and the slowed recovery time pretty much means that on your first 'kited' shot, the melee enemy will either nearly catch you or be able to hit you, and the second kited attack is pointless. With the Engagement system they get a free hit (which can happen on the very same frame as their normal attack) if you try and move away - which is completely ****ing retarded IMO. How is that an exploit? Is something that remotely has anything to do with the player putting 2 and 2 together and getting an advantage for something an exploit to you?
  6. I don't know why you would kite anyone in the bandit camp in BG1. Equip Full Plate or Ankheg Armor with 18 Dexterity and Girdle of Piercing or Boots of Avoidance and no one there will be able to even hit you most of the time, save for Taugousz Khosann (who I usually charm and get to kill Tazok, hahah I love that exploit).
  7. I'm sure they'll be persistent in fixing the issue by Christmas.
  8. I'm the opposite, if you want to stop an enemy moving in combat, you should have to ****ing do something about it yourself, rather than the game doing it automatically for you. Not only is that actually what most real time games do, it's more fun.
  9. There continues to be a plethora of people who find kiting offensive and think that free movement = kiting, and that Melee Engagement is the answer to kiting. It's not, and as proven by many other RT games, the solution to kiting is CC abilities and mobility abilities. That gameplay is waaay more fun than the reverse, as well.
  10. Odd that there was no confirmation of delay, but it looks like it'll be delayed. I personally thought it would be end of next week instead of this week, not concerned about whether it is or not.
  11. They haven't even started work yet. We haven't heard anything to the contrary so far, so I'd say it's a good sign. Won't be around for a few days myself though, so will only probably have a couple hours tonight to put into it.
  12. There are dialogue options for Korgrak that are not present in the beta. That's all I'm going to say. Feel free to read them in the dialogue files yourself.
  13. Dunno about that. It's an Obsidian game and it'll be likely polished enough to get an 80 at least. "Good" metacritic score =/= fun gameplay though
  14. If you don't want something to be called an Elder Lion you can just edit the string table entry yourself. Problem solved.
  15. Casual sales dried by because of Shadow of Mordor release though.
  16. It's not difficult to do Only have to change one variable.
  17. Uh what? My adventuring day is like twice or triple as long in any of the Infinity Engine games than it is in Pillars of Eternity.
  18. The skill system is being changed in the next patch to something similar to the old system with a better level up interface. Attributes aren't a big deal as they're easily moddable - although if you're allergic to mods then can't help you sorry. I honestly doubt we'll see another change to attributes other than some minor tweaks to numbers. One of the issues with attributes atm is related to the speed of combat resolution. Since combat pretty much always ends very quickly, Dexterity and Resolve never get their time to be very useful. Except on grazes, the stock durations of spells are good enough for the current speed and Dexterity is broken at the moment (IAS increase isn't working properly), but the theoretical extra number of actions you get from Dexterity doesn't seem worth investing to me with the current pace of combat. The issue is not action speed itself, but per-hit damage. There has been acknowledgement that there are balance issues with classes, abilities and creatures but nothing in the way of incoming DPS rate combined with the attack resolution system (more damage more often) creating pacing issues.
  19. Nathaniel Chapman, an ex-Obsidian developer once said that games are rarely fun until right at the end of their development cycle, and I believe this is even more true of real-time with pause games. However, even with that in mind I think their is valid cause for concern - particularly if you were expecting a game with good, fun combat, while also being a game that tried it's best to 'feel' like an Infinity Engine game, combat wise. This is what I was hoping for. Doesn't look like it's going to be either. While there is still three months to go, I am not very optimistic about the gameplay being anything better than passable. I don't think that it plays much like an Infinity Engine successor other than having similar camera and control schemes. Obsidian seem okay with that. They have definitely nailed or improved upon the Infinity Engine formula in some areas - dialogue systems, dialogue tone and quality, choice and consequence and in a few ways art-wise, too. The game becomes more polished, stable and playable with every patch, but with EVERY patch there are more and more user interface changes that I dislike, which kinda rubs me the wrong way. Nevertheless, I'm gonna keep providing feedback and reporting bugs and get my damn Codex Preview finished before the end of the year hopefully.
  20. And this is one of the reasons why combat isn't that great IMO
  21. If you have not figured out why people do not want to play with the Melee Engagement system after the 8 or so threads that it has been discussed in then I honestly don't know what else to say other than use the search function and read them again. I'm modding it out on release and I can only hope that Obsidian fix the animation glitches with moving characters between now and then.
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