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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Well if you cleared most of the Sword Coast, your archers will have really low THAC0 (Bracers of Archery, etc) so it won't be hard to interrupt the spells on the first hit. Even Dynaheir throwing a Magic Missile will do the trick.
  2. Interrupt the enemy spell casters with archers. You can easily win that without casting a single thing (or pre-buffing for that matter).
  3. They improved the amount of memory the game required in v364. I haven't seen it go over about 1.8GB-2GB since then. Before it was a lot higher. Not much optimization has been done on the game so performance will be very much tied to CPU. 3GHz+ definitely recommended.
  4. We will try and mod this in, because I don't think they're going to do it. Shouldn't be difficult to do.
  5. Spiritshift is almost completely useless. Actually It is completely useless.
  6. I've never reloaded because of failing a spell in BG. Spells aren't that big of a deal in BG1. You don't even really need a Mage. Someday I'll make a Let's Play Baldur's Gate to show how I play it.
  7. Attack Resolution mechanics play a big party in the randomness/swinginess of encounters on Hard. You get some good rolls = gg, you get **** ones = tough life
  8. try the wiki It's like 25, 20 or 15 (Wizards, Priests). Melee and Ranged are now no longer split.
  9. Nah there are other quotes that Hard is supposed to be the BG2/IWD2 level. But I think that since Hard is the hardest difficulty without modifying monster stats, all creatures etc should be designed for that difficulty. As they said, then it makes it easy for them to tune encounters down. I believe that since the area designers probably play normal, they're focusing more on normal. I'm not sure how Josh will go about tuning the creatures, I asked about it on SA though.
  10. I don't think it would be an issue if attribute bonuses were in integers, like DT is. The main problem is just general tuning though.
  11. I believe this is from last year.
  12. - varying with builds, this has been the case throughout the entire beta. Monks fists and Rogues dual wielding are the exception to the rule.
  13. Hard is not fun not necessarily because of the difficulty/encounters, it's just because it exposes the poor balancing and design of the game more than the easier builds do. Creatures and balance should be tuned FOR Hard difficulty, not for normal.
  14. How on earth would that be an improvement? It would make Rangers even worse than they are now.
  15. Medreth also seems to sometimes attack waaaay too quickly. There's recovery but it looks like it's ignoring his armor. Haven't been able to record a video of it yet.
  16. It's just that there's not much to it beyond the concept itself. The idea is that the Ranger and the Companion share health so it's not just a free extra party member, and you're supposed to attack the same enemy for bonuses. There's not much thought into it beyond that, other than copy pasting of a few things from D&D, unfortunately. And yeah it doesn't translate very well into this game. There's not much that can be done about it either. They will probably change the shared Health mechanic before release, but I highly doubt we'll see anything else. They pretty much ignored all the good suggestions on the board to make the Ranger better, so I think it's safe to say they'll be the worst class in the final game.
  17. I'm not testing normal because I'm not going to play it. I provide input for Hard difficulty only and that's what I've always done. Hard difficulty is supposed to be the difficulty the game is designed around, and it is then tuned down for other difficulties. In lower difficulties I don't believe you get Adra Beetles or Elder Creatures.
  18. Hard in this build is pretty silly. The designers have gone and added more creatures to several encounters (which reduces the frame rate of the unoptimized game), while the party now starts at level 4 instead of 5, and has less effective weapons and abilities (tuned down because of the DR change). Creatures have had no balancing done at all basically, so they're way more nasty than they've ever been before. Between the terrible performance and hitching and the general unfairness of the balancing, I am pretty much completely put off playing this build other than to investigate bugs. Least fun build since v257.
  19. Not really, and certainly not on Hard difficulty. A Regular Lion hits for 40 damage through 12 DT (Plate Armor), thats 4-5 Wounds just for a single hit. If you're fighting classes then it might do the trick unless you've been hit by a Rogue with Deep Wounds or a Ranger with Wounding Shot (DoTs are still pretty OP). If you're taking that ability that uses 2 Wounds instead of one (which is either new to this build, or brought down from a higher level), then yeah, that's better at removing them. The ones that only cost one are not. Stunning Blows also doesn't cost wounds. I also don't believe you can keep spamming Swift Strikes over and over to remove Wounds, I'm not sure it refreshes every time you click it.
  20. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69565-364-bugs-with-slicken-prone-disengagement-etc-all-in-15-seconds-span/?hl=slicken
  21. Health and Endurance now take damage at the same rate. When you are down to less than your last multiplier of Health, there's now this big obnoxious bar across the portrait that shows that your Health is limiting your maximum stamina.
  22. Feel free to look up the reason why ASoIAF Dragons only have two legs, and that's pretty much the basis of my statement.
  23. At many of the Monk character levels you literally cannot spend wounds fast enough because you do not have enough abilities to do so, particularly if you take Lesser Wounds. This is likely because of a number of factors - not having many actives to choose from at lower levels, abilities not costing enough Wound points, high incoming damage from everything. Either way it needs a bit of tweaking.
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