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Everything posted by Katphood

  1. Bennie is this your idea of a joke when you say " German people are afraid of Neo Nazis" ? I know German people typically don't have great sense of humours especially when it comes to joking about themselves so maybe you joking about this comment I lived in Germany and I can tell you that he is serious. Hell, our teacher at the Goethe Institut in Frankfurt am Main thought of east Germans as a separate nation that didn't knew how to act or talk or dress like "a real German". Some links that might shed some light for you on the situation: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/02/german-reunification-25-years-on-how-different-are-east-and-west-really http://fortune.com/2014/11/09/germany-east-west-economy/ And yeah, such a sight for instance is pretty rare in west Germany(if not all of it): "We're racist, we're racist and that's the way we like it". Pfft...maybe Brexit wasn't such a bad idea at all.
  2. Yeah, PSN so far has been the most easy-to-use digital distribution platform for me.
  3. I don't use GOG at all for the time being, just once back in the days because I wanted to play Planescape: Torment and Steam didn't have it back then.
  4. I was going to give A Vampyre Story a try right now but guess what! Not compatible with Windows 10 or 7. Goddammit, either fix the games or remove them from the Steam Store.
  5. Would love to see T2 in 3D.
  6. Damn, Cuphead is finally getting released next month:
  7. To be perfectly honest, I never finished any of their games so I wouldn't know. I briefly played Heavenly Sword once which didn't seem all that bad. I also heard many good things about Enslaved.
  8. Why? I have no idea who that is. They are best known for Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and the DmC reboot which was good but also had a main character that wasn't as likeable as the original Dante. They also made Heavenly Sword which was a PS3 exclusive.
  9. Because unlike Steam, their games actually work. Try Knights of the old Republic on both Steam and GOG and see which one runs on your system.
  10. 730 games added to steam in the past 4 weeks...good lord! Welcome to Steam Direct!
  11. It's a Mass Effect knockoff when it comes to gameplay. I played it until the end. Damn, it's that good? I was hoping Advent Rising would give me a few Mass Effect vibes but oh well, all the more excited to play it but I gotta finish BioShock: Infinite and the DLC's first.
  12. What?! Speak English please, I also know German and Farsi but still...English is preferred.
  13. How calmly the Russians are dragging America into another useless war: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr8nFbd18KI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiN30r-_FD0 I wonder which one has more to lose in a war, the average Russian or the average American...or both? As an Iranian I have no rights to make any judgement here.
  14. Oh! My apologies, didn't realize it had a big XCOM written in the title. Nah, just kidding. I am interested in the game only because it is made by the same guys who made...errr...BioShock 2 & Minerva's Den.
  15. Only god knows how much I hate you, Lexx...
  16. Is it a bad thing that I like this picture? It's so awesome, it reminds me of Akira and 80's anime for some reason.
  17. Finished Minerva's Den which was probably one of the best DLC I've ever played. Started Bioshock: Infinite and while I have finished the main game twice already, it still feels fun to play. I also like the story, it's better than most sci-fi movies I've seen in recent years. All of this Bioshocking makes me wish I knew what Ghost Story Games are up to. The future of the BioShock series is still in the hands of 2K Marin though which reminds me that I should play The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. Good thing I have it on Steam.
  18. Dear PS4 and Switch owners....REJOICE!!!! I think I might do that. I was going to go for a PS4 Pro upgrade but with games such as Splatoon 2, Mario: Odyssey and Mario+Rabbids around, I'll probably have a lot more fun with the Switch. No More Heroes 3 will come out someday for the Switch and when it does, I'll go crazy. I won't skip on ps4 upgrade, but i might buy a cheaper monitor. :D There's a dell, that has 4k on HDMI 2.0 but is otherwise a 1080 panel And it's got HDR 1!! NOt 10. :grin: Hehehe, been there, done that. Back in the days when I didn't have enough money for a full hd tv, I used a HDMI to DVI converter and attached the PS3 to a 22" TFT LG Monitor and boy was the screen quality good for some reason. The cool thing about the PS3 was that you could choose to set the audio to component, then all you needed was a male RCA to female adapter. I used to connect them to a logitech speaker with a sub-woofer and it worked like a champ. Workaround tactics can be a lot of fun.
  19. Finished Transistor. It was good but not as good as Bastion, the story felt disappointing. The game simply throws a whole lot of information at you and you have to figure out bits and pieces of the story by yourself(mostly by reading the terminals). It is a nice concept but it can easily make the player feel confused if not done right. But then again, this is a game where you're supposed to replay the game and an NG+ mode lets you further develop your character stats so I might change my opinion on the story after a replay or two.
  20. I think I might do that. I was going to go for a PS4 Pro upgrade but with games such as Splatoon 2, Mario: Odyssey and Mario+Rabbids around, I'll probably have a lot more fun with the Switch. No More Heroes 3 will come out someday for the Switch and when it does, I'll go crazy.
  21. Looks pretty sweet:
  22. Wrong post. Sorry.
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