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Everything posted by Eddo36

  1. Mandalorians aren't a race of humans, but a mercenary group, right? Or maybe the early early Mandalorians were?
  2. How about they use the Full Spectrum Warrior AI where you can take cover and flank the enemy in combat? That would spice up combat if it was like FSW, plus the RPG of TSL it would be the best of two genres? Wild idea but possible.
  3. They may be boring to play and expensive to buy, but they sure are informative as heck when it comes to Star Wars.
  4. Merek, making those dumbnuts stand in a line infront of the Sith academy starving and all.
  5. Maybe Revan upgraded the Ebon Hawk after finding out what it lacked in KOTOR 1.
  6. Yeah, well I just like giving ideas. I won't be having much time to give more, gonna go to boot camp for the Marines in less than 3 weeks, so I just wanna give the great developers of this game my input before I go, and hope they find some helpful. I'm glad I found this place last week.
  7. I mean when you look at art paintings, you usually see Jesus's face in a circle of light. I'm an agnostic, and I don't really know what the circle of light is supposed to mean, but I think that it means that he's enlightened and holy or something. If anyone here can correct me, I don't know much about religion. Anyhow, the new thread I made is here http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=10548 Now let's change this topic back to clothes. Astatine, Obsidian stated they were redesigning the Star Forge robes to make it look better?
  8. Okay Adria, I'm not trying to spam or anything. I do believe that this post should be independent from my last two posts on similar but not exact subject for the following reasons: 1) This topic is different from the previous two and 2) There can be only one poll per thread, and I think this poll is important for feedback incase the devs need it. I hope you understand, I'm not making a post on two exact topics and this one deserves its own. Thanks. Anyhow... the three solutions for his light side face is: 1) to give him a random face, or 2) an "official" face, or 3) you pick the face. Or a less pleasent alternative: don't show Revan's face in the game at all, which would bring enjoying KOTOR 2's gameplay down significantly if done, I predict. I vote for 2, but I can go with 3. If any of you people got other solutions, please post them here.
  9. Well, Revan won't be wearing his Sith mask if he's light side, only dark side. Yet a glowing face like Jesus, well I think maybe some Catholics might find it offensive or something, not that I would have a problem with it but others might. But I don't think it'll look really good. I will make another thread on my proposed solution, not trying to spam or anything, but I think it deserves another thread.
  10. Why don't you read and post and find out. <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey.... do you even have any idea of how much this card is worth? Or used to worth anyways?
  11. What makes you guys not like it? What's wrong with wasting 5 or 10 dollars a day anyhow? Better than buying smokes. At least smokes kill you and makes you broke. These only makes you broke. Just FYI: http://www.decipher.com/starwars/whatisit/index.html
  12. Well Decipher stopped making them for a while, and I wasted a loadful of money on them when I was going to middle school. Still have my collection somewhere. Anybody here used to collect them? They were $3.75 a pack or something. Just wondering if they decide to make a KOTOR version, I might be broke again. http://www.decipher.com/starwars/cardlists/index.html Anybody remember these?
  13. Well, at least the Millenium Falcon has two quad-automatic cannons. The Ebon Hawk has a single dinky dual turret that isn't even automatic. The Ebon Hawk needs a Surface Defense Cannon as well (like the one the Millenium Falcon used against the assaulting snowtroopers on Hoth) so no one else would be dumb enough to put another tracking device on Revan's ship. And please don't show the Ebon Hawk get hit each time a space battle initiates, it just pains me to see it get hit while I can't do anything about it lol. Maybe give it better radars too. Just some reference from Star Wars CCG:
  14. Here's my pick. Revan- Star Forge Robes (light) / Darth Revan robes (dark) Carth- Republic Mod Armor This guy breathes, eats, and lives Republic, so it's only fitting. Canderous- Mandalorian Armor He's a Mandalorian. Heavy armor for heavy guy. Bastilla- Jedi Master Robe (light) / Dark jedi master robe (dark) Jolee- Jedi Knight Robe Unless he got promoted within those 5 years since KOTOR, then it should be Jedi Master robes. Juhani- Jedi Knight Robe Same with Jolee, unless she got promoted withing the Jedi, then Jedi Master robes. Mission- Clothes Can't think of anything else for this scoundrel. Zaalbaar- None Cuz Wookies just go naked Droids- Heavy Plating Type 3 Best armor for the driods. Anyhow, well, since it's the last relic of the Star Forge, do you think we'll get to see the Star Forge robes in KOTOR 2? Maybe if you can't wear it, at least show Revan wearing it if he's light side? And Darth Revan robes if he's dark side.
  15. Bracers or breatplate shouldn't dampen your speed a whole lot. I'm talking if you carry 10 heavy machine guns on your person or something. Power armor can help you with the load, or a small personal/group vehicle like one of those flying surf boards, or rocket pack, or scooter. Or just be high in Strength and Dexterity. btw Adria, in any of those games, have you ever tried travelling light?
  16. Haha I'm not pacifist, though I'm sure that there are lots of players out there that are. I like killing all the bad guys in the game personally, though I wish that I could spare a few that I like.
  17. If you saw the dark side ending, the Republic fleet got completely destroyed, so they couldn't really have emerged victorious... There would be a big point because he exists in the official Star Wars universe. And Star Wars is a story, so one thing happens. It's not like Star Wars Infinites episode where the Death Star doesn't get blown up and Luke turns to Vader. If he isn't either one or the other then does he really exist in the official Star Wars universe? That is the reason the official Star Wars databank can't go in barely any detail about them. However, unofficially, (example: like in your games), he can be anything/anyone you want him/her to be. I hope that clears things up. Thoughts?
  18. Oh and also, what about an official personality for Revan? Whether he/she is a sarcastic smartass clown, or a street thug/liar, or a serious guy. Or how about a compromise: he is usually a funny smartass but he is dead serious on really important issues?
  19. http://www.starwars.com/databank/character...alak/index.html Well... it looks like it does have an official storyline after all. The Republic emerged victorious, that means that Revan was light side. (If he had been dark side, the Republic fleet was destroyed, right? Or open to interpretation.) Anyways, Revan is light side, but how about an official gender now? I vote male, so he can be with Bastilla. Btw- I think that he does need an official story line so that he can be put into the Characters section in that Star Wars database with ease.
  20. Thanks. And maybe knocked out people will wake up after a set amount of time, feeling grateful or angry at you.
  21. And maybe, as an example scenario, you face a squad of enemy mercs. If you kill them all, they all die of course. But if you knock out half of them and kill the the other half, then the half you spared will wake up later and you find out that you are on their side, and they help you attack other enemies nearby. I'm not good with scenarios, but you get the picture.
  22. Good point. Well how about it depends on the weapon skills of the shooter? If he is very good, he won't hit the teammate, and if he is very bad or unskilled with the unaccurate weapon he is using, he would end up hitting the teammate the same number of times he hit the enemy? That's why you have combat-oriented people in the party, to fight efficiently.
  23. Umm what's the reason for all the hate? Besides, those don't play as Revan anymore, they got their own new character in TSL to play whom they can choose to have romance or not. Revan and the rest of the old crew should be free for the storyline makers to decide, IMHO. I sure want to see them as an item, and a lot of KOTOR fans would want it too. The majority I bet, if you check the Bioware forums. Maybe we can do a poll? But I think in the end it should be up to the storyline makers to decide. They did an awsome job so far. And btw- I heard that some ppl played Revan as a female in KOTOR, that she could have a relationship with Carth, just so it ain't a sexist thing I guess.
  24. And maybe using high elevation will give you an edge in combat. And you can "surprise attack" an enemy like pull out a secret hidden weapon (knee mounted lightsaber?) if you're very low on health, or if there's a way you can dispatch a foe without a fight by sneaking up behind him, like a powerful version of Scoundrel's Sneak Attack for all classes. And for combat tactics, maybe you can have an option of flanking foes. Like you shoot at the foe from the middle from behind cover, while one teammate goes left and the other goes right and pinch the foe in a crossfire from all sides. Obviously combat-oriented teammates like soldiers and Jedi Guardians would be better at it than scoundrels.
  25. I think that it would be neat if there were non-lethal weapons or items that can knock out an opponent instead of killing him. Maybe if they show up again later in the game, they'll be grateful that you spared them. Or maybe they'll be even more angrier at you because you knocked them out. Depends on the character. Trying to knock out an opponent should be much harder than just simply killing him, but that's the trade-off if you want to be a goody-goody. Some players won't see a need for using non-lethal option and just kill everyone in the map. Others don't like to kill and want to give it a try. And also if you really like a character in the game, and you have to fight him, but don't want to kill him, then there's that option. However, on the big bosses or main bad guys, non-lethal don't work and you have to kill them or be killed.
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