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Everything posted by Eddo36

  1. It's all about skillfully using logistics. There has to be a trade-off to being a walking tank. When you use Force Speed or Master Speed, your non-Jedi teammates should have a hard time keeping up with you. Anyhow, why do you hate it? It makes more sense than everybody in the game running at the same speed.
  2. Well, duh, I said to give Revan an official face, meaning an official story Revan is a male/female, light/dark, and whether he/she is a what or has what, etc. So maybe somebody can make KOTOR into a Star Wars book or movie. Think before you type.
  3. I think that speed should be measured by dexterity and your loadout. The higher dex you have, the faster you are. But the more/heavier things you carry, you get a slow penalty. But having a high strength reduce the weight-load penalty. Master speed should help you, but your non-Jedi teammates should have a hard time keeping up with you. Also, some creatures like Kath hounds should have no problem keeping up with you if you try running away from them (like try kicking a canine and try to outrun it) because they're damn fast. I also suggest new equipment to help you with speed, just as speed armor (armor that gives you strength and/or speed) or rocket packs. Maybe small vehicles? Just a thought.
  4. Well, although you won't be playing Revan again, it would be sweet (not trying to be cheesy here, but still) if you find out they were as part of the story line. Well, it doubt it would happen if they are dark side (Sith apprentice have a habit of overthrowing or attempting to overthrow their masters eventually), but they should have a chance for it in light side. Or maybe neutral side? I know Jedi's aren't supposed to love, but hey Luke Skywalker fell in love with a girl in the extended Star Wars universe. Is KOTOR considered extended as well? Thoughts?
  5. Well, if you're holding a heavy repeating machine blaster, it should reduce your dexterity more than if you're holding a one-handed tiny pistol. And if you're have high Strength, the dexterity penalty should be reduced so that the two traits go hand in hand for combat soldiers. Just a miscellanous suggestion.
  6. Well, in KOTOR a thing I find amusing in combat is when one of your party members is fighting a foe with a melee weapon, and another party member is standing behind and blasting away at the same foe with a gun. It really shouldn't be possible to do that without the risk of hitting your teammate from behind. I think that when you engage a foe with a melee weapon, your teammates can't open fire on the guy you're attacking for risk of hitting you. Guess it depends on how much the teammate likes you. And vice versa between you and teammates. And also, I got an idea for combat: instead of everybody running around in the open and blasting at everyone on the other side until everyone on one side is dead, how about having some strategic use for cover, to add an element of strategy into the combat. Like your teammate (who is using a ranged weapon) can take cover behind a trash can (or any short object, I'm not good with examples in Star Wars lol), and he is harder to hit. Or you can manually position yourself against a building's corner and shoot the other side from behind cover. Sometimes your position gets bad during the battle and you'll have to relocate, etc. Like for example, you are behind a rock, and a grenade is thrown behind you. If you have high enough reflex points, you'll automatically leap to the other side of the rock before the grenade explodes. Just a couple ideas from Full Spectrum Warrior that I think would make the combat in KOTOR more interesting if added.
  7. Like maybe we can vote on which face we want Revan to have and stick with for the rest of the Star Wars episode? And which face gets the most votes wins? I was gonna post it in one of my earlier threads, but it was locked due to lack of mature posts, but I hope that this thread don't follow the same fate.
  8. Well, if ion grenades are EMP, maybe all electronics within the blast radius (like lightsabers or laser guns or power armor) stops working for a few seconds and you'll have to resort to other methods of attack for the time being. Maybe stupid idea, but ion is EMP after all, is it not?
  9. Just wondering on a side note, can a lightsaber deflect a rocket? They won't be much good against suicide bomber driods too if there are any lol. Or a frag grenade. At least with a ranged weapon you can have a chance to take down people before they do their attack against you. Wonders how Jedi's would be used in Iraq.
  10. I dunno, maybe getting some glasses or doing reading classes might help you. In a capital starship like the Leviathan, there would be thousands of enemy. Remember Luke and Han fighting in the Death Star, there was no way they could wipe out everyone there and call that level "safe". Now in smaller places, like the Sand People tribe, there are only a few dozen of them so yeah you can make them extinct. But not in a capital starship kind of place.
  11. Addition: I know you don't play Revan, but I mean when you see him as an NPC, would be nice to see him with Bastilla getting along, hehe, whether you gotta fight them or help them.
  12. Bastilla should be Revan's girlfriend in KOTOR 2, whether they are light or dark.
  13. Well, in KOTOR 1, it gets pretty lonely in an area when you wiped out every mofo in that area and none come back. Maybe have some places where enemy rushes you non-stop? I know in the Leviathan, a Sith grenadier respawns at a slow, slow rate. In a big enemy base like the Leviathan, there should be floods of enemy rushing at you non-stop and you couldn't hope to win if you tried to fight them all because they keep coming. In other smaller areas, like the Sand People place on Tattooine, I agree that there should be a finite amount of Sand People just for the satisfaction of making their whole tribe extinct. But in a major enemy base like in a capital starship, the enemy should come non-stop.
  14. I was reading an XBox article on KOTOR 2, and they said that you can decide if Revan is male or female, light or dark side by just answering NPC questions early in the game. Well, can you decide what class he is (soldier/scout/scoundrel and jedi consular/setinel/guardian) as well? It would be cool if somebody showed you a bunch of portraits of all of Revan's face that you could chose from in the first game, and asks you how Revan looked like and you select one. Or there's an option to make a random selection. Thoughts?
  15. Well, range weapons shouldn't be fired if there is an enemy 1 foot away from you striking you with a melee weapon. It is impractical to be fired, let alone get decent aim when the enemy so close to you because they can keep striking your weapon to the side before you can fire at them, and then strike you. I suggest having more weapon modifications like bayonets so you can use range weapons as melee weapons (though they won't be as effective as a weapon designed solely for melee, like a lightsaber or even a sword). If you don't have bayonets, you'll have to bludgeon the enemy with your rifle butt (if you're holding a two handed rifle) or pistol whip him (if you're holding one or two pistols) if they come close, as it should be impossible to shoot. It sure beats going pause each time an enemy comes close and equipping everyone with different weapons each time, it gets pretty tiresome. You can also lift up your foot and do a kick, to push your opponent back a few feet so you can fire at him. Maybe as you level up, the kick becomes a swift karate jump backflip kick or something, just throwing ideas around. Thoughts?
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