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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. Not enough people to throw eggs at since David Blane (sp?) left I take it?
  2. Since I highjacked the thread anyways........ Did you hear the latest rumor on that? Apparently, it may be using the Doom 3 engine O, and I'm not "mad mad", I don't going around cursing LA, but I'm slightly ticked on how things worked out. Not even about the waiting, but the spoilers I will certainly run into now before i can play. I feel worse for the devs, and how they can't put there best foot forward on their first game (The graphics will be much better on the PC version, not that graphics are everything). That and I don't like people painting this as something LA did to make the game better (or by default it will make the game better), because it isn't and most likely won't improve the game by "default".
  3. If you want to look at it like that: Most people expected (as promised) that both versions of the game would be released at the same time.
  4. This is what the devs had to say about all this, this is from a few weeks ago Why do you think I work every weekend? This is him after the news broke: How does that sound to you? Yes, "was" is the right word. Then the release date got moved. See memo. Then, it got moved back. See announcement. Yes it does, and if it matters to you take the above dev comments to heart please. How is that an excuse for LA? This is from a little thing called LA. Here is the link.http://www.lucasarts.com/vip/swkotor_sithl...TORII_Press.doc <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your document is much older than mine, hence the OLD release date (and then new again release date.) Look, my point is simply that IF LA wanted to, the game would be out for Dec and that the delay is in no way the fault of Obsidian or because LA wants to put "extra love" into it. If I havn't been able to show that alreayd, I give up
  5. The presskit I gave you a link for is from the LA website. Now who do you think knows more about K2's release date .....gamespot or LA? Plus, I'm pretty sure my memo is newer than the gamespot article. So how is it a rumor? DL the kit, and tell me if it's still a rumor. Note the source of the link. And Obsidian never said any of that junk about the Orthodox Christian Calender calender. LA did. lets get our fact straight EDIT: o, about the calender buisness. The memo is literally called "Cover Letter 8.4.04 Mailing". Inside it is dated (august 2004)....sooooo obviously they are on the same calender as us if Aug = 8th month.
  6. Sorry to disapoint u, but when Obsidian said that release date, they were using an Orthodox Christian Calender, (dont ask me why) which extends into January 2005 for us at the latest. Then they must sort out the final details before release. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ........seriously, the people trying to defend LA on this one are just reaching sometimes. Ok, first LA said the above, but your explanation doesn't explain away "the holidays". A term I have never heard used to describe Valentines day (which is post the old Feb release date anyways, iirc)
  7. The game isnt delayed. The original release date was feb 2005. It is the US Xbox version that has been moved forward <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, they both got moved forward. DL the zip from the link below (about 100mb) and read the memo in it. You will find that BOTH version were publically (as anyone who knew the site could get to it) announced for a release that would be "just in time for the holidays in Winter 2004 on both Xbox and PC" and BOTH version according to the devs could be on track for a Dec release. http://download.lucasarts.com/holiday_gift_guide.zip So, the game being moved BACK to Feb is a new devolpment. EDIT: The whole quote...yet again, if you don't want to DL it
  8. While I don't disagree with the above, maybe they shouldn't have closed the thread(s) that were meant for the above discussion. Tho, if I recall, you were telling the people in those threads to shut up too
  9. Us PCers will probably get a game that's less buggy with more content anyway. I'm not too worried. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 1. The "extra content" will be the X-box live material, if anything. 2. Just because the release is delayed, doesn't mean the game gets extra work in terms of bug fixing. You have to consider that the game is/was scheduled to be done at a certain date and that the devs left on it were to move to a new project or position on NWN2 after that. They can't push those commitments back just because they have more time to polish K2 for the PC. Plus, LA still might want the game in their hands and completed by the original specified date. As the devs have said, that date didn't change just because the release date got moved up 2 months.
  10. Yea, we torched Toronto. The ironic part is, instead of helping us against the British, you helped them..... only to have years of uprising and protests put down by the British till you finally got independece years later. an alligator and a pig? Sounds like it would be a short story.....
  11. I wonder if "I wanted Gore" would be an acceptable deferment...... that doesn't matter anyways, as I'm 21 and usually too drunk to be drafted....no? Ok here is another one.... Seriously, 2 days ago Powell meantioned that if there was another draft, it would't be like Vietnam. AKA you couldn't get deferments so easily and such.
  12. And what exactly does this mean? Are you talking an alternate fuel car. Or a car 'collage' from other cars. lol. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It was a (bad , I thought Canadians were supposed to be funny. Remind me again why we havn't invaded you guys... ) joke suggesting his car was a hybrid because it's engine was a "hybrid" of parts from various cars.
  13. I think the defense will be very good (the weakness being the secondary), but grossman needs time to grow and terrall isn't exactly who I want the ball going to
  14. careful with the "erm's", they sound like your not happy, that might get the thread locked.... The MCA quote: Until told otherwise I error on the side of MCA
  15. And how many people saw that before you posted it? I sure didn't. I pretty much expected it would be out in February. I would've thought others shared a similarily reasonable expectation but some have disappointed me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just because you didn't see it doesn't change the fact that it occured now do you admit 3 things: 1. It is strongly suggested in a post by a dev that the PC version is prepared to be done for the holidays and the reason for the delay lies elsewhere in LA. 2. LA made a public, as anyone who knows the site could get to it, that stated the game would be out for the holidays on both platforms. 3. we were promised both versions come out at the same time Care to disagree with any of that?
  16. actually, they DID say it was coming out december in a press release, see my press website post also, unless you doubt a dev working on the game, it IS LA fault that the game isn't out in Dec
  17. but wouldn't that require you to come down off your high horse?
  18. send them a case of Guinness instead, I'm sure they'll appreciate that.
  19. IMO, scrambling QBs will only get you so far, then they will get you killed. and I hate college football. The system is just so bad (bcs, iirc?). Too many bowl games. You need a playoff system.
  20. D.O.A. <_< You try, that's what counts. BTW, did you hear how choyrt did via the 2nd hurricane, I never heard back. O and: Toyota Tundra and a motorcycle. I'm compinsating.
  21. Yea yea, Vicks great, but the Falcons arn't going anywhere
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