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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. You guys didn't really read the thread before posting did you? Please (re)read the first 3 pages and you will understand it IS the publishers fault and most of what you have said is incorrect. EDIT: such as: Akari has said both version would be read on the same date and that Lucas Arts did declare a holiday winter 2004 release for both versions.
  2. Yes, but thats not entirely the case, as the DID say the game would be out "before the holidays ...winter 2004" This thread will explain it, but lets not continue this here http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=17563&st=0
  3. Wrong, but you'll have to read a few threads to figure out why, I'm tired of explaining
  4. Engine size? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 883cc Not very big really... But it does me well since it's my first mode of transport. Anything bigger would have had a crazy insurance cost. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Isn't 2004 the first year they put rubber engine mounts on the sportsters? The things that make Harley Harley are slowly fading away.
  5. Are you trying to say the seconded nonworking picture is the bigger fool?
  6. Houston.....Houston, can you read me.....Houston, we have a problem
  7. Welllllll at least we got almost 3 pages of frank and mostly decent discussion before "Episode 2: The Flame Wars" errupted
  8. OK OK STOP! Easy now. This is why they locked the other ones! LOL
  9. Ok, your new to the boards, but thats not really how this place goes. Sure, it's supposed to work like that, but it doesn't. We get KOTOR1 performance questions in here, gen SW questions, and the same polls over and over. None of it is touched by the devs, even if people complain. It's pretty loose. This topic is just the flavor of the month, it too shall pass, but I think it's important people get the facts straight on this one. And since the mods made such topics illegal, people sneak it in where they can. Say what you will but we had a vary decent discussion in here, even if it was off topic.
  10. ........I'm depressed now. I just hope we beat the packers next week. lets pick apart someone else now
  11. That happened largely because of the decision to stop those threads. People decided to vent elsewhere.
  12. Now look whos whining like an 8 year old <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ::ZING:: My problem is when people say this is "for the best" or misrepreset hte reasons why this happened. When that happens, I like to state my opinion. But I'll tell you what, start an interesting topic that doesn't relate to this, and I won't touch it. You have to still deal with Hades tho (lub U doomy!)
  13. Well, they did pick up T. Jones. I really think, as Offense goes, that they want Gage, Grossman, Terrell and Wade to learn for a year together. For offense and defense this really seems to be a "We'll get em next year" plan. Which is fine, I guess.
  14. The Duke Nukem Forever posts too much? Man you yelled about these talks when they were in the proper threads I'm not sure what you want people here to talk about, did you enjoy "poll-ville" and KOTOR1 discussions more? I mean the game is a few months from being out and is being complete now. It's not like we can realistically effect it's devolpment. Without any news we have limited things to talk about. The IGN force thing was mostly old news. Hell, the Darth Maul type guy in the pictures managed to spawn a thread or two. It's not like we have a whole lot of choices.
  15. Well, since France and Britian were at war, they were banking on the French in the area to back them. The whole idea was a mistake. Hell, even the people in the boarder states were openly supporting the "Canadians" and British by selling them food. They prefered the "recently departed from office" Thomas Jeffersons way of doing things. As for repelling the invasion, to be fair, you guys did repel it......but they were sooooo confident that there would be uprising to support the war that they brought a loose band of poorly trained men (which pretty much sums up the army at the time) through some harsh terrain, and isn't that always the case with a route? Toronto wasn't called Toronto then tho, fyi. Sort of how you guys burned Buffalo, but it wasn't called Buffalo then.
  16. As I said, the coaches were letting Krenzel fight for the 2nd string position, how serious that offer was I don't know. EDIT: but there were questions at that position as late as the 4th preseason game. I still don't see anything about Krenzel that tells me he can't be a decent QB if he got a job, not from preseason anyways, as I only saw him once in college. Not saying he's the next Johnny U.... We agree on Terrell The Bears defensive (assuming the secondary, or should I say corners as M. Brown and Co. are solid, step it up) could be swarming tho, and I like the move of Urlacher to weekside LB.
  17. Let us not forget that these release dates surprised the devs at Obsidian too! Now, here are the real reasons for the delay that I have heard rumored, in no particular order: - Holding of the PC version till the international release helps limit piracy in europe. Me: While it will help, it's not like X-box piracy isn't common place in Europe. I wouldn't be surprised if it was were mopre common than the states. - The "Grey Market". It's when markets outside of the US buy copies of the games to sell abroad that were intended for the US market. While this doesn't hurt sales particularly for LA or sellers, it cuts in to the European distributers bottom lines. They don't really like that. - LA has little faith in the PC version, tho it is superior in most ways. They look at the sales numbers of KOTOR1s PC version compared to X-box (tho the PC version was released months later) and assume that those numbers will more or less carry over to K2. So if it will sell "so few" copies, it makes reason #1 even a greater risk. - O, and a little pressure from Microsoft No one knows for sure, but call them educated guesses Unless California has broken away from the Union......
  18. But it was possible, and according to Akaris post, still is BTW, not only did they not dispel the rumor, they started saying the release was Winter 2004 rather than Feb. And then made a weak attempt to cover it up with the calender thing
  19. Obviously you havn't seen the Bears choose QBs over the years
  20. Since X-box peeps have to get Live to get the extra content, that may be reason enough to not give the PC players that content.
  21. And odds are we gain little or nothing in terms of a "polished game" because of the delay. I hope we at least get the Xbox live material, but maybe LA will make it X-box exclusive......considering the release dates. EDIT: I'd like to point out to any passing mod that this is a resonable discussion, albeit off topic.
  22. It wasn't a rumor, again please look at the memo and dev posts. Plus, just because most people didn't know about the memo, doesn't mean it didn't exist. You can't brush it aside and say it didn't exist or that it was just "a rumor". Would people please stop doing that. I have to avoid most gaming sites and forums because LA broke a promise? See, while I'm not saying we should burn down skywalker rancher, people have the right to be reasonably upset at LA.
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