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Everything posted by Soda

  1. Got a source on that? Sounds interesting. Those blizzard peeps sure know how to make a game
  2. I would actually state the precise opposite. Folks who DO NOT SEE the obvious generic formulas that MMOs have have not played enough of them. Now, if playing enough MMO:s is a good thing or not.. that is another question.
  3. So what you are saying is: "Yes, there are mobs to kill and grind!" - ? This is not a general naysaing response. I'm truly interested in hearing if you have put any thought into making a MMO. Or if your idea is to make a 'common' mmo with a Wampire-shell, and then fine tune the gameplay with rare magic items etcetera? If so. I see vaporware. And to the other fellow stating that EVE is a successful MMO. Though, EVE still is a very marginal game lookig at amount of people playing, it is as you stated a good MMO. The point is that the developers of EVE are just implementing the design of WW. WW have ZERO experience of making a FUN computer game with solid gameplay and good design. If anything I believe that WW have a better chance of programming the the game then actually trying to design a fun wampire MMO. I have played lots of MMOs. The only 2 good games besides WoW (which is the last MMO i played) where EvE and the betagame WISH (they capsized before releasing, awesome game and idea tho).
  4. Wait a minute. It is still a MMOrpg. Most of us have tried and know what MMOs are about. With or without wampire toons, you still need a solid idea about the game mechanics and what the endgame should be about. From my point of view, faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar stronger IP:s have failed to make a good MOOrpg. Fangs of no fangs. You need to make a functional game to make this work. What is the idea?
  5. Random advice: Try summoning all the guys you can. Let the mage cast bigby's hands that cant be saved against on the herald/snakelords. Kill them off one by one. Coldsteel and holy weapons all the way. I didnt try it but, displacement/improved invis. on the one tanking and blind on the herald should help. Have lots of healing pots of you on the ones tanking the herald. He hits for lots. Ohh, and try using invisibility pots and to place your guys where you want them before you start the encounter. I didn't try it but you should be able to disarm/knockdown the herald if you have a serious buffed guy trying. I knew that the last battle would be hairy so I came prepared. It was pretty much my motivation for playing the last 33% of the game. How did you guys fare against the Zoid-mindflayer-guy in the magetower? I had more problems with him due to people standing on eachother and not being able to do anything the first few rounds.
  6. Back to the matter at hand.. I believe the RPG-purists needs to play SoZ and see the game for what it is before they start foaming around the mouth and screaming for my infidel head on a plate. Even though we live next door that is. SoZ is like Sim-RPG more then a story-rpg alla bioware. Like it or not. My suggestions where aimed at making the good parts of SoZ better.
  7. What the hell? You live like next door to me! SCARY. Mmm. And no, even though you where here first, I will not leave.
  8. I played through SoZ something that I couldn't find myself doing with MotB (mostly due to the fact that the combat was so sickening unchallenging). I like the concept of SoZ, I found the few challenging encounters fun! But if I ever find the time I would love to mod it, so much of the possible fun is never realized. To improve it I would: 1. All towns/inns (crossroad keep, nevervinter etcetera..) gets a picture and a dialogue box. The dialogue box allows you can do all the quests/crafting/resting and talking directly via the interface. This allows the game to change the descriptions, via texts, of the towns, as the story progress, in a much better and detailed manner than the very limited and time consuming construction of actual game environments. And cuts the amount of loading screens.... 2. Allow quicktravel via a travel dialogue to discovered mapnodes. This alone would save the player from almost 50% of the loading. Now, NOT allowing quicktravel is a tool for making some areas of the map HARDER and more interesting. 3. Use the rumor dialogue in inns and citys to generate unique encounters/findings on the overland map. 4. Overland map: a. Cut the amount of roaming no-name monster groups by 85%. b. Place the wandering monsters in a more logical manner. No more skeletons right outside of a city or 6 wandering hoards of orcs and a couple of elementals just outside NeverWinter city. c. Make the random encounters MUCH, MUCH harder I would say +200-300% and make the arena for the battle much, much larger. If the player sneak up on the monsters or vice verse allow some tactical advantage. The good parts of any NWN-game or expansion have always been the few HARD battles you get. What I
  9. If we are talking RPG-settings I would love to see Shadowrun get new game...
  10. Dark Omen! Best. Tactical RPG:ish game. Ever. http://www.cdmag.com/articles/011/166/dark_omen_review.html To me its quite obvious why most people like remakes of the old-school games. As a starved cRPG enthusiast new kewl game features and technical gizmos sounds 'meh!' at best. I mean all the shiny things a developer pours into a game, that dont contribute to the story, takes away valuable development resources from the said story. The new innovative cRPG features such as arcade like fighting, tactical mumbojumbo, graphical magic, all sounds good, but seriously dont add anything solid and time resistant to the cRPG game. Most people, IMO, want the developers to utilize the KISS dogma and focus their efforts at what matters in a cRPG. I would love to hear from a developer that brags about the new writers or innovative story they are developing. I would love to hear about tools and game resources that support the story and dialogue - the RPG:ish elements of the game. Not the new graphical bla bla that lets you use custom hilts on your lightstick. Since this likely never will happen, I wish for remakes of the simple but true RPG games I enjoyed, and keep on enjoying. Back to playing BG i guess. And look into Dark Omen if you dont have.
  11. I would like to see a remake of the Eye of the beholder saga (1-3). That would RAWK!
  12. Lightsaber KATANAS that would be the bestes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or just KATANAS that would RoXxOR!!! ANd JEDININJAS!!!!
  13. Dude, u should have a "none of the above" option.... As it is now, im not voting. But, some kind of re-use could be fun... It would be nice if Carth could sit and whine with his new group of adventures and they collective dicides to 'put this whining dog down'... or.. One could overhear the endless whine of Carth in a cantina and be able to choose the - You take of from the planet and nuke it from orbit..... option. or.. One could meet a spacecaravan of refugees fleeing the whine of Carth on some moon. Mby one could pick up some side quest to hunt the blackhole of plot enjoyment down.
  14. "you WISH to be a jedi knight" "i wish to be a jedi" "jedi ARE cool" "jedi are cool" "move along" "huh?" Dude! U should be aware of the fact that I always
  15. I do like cRPG:s u know. Cant really stand FPS. Think about it man! KOTOR2 - all new, cool new animations and able to play a space cowboy alla Hans Solo. It would rock!
  16. I hope they dont force u to play Jedi! Forcepowers are for girls, give me a good blaster anyday over some lightstick
  17. It would be absolutely awsome if one could chose to not play a JediKnight. I always thought that Han-Solo was 100 times cooler than Luke n Yoda. I mean, who got the chick and who got the grumpy green toad?!!
  18. Hmm, i didnt find any option that suited me. So i just put it here. I intent to play the game as i played the first one. That is, enjoying every minute I can play a more or less ordinary person, a bounty hunter or just a gun for hire - the stuff that I and most people I know enjoy about SW. I try to keep out of the jedi suit for as long as the game allows me... More space western and less silly girly Jedis with rainbow swords and 2D morals.
  19. WHat is this! Am I the only one who voted for more inventory items?!! More items, smaller maps and less talk... <_<
  20. You are of course correct. I used
  21. [disclaimer] This is not a
  22. In many ways replay ability is was makes a game a RPG and not an adventure/action game. Replay ability (RP) starts when one makes ones character - and leaves character options unused - and ends with u having different endings depending on choices made - leaving paths unused. Hmm, in all, I agree wholeheartedly with our post. RP comes first and foremost in my importance-list, before elements such as
  23. Care to share some of them with us? It's fun to read other people's strange ideas. I would actually love too... but I have heard way to many stories (I would call them horror), of people taking other peoples ideas, and making money from them. I've shared a few, like a bullet-time RPG, but I'm not about to post exactly how I see it working. If I could get the whole board to sign some sort of napkin contract, I'de love to share 'em, but that ain't gonna happen. Dude, have u ever heard of mind reading? Ur thoughts, feelings and ideas are already saved and hard copied to tapes in the goverments secret vaults. :ph34r: Common, give us something to discuss. One single recycled or halfbaked idea u should be able to share....
  24. Or more important imo. Who is doing the voice overs?
  25. yes, i should do that too, i'm against usermods normally. no yes, that is very nicely said. as long as their colour isn't that of flaming and rulebreaking, trolling and spamming... Dude! U like, quoted allot. U must be liek the grandmaster, blackbelt wearing mfo, of board quoting. I liek, cant manage to do more then one large chunk of a quote. But u, u just 'swosh' cut it up into pieces! Its all so clear when a master does it. Can I call u sensei ?!! * * all in a humorous fashion - its a boring day. Sorry for any inconvenience
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