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Angel of Darkness

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Everything posted by Angel of Darkness

  1. Hmm...interesting. 1. Beats the heck out of me...but I guess we'll find out after we die. 2. To live. 3. We should live how we want to live and live with the consequences of our actions. 4. See my answer for #1. 5. Easily...I took a second out and actually rationally thought about it which is more than I can say for the people in question #6 and the multitudes of other small minded fools. 6. My impression of them is that they are afraid. Afraid of life. Afraid of death. Afraid because they have no answers...but unlike many they are willing to cling to the unbelievable in order to justify their answers. My lack of knowledge does not lead me to fear the unknown...just respect the unknown 7. First hand experience of the unknown. I would have to die to really know what happens after death. You do have to laugh at the whole idea of 'faith' though. To believe in something so laughably unreal its makes the worship of dragons and magic seem sane. No offense intended or anything. I just find the whole religion and faith crap to be laughably barbaric. I mean here we are in the 21st Century still having discussions about whether someone was resurrected or had visions of a God in the desert...lol. Sometimes I truly think that as a species we are doomed.
  2. Unfortunately I've become more of a console gamer since the days of the great CRPG are pretty much behind us Here's my list: Dark Sun: Shattered Lands Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager Death Gate Descent to Undermountain Divine Divinity Eye of the Beholder Eye of the Beholder II: The Legend of Darkmoon Eye of the Beholder III: Assault on Myth Drannor Gabriel Knight Gabriel Knight 2 Gabriel Knight 3 Pool of Radiance Curse of the Azure Bonds Secret of the Silver Blades Pools of Darkness Gateway to the Savage Frontier Treasures of the Savage Frontier Betrayal at Krondor Return to Krondor Kings Quest 1-7 Lands of Lore Menzoberranzan Phantasmagoria Phantasmagoria 2 Quest For Glory 1-5 Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession Ravenloft: Stone Prophet Shivers Shivers 2 Space Quest 1-6 Stonekeep Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate TOSC Baldur's Gate II: SOA Baldur's Gate II: TOB Diablo Diablo II Diablo II: LOD Icewind Dale Icewind Dale: HOW Icewind Dale II Planescape: Torment Dungeon Siege Neverwinter Nights Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg: BH IL2 Sturmovik IL2 Sturmovik 2 Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor Sudden Strike Forever Sudden Strike 2 The Temple of Elemental Evil Really looking forward to: Blitzkrieg 2 Neverwinter Nights 2 Dragon Age Dungeon Siege 2 Also...maybe Dungeon Lords...maybe
  3. HAHAHA...I completely forgot to add Bathory to my list Anyone else here part of the HORDE?
  4. Wow...haven't been here in a while Right now I'm playing: Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness Siebenb
  5. Origin of my name and avatar? Hmm...Angel of Darkness...can't remember where I got it from I think I just wanted to come up with a name that was not in existence on the old BIS boards. As for my avatar...it is Baphomet
  6. Hmm... some Melodic Death Metall like Dimmu Borgir some Melodic Thrash Metal like Children of Bodom some Power Metal like Dream Evil some country like Mindy McCready some Pop like Christina Aguilera some Classical like Bedrich Smetana some Rai like Chem Mami some Turkish pop like Tarkan lots more...
  7. ones that I like please I'm hungry for more METAL so here's what I like: Dimmu Borgir Cradle of Filth Children of Bodom Opeth Gorgoroth Sirenia Tristania In Flames Lost Horizon Dream Evil Iron Maiden 3 Inches of Blood Arch Enemy Old Man's Child Evemaster Kovenant Kittie I'd love to hear what everyone recommends...I love dark and brooding with lots of melody Thanks in advance!!
  8. Uhh...do you know why I'm here?
  9. Kelowna, BC Canada ...itsa cold up here
  10. I love Bioware
  11. samurai
  12. No, I don't believe that multiplayer is a "must have" for an RPG and even if they put it in the next KOTOR, if that is what they are developing, I won't use it because I like playing my games alone I hope they put an NPC like Bastila in the next game...she ruled!
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