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About Blackbishop

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    (3) Conjurer
    (3) Conjurer
  1. I do wish they would do something about this..... I have always felt my character never got any respect that they deserve of thier status...
  2. I have used that mod and I myself is very impressed with it.....
  3. I agree with Astatine on this one..... As much as I would like to take up the mantel of dark lord Reven once again..... I would like to play a new story......with new characters.....
  4. In Computer gamer this month the talk about how you can pick with Reven was male or female and DS or LS hope that helps......
  5. *pick oneself off of floor*
  6. Cost or bradband is not an issue for me..... I just dont like paying for something I don't really need when they have really nothing to offer me........ When most of the content comes out on OXM discs anyways and alot of the live or link aware games can be uses with "other" software for online play with friends....
  7. Me too.. I wanted to kill Manaan. Those Selkath were annoying. lol <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You cought that ?.... Yeah your right they were annoying
  8. That's a star and you can't "see" the force....only feel it's power..... You really need to replay the game an pay attation to the story.......... This is for all the special pepole out there The Star Forge was an enormous space-station/factory that harnessed the power of an entire star. Within its hull was a vast, intricate network of automated machines designed to mass-produce weaponry, droids, and starships. However, it was more than merely a metal construct. Its shadowed cavities were infused with the dark side of Force, endowing it with evil, breathing life. Source Starwars.com
  9. Very Imformtive and to the point..... Vote to be stuck...... All new modder's need to read this post.....
  10. Well at least it would be a step in the right direction. And not backwards like ROTJ to EP1 for ship design
  11. You missed my point......The entire SW movies only should warrent an G rating casue Disney deal's with more vilonce then the Entire SW movies Franchies do..... I have always felt that SW was the adult version of Diseny.... <_< But that doesn't stop me form likeing the premis of the story over all......
  12. I agree with you on this.... I would love to see it set 1000 to 4000 years after ROJ..... I have not been inclineed to read the Vong stories based on a friends view's and glad I didn't....... but my point's been made about the EU Books......
  13. Nah.....it's just perfect for all those lame a@@ out there
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