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Everything posted by Silvermoon

  1. Obsidian has little, no, make that nothing, to say about that. Even if they proposed to make the game moddable, Lucas would say one word: "No" Why exactly? Frankly, I have no clue, but somewhere along the line Lucas decided to take down anything that was modded and looked like one of their products (the only positive exception to that is Galactic Battlegrounds), probably to 'preserve the quality' of their franchises. Just getting that PS out of the way, continue your discussion on combat now.
  2. Happy birthday, though I don't know you. Too bad my birthday was two weeks ago, I'll have to wait an entire year to announce it and get the well-wishes <_<
  3. And we're doing that already. But then again, my guts tell me the same thing as Sammael's: there will be some announcement either Monday or Tuesday (I'm granting Obs a day to settle these boards in a bit more orderly fashion).
  4. Same here. I also wanted to be one of the first to be here, once I read the announcment of the boards opening
  5. Well, lessee... -An RPG, obviously. -Though I can only hope for this, I would greatly prefer an isometric game, I've never liked the 3D NWN/KotOR look. And 1st person (Morrowind) isn't really my style as well. -For a setting, I would like something original. So no Star Wars (with KotOR and Galaxies, I have more than enough Star Wars to get my fix for a long while, thank you) or FR (I like the things BI has done with Baldur's Gate, but things can get old). I don't know if I could like a western CRPG, but I might try it out nonetheless. My own preferences for settings would either be Cyberpunk or something set in medieval times, during the Crusades or the British/French wars, so without magic apart from the occasional witch or miracle.
  6. I believe they are already censored out by the swear filter, but as someone else pointed out in another thread, it still needs some tweaking. Of course, the rules state that those using excessive and unnecesarry swearing will be banned.
  7. Giving my opinion on two things at once. First: If I'm not mistaking, Lucas is telling this to every developer that makes a game in the Star Wars galaxy, and if the developer doesn't agree with it, they can go. I have to agree with you here. After all, Obsidian is making an RPG, not a turn-based, or real time strategy game (that we know for sure, at least ), so combat should focus more on the skills a character has gained during the game, and less on how a player is in reflexes. KotOR's combat system did exactly that, giving players the chance to line up their gained skills
  8. If they were, it wouldn't provide much of a future vision. After all, you have an 'X', an 'Y' and a 'Z'. After that, there is? The end of Obsidian after three projects? Or perhaps Iply is going down after Obs has done three projects, and then they'll switch to naming their projects after presidents again
  9. That's what I said.
  10. "Heer Halewyn zong een liedkyn..." Bad memories of even worse literature lessons <_< As for my name, I picked it up when I started writing on IP's Golden Way roleplaying board, and it was there to stay. Nothing too much interesting, though. My avatar is a different story. I was referenced to as a brontosaurus on another forum after I placed my photo on it, since I seemed to have a rahter long neck on that one. Being the man that I am, I saw the humour of it, and took a picture of a brontosaurus as my avatar.
  11. My wishlist, wether or not this is going to be KotOR2. And I will not repeat what is said, unless I disagree. Subquests and Activation: I completely agree with you on this point, with the addition that I would like the subquests to have some more impact on the main storyline, eg by granting players aditional paths or the like.
  12. First sensible thing I've read in this thread... And yes, both Visceris' negative opinion of Obsidian/Black Isle and your reaction to him are rather unsensible. I think Visceris shouldn't have posted it here, probably knowing what the reactions would be. On the other hand, he clearly stated "my opinion" in the subject line, and as far as I know and believe, every man and woman in every country in the world is entitled to hold his own personal opinion. As far as I can see, none of you guys have given him one point of critique that really had to do with his opinion, you only start to attack him personally. These are just my two cents on the matter, I'm holding my hands of this topic for now.
  13. There's obviously underlying similarities to NWN but it plays quite differently. There's only a small number of useful feat/power selections at any given time and the lack of decent movement means there isn't a lot to do but queue the same actions over and over. The answer isn't making it more player-skilled based - it's making it more interactive. So true...but let's not overhaste things too much by saying: "Obsidian is doing KotOR 2" and start giving them suggestions based on that. Frankly, I think it's way too soon for that. I will keep wish-lists far more general, no matter what IGN says.
  14. Somehow that made me smile. I guess it was the "hihihihi" that did it.
  15. Excuse me... What?
  16. I s'pose three quarters of those posting here are willing to sacrifice themselves as b
  17. Wilco. Have read it before, but it has faded. I was young and unspoiled then (right ).
  18. ^ Same here, though I am already used to dark colors.
  19. I think they haven't integrated titles yet. To use the old saying: "The board is young"
  20. After five posts, you're level 1. And why is 42 the ultimate answer?
  21. But it gets repetitive, I know what you mean. And I would mouch more prefer it if Obsidian created their own setting, instead of building forth on an existing license, like the Star Wars license. Especially if they are going to do anything in a sci-fi/post-apoc setting.
  22. Shouldn't this be with the suggestions?
  23. Hasn't Sammael just taken it off a web location, as I did with mine?
  24. You're that happy about it? I'm not that happy. It's a "whee...." instead of a "wheeee!!!!!!!" But you're still happy, which makes it count
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