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Everything posted by Deraldin

  1. I ended up trading away 3 full sets of snow globe cards to other people and sold my last 9 on the market in the last hour before the expired. Got $0.20 per card. The market was moving so fast that it was almost impossible to buy anything and cards were selling within seconds of putting them up for sale. People would undercut at $0.10 for no reason.
  2. Out of the 125ish games on my list I only have a few games that don't have anyone on my friends list of 120ish people that have played them. I haven't actually put any hours into most of these. Super Hexagon is should likely be removed soon. I gifted a friend a copy of it earlier today. Sin Super Hexagon Most of the Same and Max episodes
  3. Not sure where I want to go next in Dark Souls with my punchy character. I've just gone through the first section of the DLC and taken down both Sanctuary Guardian and Artorias. Artorias gave me some trouble with how aggressive he is. He doesn't leave a lot of chances to heal up if he gets a hit in on you and combined with the fact that he's a pretty heavy hitter he typically 2 shots me at 20 vitality for anything that isn't a mid dodge graze. He actually wasn't as bad as Smough and Ornstein for me because while he can kill you in just a couple hits, there is only the one enemy to focus on and you get a lot more practice at learning his patterns and dodging his attacks for each attempt you make. Also killed Ciaran for her armour set. Think I may swap out the leg piece for something though. The elf shoes bug me. I'm tempted to go after Izalith as my next destination, but I don't know how I would get past the centipede demon. The lack of ability to strike upwards seems like it would make that fight rather difficult. Other than that I do want the chance to finish off my Fire Cestus to +10.
  4. Hey guys. Super Hexagon is 30 cents right now. You guys should buy it. It's absolutely worth 30 cents. That's like the cost of 1.5 snow globe cards.
  5. Ah! I didn't go after Pinwheel until just before Sens on my first character. Taking him out early would be nice so you don't have to go around multiple times to kindle the bonfires, but feels like more of a convenience than a real necessity. May also be because a lot of the time I'm running around in hollow form so I'm not being invaded all the time. Trying to parry people with the online lag is just an exercise in frustration though. Yeah, never been gravelorded. Invaded fairly often, but just the normal darkwraith invaders.
  6. The former. I haven't gone after pinwheel yet so I don't have the Rite of Kindling. I had to go down there to get my fire cestus, but I warped back to the top with a homeward bone rather than press on for the boss fight. Honestly there isn't anything in Anor Londo that's all that bad. The sentinels attacks just require you to get close and keep dodging through their legs. The silver knights telegraph their attacks so much it's a rare swing when I don't manage to pull off the parry. The most annoying enemy is definitely the bat demons because any attack you make pushes them back away from you and with punches I've got a small enough reach already. They don't have nearly as high a defence as the sentinels or knights do so 2-3 attacks will kill them. If you aren't running in and drawing agro on multiple enemies at once, it's really not that hard to avoid most of the damage. Pinwheel is definitely going to be the next stop. I'm not going after any of the Lord Souls without 20 estus. Ranged attacks everywhere in Dukes Archive, lava in Lost Izalith, all the ghosts in New Londo. Tomb of Giants would probably be the best if it wasn't for the 4 legged skeletons that will overrun you even with massive poise let alone my pathetic light armour. After Pinwheel I'll be going after the DLC. I want Ciaran's armour.
  7. I took a break from beating my head against the wall that was Ornstein and Smough and did a few errands instead. I took a detour back down into Blighttown to pick up Power Within and discover that you can't open the Gaping Dragon gate from the Blighttown side so I had to take the long way back down and out the back entrance. Finally killed the capra demon for the depths key and went in just far enough to grab the large ember and save Laurentius from lunch time. Took a second detour back to the asylum to kill the demon under the floor. With all that taken care of I spent a bunch of souls and titanite to buy yet another cestus and raise it up to Lightning +5. With all that done it was time to take on Smough and Ornstein once more! This time I would finally kill them both! *20 deaths later* AHAHAHAHAHAHA! HE'S DEAD! HE'S FINALLY DEAD! ORNSTEIN IS DEAD! On my more successful runs Power Within was very helpful. I'd start off the battle with it and use it to take down Smough as quickly as possible. Most of the time leaving me with 8/10 estus left for the Super Ornstein section. Super Ornstein when I actually got to him actually wasn't as bad as the double team section because you only had one person to focus on keeping in sight. As long as you stick close to him, his attacks aren't all that hard to dodge, except for that one time that I somehow dodge rolled onto the end of his spear after his attack animation. Using lock on actually did more harm than good during this portion of the fight as it made it nearly impossible to dodge his butt stomp properly as you'd regularly dodge into the move or just not dodge far enough. All of this is irrelevant now though as Punchy McPuncherson has finally beaten the boss fight so I will never have to do this with only fists ever again! No Majek, don't even think about it. NG+ is not happening with this character.
  8. In coop bossess have more HP, so if you do enough damage fast, summoning solaire is not such a bad idea. Especially if Super Ornstein is more difficult after. :D Best place to do this is NG+ of course where they kill of Solaire quickly and you're left with real monsters. Yeah, Solaire was pretty helpful when I played this fight with my last character though he was almost too helpful as it was a big race to see who could finish off their target before other. I remember both being down to about 5% health at the same time. Super Ornstein the few times that I've managed to get to him hasn't been too bad actually. Not having to worry about super speed charges from off screen while dodging Smough does wonders for your life expectancy. I've mostly died to Super Ornstein because I messed up with target lock screwing with my dodge rolling when he goes for his electrical butt stomp. His attacks aren't that hard to dodge as long as you stick close to him which I have to do for my punches anyway. The whole fight has been really hit or miss for my so far. Either I do really well, or I do really poorly. When I screw up, I screw up big. Things can be going perfectly, Smough is down to 10% health when I get hit by that damn hammer, get up to dodge and BAM Ornstein comes in with a super speed charge to murder me. Next time around I end up dead before getting more than 3 hits on Smough.
  9. I've gone back to my punchy Dark Souls character. Spent an hour or so with her this afternoon trying to work through the Smough and Ornstein fight again. It's been pretty slow going. I want to kill Smough first and I'm getting better at avoiding Ornstein while doing so though I still get poked through Smough on a semi-regular basis. I got to super ornstein once, but died horribly when my framerate went to **** and I lost the ability to dodge. I've avoided summoning Solaire for this fight as he almost always goes after Ornstein first which is not what I want to happen. Mostly avoided summoning other people too as it feels rude to whittle away at Smough 100HP at a time while the other guy has to do his best to avoid getting hit by Ornstein.
  10. The hardest enemies in the game are Thinmen! I'm not kidding, relative to when they show up, I fear them most. It's not even close. Thin men are by far the most dangerous enemies. On classic at least they have insane crit rates, an unblockable ranged AoE poison attack that can kill your troops unless they get first aid and they have more HP than can be taken down with a single grenade so you'll have to actually hit them behind their cover rather than just blowing up that group of them clustered together with one explosive. Many a TPK started with the introduction of Thin men.
  11. Not having the green K badge means someone backed after the KS campaign ended and wasn't part of the group of people that made it all possible....the ones that made the Kickstarter campaign successful and without whom we wouldn't be having this conversation. It may seem redundant but I like it. They might not have backed after the KS campaign. I donated during the campaign, though I did so through paypal because kickstarter didn't like me for some reason.
  12. And maybe Steam will turn into a good piece of software eventually too, but it's also still got a long way to go..... Oh crap, you think they have the same people working on SteamOS that they had working on the Steam application?! SteamOS is doomed before it even gets off the ground...
  13. Nope. No discount on AC4 on steam during the sale. It was on for 50% off at Amazon about a week ago.
  14. I suspect it's because they are essentially running a lottery and you've got all the different laws in place around that that they'd have to work through.
  15. Slippy Toad is even more annoying in 3D. He got smacked around by the boss in Sector X. I literally had one hit left on the boss to keep him from being knocked down, but no, he had to fly in like an idiot and not shoot the weakspot. Come on Slippy! How are you even still on the team?!
  16. Yeah, I don't think Eternity comes with the Wasteland 2 beta, just the full thing once it's finally out. I picked up Starfox 64 3D the other day since it was on sale for cheap. I forgot how much I hated the tank missions. I had some free time while out volunteering this morning and managed to make it all the way to Venom. Missed out and pretty much all the alternate mission routes while I'm still getting the hang of the controls again. I keep watching the ship itself instead of the targeting reticule which is throwing off my flying a little. EDIT: Woo, got my PE backer badge.
  17. Firkraag wasn't so bad my first time around, but I think that was mainly because I never fought him on my first game. I had a hell of a time taking down Thaxll'ssillyia as my first dragon fight. It ended about 3 seconds in when he used his shadow breath and drained 12 levels off my main character as his opening move. Several reloads later when I finally killed him it was after an epic battle in which I used all of my damage dealing spells and he died to my very last magic missile as I was frantically trying to keep Minsc from being chunked again.
  18. Also, US residents who were registered rejoice, because your chances of getting a prototype increased by having all registered international applicants deemed inelligible. I wonder how many people that cut from the pool. I want to say it's likely a fairly large chunk of people. I saw a large volume of people complaining about the last minute switch in comment sections and other forums. I feel like my "Steam Hardware Beta Candidate" badge is nothing but a filthy lie now.
  19. Now you tell me! I made my way past the Silver Knight archers on my first attempt this time, though I died to the gargoyles several times. Those things are pretty tough when you have no ability to block and no range on your attacks. Sadly I can't OHKO parry the silver knights with my fire cestus, but it does enough damage that I can can circle around them and kill them with 2 R1 attacks before they can turn around and retaliate. The main doors in the entrance hall are open now and I can run up and take on Smough and Ornstein at any point. Sitting at SL 45.
  20. Made it to Anor Londo. I went around and picked up all the random red titanite chunks that were just lying around so my Fire Cestus is now +8. It's still not doing fantastic damage compared to what I'm used to, but it is workable so it's not so bad. Worked my way through Sen's Fortress fairly easily this time, though sadly Iron Tarkus did not manage to survive his encounter with the iron golem. I wanted to see Tarkus solo the golem, but he only managed to take it down to about 20% before it finished him off. Tarkus didn't do enough damage to the legs to knock the golem over at any point so it stayed on it's feet and able to do damage the whole time. I knocked it off the edge of the platform to finish it off. Oddly enough I'm having less trouble with the sentinels than I did with my weapon user. It's pretty easy to just run towards them and keep dodging between it's legs as it repeatedly tries to smash me with it's shield. Not looking forward to those two **** silver knights with dragonslayer bows or the dual boss fight, but I've got a little bit to go before I meet them anyway. Dunno if I want to hit up the painted world just yet. I could, but I don't think there is anything in there that I really want except maybe the dark ember.
  21. Bah! I had 100% on Mark of the Ninja until they added in the DLC achievements. I'll probably grab the DLC during the christmas sale and pick up the rest of them then. :/ I've upgraded a few more cestus variants now in Dark Souls. I have +5 variants of both Magic and Divine versions. Next up will be the trip into the catacombs in order to pick up a fire version. I did a quick run through the demon ruins to grab the large fire ember as well so I should be able to upgrade one to +7 which would make it my strongest variant.
  22. You didn't use any of the resins? And go make yourself some elemental Cestus too. I wasted my resins on unsuccessful runs. I had a few runs fail when I got trapped behind Quelaag's legs and was unable to run away when she did her aoe attack. I think I once managed to mitigate some of the damage from that somehow, but the rest of the time it would OHKO me from full health. I don't have anything to upgrade my Cestus to elemental with right now.
  23. Quelaag is dead. It took me about 8 tries over the course of 1.5 hours but I finally punched her to death. I still need to beat up the capra demon so that I can get the large ember as my cestus doesn't exactly do a lot of damage. Having to whittle away at Quelaag with 16 damage hits seems like a good indicator of things to come. I really don't want to fight the sentinels in Anor Londo without the ability to block those massive halberd swings. I really want Ciaran's armour set for this character which would mean fighting the hydra, sanctuary guardian, Artorias and finally Ciaran. I'm thinking that SL31 might be a little low for all that without the ability to block.
  24. GFWL got patched out of DS and changed for Steamworks... for me the same ****, but it might be better deal for you... To the best of my knowledge, no it hasn't, it's still saddled with GFWL. Yup. It still has GFWL. When the shutdown next year was announced there were rumours and a photoshop'd (I think) facebook post saying the From Software was going to patch in Steamworks as a replacement, but I don't believe there has been any official word on any removal of GFWL. Raptor: Call of the Shadows? You just need to know the right weapons, micro-missile -> auto-track minigun -> laser turret -> twin laser. Don't buy anything else than those and shields, rest of the stuff you get for free by playing. I also have a habit of replaying the bravo episode a second time to collect money. Auto-track minigun murders everything in the first sector. I usually head straight for it. If you get all the other freebie weapons in the levels you get afford to buy the minigun by the start of the 4th level. Once I get that I go back and grab the micro-missile and the plasma cannon (?) that are always equipped to give me a bit more firepower against anything dead ahead of me. Then you can sit back and relax somewhat until the laser turret like you said.
  25. Ignore the scouts in the last section as much as you can. Do what you can to minimize the damage you take while your jump drive charges up and then get the hell out of there. There is no point in fighting the enemies other than the boss in the last sector as you don't gain anything from the encounter other than 1 fuel.
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