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Everything posted by Deraldin

  1. I take it you havn't hit the mechs yet? If they piss you off enough, pick up the expansion (sounds silly, I know), because it really tones those guys down. Much better. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I haven't run into the mechs yet. I just started I just finished ransacking a German factory that looked like it had been bombed into oblivion just before I got there. I'm currently about to go into Switzerland and take out the factory there. Needed to restart this one after I ran infront of a guard post and got a big MG burst to the back through the front window... It's on my list for christmas so hopefully a family member with a credit card will take pity on me and buy it. "
  2. No! The super shotgun! Best weapon in the game! "
  3. I played it for the first time in 2003. Spent about 95% of my time in computer programming class playing Leiro with the person who sat beside me. I liked using grenades... Got pretty good with them too.
  4. Xan is the best character in the game easily. Like you said, it can be painful without those evocation spells (fireball can be pretty damn deadly at those levels ), but I could never bring myself to toss him out of the party. Just too much fun listening to him.
  5. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bah, typo <{POST_SNAPBACK}> At least your typo makes some sense. It's when people type a "q" when they needed an "l" that make no sense. Still playing through Silent Storm. My group of 6 are at level 10 or 11 now. My sniper is getting damn dangerous. He can see enemies almost clear across the map and hit them with a good 50% chance to the head for most shots. By far my most successful soldier. My actual "soldier" class people are doing well with their MG's, but in almost every mission they manage to end the map with only tan health left.
  6. Did anyone know about him though. I don't recall him actually meeting anyone in the resistance face to face. Chief, and then chief went on a rant to that guy who was in the poilce force about how "people like that" are going to be strung up when they get off the planet. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I vaguely remember a rant about people being strung up when they get off planet, but no details about who was saying it or who it was being said to. I was under the impression that no one really knew who the informant for the resistance was, although I might have just missed something. I'll have to go back and watch the first couple episodes again. Do you remember which episode that was in?
  7. Did anyone know about him though. I don't recall him actually meeting anyone in the resistance face to face. Lucien:
  8. Kill the rat. Maybe Gaeta knows who the rat is, since he is obviously a dirty, dirty traitor... "
  9. NO! Really? When did you figure it out?
  10. Yeah. That scene where Boomer stepped out of one of the tents and shot them both. That look an Chief's face when he was shot...
  11. Also, president Roslin is a cylon and Baltar was welcomed back into the fleet by the civilian population. "
  12. I've heard that as well, however if it is on there it is well hidden. I haven't been able to detect it on my system. And on that note, the turn after my soldier ended up with 10vps of bleeding damage, my other soldier was hit in the face and blinded for 5 turns. <_< He regained his vision in time to burst fire at a cluster of 4 soldiers that were sneaking up on him while he was blinded. He couldn't see, but he could hear them coming. Managed to kill 3 of the 4 with his burst. "
  13. Running through Silent Storm. I've got my squad moving in on the warehouse that has the panzer-somethings, don't remember what they are called. I really hate those officers and their damn pistols. My main soldier got hit by two shots, total of less than 20 damage, but he's now got two 5vp/turn bleeding conditions. <_< That damn officer didn't survive though. He got a full burst to the face on my turn.
  14. You realize that quoting the spoilers isn't helping right? "
  15. Not that it really matters what happened considering what occured in the season two finale. "
  16. It's all their fault! I tried to use spoiler text... "
  17. Right now I'm contemplating how bad my calculus mark is going to be now that I've totally bombed two tests in a row...
  18. Studying for a calculus test that I have in 2 hours.
  19. That was the conclusion my dad and I came up with when we were discussing the episode earlier. The only reason they did what they did was because it made a damn nice special effects shot, rather than any kind of tactical sense. "
  20. Fine then. But they could have still sent in a bunch of raptors outfitted with weapons to jump down to the ground rather then sending in the Galactica to drop off a bunch of vipers.
  21. Two turns later those troops you can see are all dead, but 8 more have replaced them and my sniper is down to 20 health because he took 4 shots from two enemies who snuck up on me through the trees from the left where I couldn't see them. <_<
  22. Galactica wouldn't have been able to hold off anymore than 2 even if they did have a full crew. Galactica was a lot more vulnerable to nuke strikes than Pegasus was to begind with. I'm surprised they didn't get the crap kicked out of them by those basestars firing nukes. And you are right, Galactica did not have viper cover when it was being attack, before or after Lee. <_<
  23. From the Battlestar wiki entry on the Galactica
  24. Also one more thing. Why don't they use their nukes? They have at least three left on Galactica. Load them up in a couple of raptors and have the raptors jump right in beside the basestars and fire. BAM! Cylons won't know what hit them!
  25. Is it just me or did was Adama's plan really really crappy? Spoils from Season 2: Spoils from Season 3: My alternate plan of attack: " Sure hindsight is 20/20, but surely they could have some up with something better than what they did anyway. <_<
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