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Everything posted by Deraldin

  1. The graphics look really nice at a distance, but not so great up close. Probably wouldn't notice it in motion though. Hurray two points! I was reading up on the Antec Nine Hundred recently and hearing about some of the problems with routing wires, namely you need to cut holes in the back plate to hide the wires back there. Before reading about that I had never really thought about where people put the wires. Mine are currently all over the place, but I don't have any airflow in my case at all since I don't have any case fans.
  2. What cover are you talking about?
  3. He's probably got just as many wires, but it looks like he's hidden most of them, either in an empty drive bay or behind the motherboard.
  4. Why Bok, Why!?!
  5. I just finished the GDI campaign. I wussed out and did it the easy way with superweapons. When I saw the Scrin drop a command center (drone control or something) right outside my front door I figured why not and sent an engineer in. Built up to rift generator and fired it and my ion cannon at the same time. Rift generator sucks. Does decent damage but no neat effect that I could tell. Unfortunately the building survived both superweapons, but it didn't survive the drop pod of zone troopers that popped in right behind it. :D
  6. That sounds nice. I think I'll be able to try something like that later this year. Supposedly, I'll be moving out of my apartment between September and November, and go all countryside. Maybe get a porch or something, with a rocking chair. Sounds nice. Almost too nice. And while you are outside, free yourself from cords! Solar-powered DS!
  7. The only problem I have ever had was my wrist going all carpal tunnel and acting up on me after three straight days of Elite Beat Agents with the stupid 2 inch standard DS stylus. I never take them out in public with me, but I'll often take them outside on the deck or into the backyard with me. Sitting outside in a hanging chair playing on the DS is great. I can't game when lying down. It just feels wrong.
  8. I don't even remember what I was thinking when I posted that, but then it was 2.5 weeks ago. About a second before everything on the screen dies from my Ion Cannon strike. I really like the Ion Cannon animation.
  9. Augh! Scrin! I beat off that attack with a mammoth and a couple juggernauts, but the next one killed me. One of those tanks ran over my commando who was busy pwning all the little guys.
  10. Yeah, that's Temple Prime. I cursed to the skies at the end of that mission. 20 elite mammoth tanks up in smoke with nothing I could do to save them. :'( After I get some sleep I'll be starting Cologne. Temple Prime and Munich are the only two missions that I haven't gotten all the bonus objectives. Temple Prime was the avatar commando deal and I completely missed the pop-up in Munich telling me about the GDI building in the north. EDIT: Since it times out every time I try to edit my last post I'll say it here. Ew, the screenshot didn't come out the way I thought I would. The top half of the screen is much darker than I thought it was. <_<
  11. Supreme Commander feels too much like work for my taste. C&C3 doesn't do anything new, however what it does do, it does relatively well. Balance still needs some tweaks and the campaign is fun. I can't comment on the multiplayer aspect too much as I haven't played online yet and won't until I manage to finish the campaigns. It does use Gamespy for it's online though. Some people seem to have an almost "EA hatred" level of dislike for gamespy, but I've never had a problem. Mammoths sitting at the top of a ramp that leads down into a huge Nod base.
  12. Deraldin


    Volo wasn't talking about fans getting to vote, but fans being one of the responses in the best/worst part of NHL life questions. At least that's what I thought...
  13. Deraldin


    That's because not all fans are as honest as you Vol.
  14. I've got all of those ones saved on my HDD and just use imageshack or something when I want to use them.
  15. Let me guess, the bonus objective is to do it without losing a single engineer?
  16. It happens to the best of us. At least you had the excuse of sleep deprivation.
  17. Deraldin


    It would be interesting to see some of the reasons behind why players want/don't want to play in those cities.
  18. Who didn't like that one.
  19. Croatia is an awesome mission!
  20. As is STALKER. Your point? Did you quote the wrong post?
  21. Double Agent definitely out on Wii, 360 and PC. The PS3 version is supposed to come out next month.
  22. I think you win something for getting that number. What do I get for #37650?
  23. That's the one where you have to go in and rescue your team right? I like that mission. I managed to beat the nuke mission in C&C3! Only took two tries. I put up an airfield immediately after the mission started and used the orca strike power on the nuke silo. Brought the silo down to about 2/3rd health. I sent them in again with about 30 seconds left which brought it down to 1/3rd health. Finally sent 8 bombers on a suicide run. 2 of them made it through the anti-air defences and managed to throw out 2 missiles each. Took out the silo with 15 seconds left on the clock. Next mission has you defending a base that's under attack. What's the catch you say? The base has no building construction facilities. That wouldn't be so bad, but you've only got enough power to run half of your defensive structures at one time! You have to juggle power between the defenses to keep from being overrun by Nod until reinforcements arrive.
  24. Deraldin


    Well I can almost guarantee you at least one loss from my Canadiens. The next two games are Ottawa and Buffalo.
  25. He get's one for himself and another one to give away.
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