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Darth Ravok

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Everything posted by Darth Ravok

  1. Looking at this game being an amazing RPG. Usually RPG's do have huge in depth manuals.. Maybe they can ship it out in a cardboard box with manual inside and green xbox case inside the cardboard box. Just like SOCOM with their headset.
  2. lol I've never heard anyone else say this before ahha but i think it sou8nds awesome
  3. How will you be able to load ur old game to make it fit with the new game?
  4. yes but dont they put the same manual type in the PC box and xbox case? they arent gonan give PC a better manual
  5. y wont they have an effetive way to heal?
  6. i agree with ur on the varietythe rodians sounded funny though when their voices got so high.
  7. i like this idea it may too late though
  8. hmm i thought the LS was fine the way it was but i think that maybe the dark side should get a little bit more cracked and scary looking.
  9. heh looking at the NWN manual then the KOTOR manual it kinda made me laugh but they arent gonan put a 120 page manual in an xbox case.
  10. yea but he mentioned how it was too long for him to say something like "Yes" thats what i was going at.
  11. I actually enjoy the anticipation of waiting for a game but 4 monthes does seem like a long time now I relaly can't wait to see wihat obsidian did with KOTOR:TSL
  12. I dont like the idea of KOTOR 2 online for a couple of reasons. It will take away from the theme of the game and star wars galaxies was released and not to highly rated by my standards. I think it should just stay single player like FF was before FFXI which SUCKED
  13. Bastilla annoyed me with her questions. I know she was testing me but cmon u know who i am.
  14. actually if you look closely darth sion is only holding a single bladed lightsaber his shirt creates the illusion of a double bladed lightsaber. well its not really a shirt buy his gauntlets do go check it out.
  15. In the 6 times ive beatan KOTOR ive never used transit back. I also never took advantage of comp spikes. I would sell them on taris for 100 creds and 160 on yavin i think i only used spikes on the forge. but i think they should take away the insta heal.
  16. they had to put it in the game because it fits. You graduate and recieve ur very own lightsaber although u already have one... but it does fit.
  17. IM gonan ahve to say single bladed because you dont have to waste 3 feats doing two handed fighting however you can use those to put into dueling feats but i think i do like single bladed lightsaber best.
  18. Actually i agree however i was able to hit A and cancel the voice conversation unless ur too slow reading it
  19. actually Carth had no reason not to trust you. If u remember correctly someone spilled the beans to him he had no reason not to trust you. It was annoying hearing him go I just .. i just.. i just dont know if i can trust you just yet.
  20. How about a lightsaber WHIP. that sounds damn awesome to me. Id love to have a standard saber in one hand and a light whip on my offhand.
  21. I like the idea but id be switching alignment too much and i couldnt make up my mind. DS is kick-ass though.
  22. how about a silver colored lightsaber. or white... ewww umm nvm
  23. I know this sounds stupid but men are generally stronger than women, It just seems right having a male sith lord rather than having a female sith lord
  24. Yuthura was pretty cool... however i chose the phrase I CHOOSE ME and killed both of em, which many of us probably did so I don't think it will fit right with the story being that almost all players in their first game killed her off. I've beaten this game about 6 times now and only twice have I converted her its funner and more desierable to kill her and uthar.
  25. I ntoiced on most of the armor not the mandalorian assualt armor but most of the others that it looks like its painted onto your body...the jedi robes looked kind of funny. Hopefully the robes they showed us in the KOTOR2 preview trailers weren't just models for getting everyone hyped up. I really liked the fatigues with the cloak around them. The LS jedi actually looked like a jedi and the DS jedi looked like a sith. Hopefully well see some new textures on the armor to make them look a little "baggier". Darth Ravok
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