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Everything posted by JediMagoo

  1. You may also want to try posting your question at Lucas Forums, where there is a big modding community. I think that's your best chance to find the font.
  2. Max, If you've got a sample of the font from a screen capture or scan, you can upload the image to the website What the Font. The sample gets analyzed and suggestions given for similar fonts. Let us know what you find. Mike
  3. I believe that area was intended to be a droid (HK) factory, which was cut from the game. There is a rumor that Kotor3 will include that part of the story.
  4. The best walkthrough I've found is Dan Simpson's FAQ/Walkthrough. The website that hosts it is GameFAQs.
  5. Have you been using the airspeeder for transportation? There is a cutscene triggered at the entrance to the docks that you will miss if you are using the airspeeder.
  6. This is from Dan Simpson's FAQ/Walkthrough discribing the conversation thread with Visas after she joins:
  7. I think all you have to do is pick a fight with the two thugs at the refugee sector entrance. Once they're dead, you should be able to complete the quest.
  8. Have you been using the speeder for transportation? There is a cutscene triggered outside the entrance to the docks that will be missed if using the speeder. Here is a link to a good walkthrough: Dan Simpson KOTOR2 Walkthrough
  9. IIRC - If I Recall Correctly Check out this site to look up acronyms: acronymfinder.com
  10. Here is the link to the credits: Voice Credits
  11. Thank you Gandolf for going through the trouble, I've been curious who the voices are from. Although I haven't played the game yet, I think I may have identified a couple you missed. The following quote sounds like the voice of Bastila: ???: To put it plainly, I want you to kill Lopak Slusk(?). I would guess (not having played the game) this next quote is from Atris: ???: Children with lightsabers, but not Jedi, I think. Also, the following quote sounds like the voice of the actor John Hurt (Mr. Ollivander in Harry Potter among many other roles), although his name is not in the credits: ???: Just give in! Let the walls around your emotions fall! Let vengeance guide your hand! Let passion fuel your power! You feel it, yes?
  12. WarriorGSI, Thank you for posting here and for the preview on GameSpy.com. I look forward to your full review on friday. My main concern is about a reported game mechanics glitch where the force powers Burst of Speed/Knight Speed/Master Speed and Aura/Shield/Armor do not provide a bonus to defense when active. Would you please verify if this is a problem with the PC version? This is an important factor when planning out my character. Another concern is the combination of Flurry and either Knight Speed or Master Speed. Do the extra attacks stack correctly? For example, combining Flurry and Knight Speed with a single lightsaber should yield three attacks and with dual lightsabers, four attacks. Thank you again for participating.
  13. I remember a developer mentioned that only two remain to work on the February release. I don't expect to see any new content, but at least the bugs should be worked out by then.
  14. I agree completely that tables for feat/skill/force power progression should be included with TSL, either in the game manual or the strategy guide. Perhaps, as a reward to the PC and int'l gamers for the two month wait, Obsidian can make sure that this information is added to the February releases. Ideally printed in the manual, but if that's not possible, a downloadable PDF will be good enough.
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